EL34 / EL84 Based Tube Amps

I'm presently running Lyrita EL84 10 watts with Akai SW-175 (94db) and I'm more than pleased with the results.

Thanks for the info, need to contact Virenji & inquire whether he makes an EL34 based integrated.
Ashok has put it admirably. Re my comment on EL 84 valves, what I meant was that for similar output you need more of them. I think the sensitivity of the speakers are a key to the choice of valves.
Any EL34/84 based amp with output of 30-50 + watts???

Most EL34 designs will deliver about 35W. You can push the EL34 (in pentode PP) to 50W+ like Marhsall did with their 50/50 see link
Marshall Amps :: EL34-50/50

I think his best bet would be to go DIY as rightly suggested by Navin.
Await more gyaan from the learned Tube Guru's of our forum.

There was a very simple schematic posted on diyaudio.com. The input was a 6SL7 and the phase splitter/driver was a 6SN7.

This s a good option, I had a DHT PP Class A amp from them, which could use 2A3/300B and 45 valves. This one can use all three types that Navin suggested:

Ergo-Ella KT88/6550/EL34 PP Amplifier | Diy HiFi Supply

My brother in law in Singapore built the Ella Consonance kit and uses both El34 and 6550s on it. This is the kit.
Tube/Solid State Amplifiers and Speakers

EL 84 valves are a different kettle of fish, the power is significantly less, valves are lower priced aand you need to have move of them-say 4 per channel instead of 2. Manley Labs and a few others use them for some amps, but they are not as common as el34s.

Here you go, another vintage Mullard design based on EL34. Its the Mullard 520 amplifier which delivers 35 watts

Mullard 520 Power Amplifier c.1956 | Preservation Sound

There are many others. See post 544 here
[INDIA] Chassis, knobs, PCB makers - Page 55 - diyAudio

Personally I find nonals work great for PA and guitar amps. Why not an all octal design like raymoth's here?

a more complex circuit is here
Now only if you can retrofit them with real NOS EL34 or 84 ;)

In the power section of my amp (which uses 4 EL84 tubes, 2 per channel), I use the Russian military grade 6P14P EV (or equivalently 6P14P ER) NOS tubes made in the 70's by Reflector. These are the same as EL84 or 6BQ5. These come with an estimated life of 10,000 hours compared with 2,000 - 3,000 hours for most tubes. These have been rated with the best EL84 tubes (Amperex, Telefunken, Mullard, Tungsram etc) by users and are still available quite cheap. If you are an EL84 user, please collect them before they are no longer available or become USD 200 per piece (as the premium NOS tubes are now if they are at all available as NOS). You have to burn them in for at least 20 hours for the sound to settle.

Here you go, another vintage Mullard design based on EL34. Its the Mullard 520 amplifier which delivers 35 watts

Mullard 520 Power Amplifier c.1956 | Preservation Sound

Great book for a valve amplifier enthusiast to own. Its also available on amazon.com

www.thetubestore.com - Mullard Tube Circuits For Audio Amplifiers

Thanks Reuben :thumbsup:

He discontinued making EL34, it's been a while now..he concentates more on SET's than Push pull design.

:( Will ask him anyway

Most EL34 designs will deliver about 35W. You can push the EL34 (in pentode PP) to 50W+ like Marhsall did with their 50/50 see link
Marshall Amps :: EL34-50/50

There was a very simple schematic posted on diyaudio.com. The input was a 6SL7 and the phase splitter/driver was a 6SN7.

My brother in law in Singapore built the Ella Consonance kit and uses both El34 and 6550s on it. This is the kit.
Tube/Solid State Amplifiers and Speakers

There are many others. See post 544 here
[INDIA] Chassis, knobs, PCB makers - Page 55 - diyAudio

Personally I find nonals work great for PA and guitar amps. Why not an all octal design like raymoth's here?

a more complex circuit is here

Thanks a ton Navin, you are most helpful :clapping:

In the power section of my amp (which uses 4 EL84 tubes, 2 per channel), I use the Russian military grade 6P14P EV (or equivalently 6P14P ER) NOS tubes made in the 70's by Reflector. These are the same as EL84 or 6BQ5. These come with an estimated life of 10,000 hours compared with 2,000 - 3,000 hours for most tubes. These have been rated with the best EL84 tubes (Amperex, Telefunken, Mullard, Tungsram etc) by users and are still available quite cheap. If you are an EL84 user, please collect them before they are no longer available or become USD 200 per piece (as the premium NOS tubes are now if they are at all available as NOS). You have to burn them in for at least 20 hours for the sound to settle.


Thank You Asit, as always more gyaan learned from you :clapping:
So you want an EL34-based amp? See here :)

Pls see the prices quoted too & that too seller is none other than very 'good friend' of yours :p

Thanks BUT NO THANKS!!! ;)

How about a Dynaco clone?

Sounds good, should look at it seriously.

Wow, nice options advised by the Tube Guru's - appreciate it. My friend has lots to chew upon for now till he makes up his mind on the best option for him.

These guys are supposed to be one of the best bets for Dyna clones. They also offer fully built units:

tubes4hifi home page

Original ST70s were built around the 7199 which is not easy to find. I would instead consider something built around the 6922/ECC88 and 6SN7 if you are going down this route. See link below.

Another option is the 6L6. There was a ultra simple 6 tube schematic using a pair of ECF80 driving a pair of 6L6.

BTW if you have zeroed in on the EL34 please check out El34world (http://www.el34world.com/).
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Way back in 1970 I built an amp using valves, EL84 as output, the total amp cost me Rs.250/- the output was around 25W peak
Way back in 1970 I built an amp using valves, EL84 as output, the total amp cost me Rs.250/- the output was around 25W peak

Wow!! may have been a princely sum back then. Did you use Bell tubes? They were very inexpensive and commonly available. I remember buying an EZ80 rectifier valve for a friend's radio for Rs.30 in the late 1980s.
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