Deleted member 38504

Price : 35k
Bought from Mr. Darius Kotwal who owns Total Home Theatres in Mumbai.
Amp arrived from Delhi from Acoustic Arts who are the official distributors of Emotiva.
The packaging is solid cardboard. The amp was inside in a nice black kind of cloth for protection. It's exactly 17 inches in width. Weighs about 11.5 kgs. Guess what? My marantz SR6009 (functions as my preamp) is also 17 inches and weighs the same! Coincidence?? NOT!
Feels solid and heavy. Finishing is top quality. Running the amp for 3 hours continuously and it's cool, forget warm. It's just cool. Ofcourse I was listening to music and watching TV at moderate home volumes so maybe that's why.
It's connected via preout from my SR6009 and a trigger. Which means, when I put my marantz off, the emotiva goes into standby mode. I like that.
First impressions of sound. Music. Familiar to my ears kind of music. There is a marked difference which my old ears can make out. Firstly vocal was deeper and chestier. Sounds from small instruments like guitar and violin are more pluckier. Maybe it's just a psuedo effect. I don't know. We heard the same songs again without the amp. The reference volumes were the same. No difference in loudness. But now, without the amp, the music sounded flatter. It's a very tiny and subtle difference which can be made out on familiar songs. Otherwise one can't make out the difference.
Movies. I don't know. I haven't gone crazy loud volumes. Can't really make out much difference.
Overall I'm satisfied. It's 35k well spent. A good product, good brand, and a gentleman in Darius to deal with. The price is unbeatable.
Few pics attached.

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