Continuing my audio piligrimage at Kuruvilajacob's place, I visited Anil last Saturday to listen to his EMT 938. He has modded the EMT to take the Denon DL103. I have never heard an EMT before but have heard the DL 103 in its standard avatar a few times now including Anil's Technics SP 10 and it is a fantastic cartridge. Working with the EMT, it sounds very good - dynamic as always but it has a better authority over the music. The bass is noticably better and so is the scale - the best I have heard with a DL103. The EMT is built like a tank and Anil's EMT is in "like new" condition and he has recently overhauled his TT himself and it is now as good as new
We then listened to a few of his other TTs - the Technics SP10 with Denon DL103 and both his Technics SL-1200s, one with a AT ML440 cart and the other with Sumiko Black Pearl. All fantastic TTs and thats all we had time for that day
Thanks Anil, had a terrific time listening to your rig.