@DB1989 @muralimmreddy Thanks so much
@ajuvignesh Thank you. From the sound quality perspective, the diffrence is subjectively huge. Better soundstage, separation and not only more details but the effortless rendering of the those details. On certain songs on on the Wiim, you have to be keen to hear the details, but not on the Zen stream. It is the best improvement I get with the Zen. It is more mature, open, have depth and clarity. To me Wiim sounds ok, does everything right but the sound lacks soul, emotion, and the involvement - somewhat lifeless. Also I like warmth in the midrange and little sparkle and brightness on the top end. Zen fulfils it for me. I feel Wiim has warmer tonality, with rolled off highs even on its digital out. The ease of setup, interface, and the bass is better on the Wiim though.
I must say that I have not faced any connection problem with the Zen stream even on the first setup. The setup is little confusing for sure, especially for a non-techie like me. The webpage did not open at first. Every changes in the web page menu takes time (and reboot) to take effect. But it is a winner in my book for the SQ. (I would say, Zen stream is the teacher and Wiim is the student...

Experience & Mastery vs know-all-do-all attitude, old school letter-writing vs instant messaging)
I must mention the remarkable built quality of the Zen stream, in comparision to the plastic Wiim. Zen stream feels heavy for its size, and the moment you first hold it, you will feel positive about the purchase.
@CKumar Sure, will post some pics soon once I hide all the wires and make the rack look clean and beautiful