EX710 vs EX500


New Member
Jul 25, 2010
Hello friends

i would like to know your updates about the new model EX710
and how it is compared in relation with Ex 500
what are the positives and negatives for EX710 and also for EX 500 and what are the items that both sets score similar score
While the PQ on this series seems very good, the EX series seem to have a 14:9 display :confused:
Sony has been doing this for years a few of their sets with this display size while the others series seem to have the usual industry standard 16:9

Can anyone confirm if the new Phillips models have a 21:9 display ?
Hello friends

i would like to know your updates about the new model EX710
and how it is compared in relation with Ex 500
what are the positives and negatives for EX710 and also for EX 500 and what are the items that both sets score similar score

I was also in the same dilemma couple of weeks back. With a price difference of just 10K between these 2 40 inch models, i decided with EX710. Ordered the TV through a known dealer.

Getting it in a weeks time.
While the PQ on this series seems very good, the EX series seem to have a 14:9 display :confused:
Sony has been doing this for years a few of their sets with this display size while the others series seem to have the usual industry standard 16:9

Can anyone confirm if the new Phillips models have a 21:9 display ?

All tvs have a 16:9 display,its not that Sony is using a special size glass cut for its lcd panel.
All tvs have a 16:9 display,its not that Sony is using a special size glass cut for its lcd panel.

Adder, can you then please tell me why Sony has mentioned a 14:9 display for this series ( apart from Full Screen, 4:3 etc) and the HX and other series have 16:9 listed? You can check this on their official Web site:
I had purchased a Sony 32 LCD in 2004 in Europe which also had this 14.9 display which was the first time I had heard of 14:9 ....

Thank you.
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Adder, can you then please tell me why Sony has mentioned a 14:9 display for this series ( apart from Full Screen, 4:3 etc) and the HX and other series have 16:9 listed? You can check this on their official Web site:
I had purchased a Sony 32 LCD in 2004 in Europe which also had this 14.9 display which was the first time I had heard of 14:9 ....

Thank you.

just a typo.The same lcd panels are used in samsung and other tvs.
@ hrmanju
how much do your 40 Ex710 cost?

@ expert Adder
what is ur comments about Ex710
have been reading many posts from U.S and some are facing bleeding problems flashlighting,more bright at corners, pinkish thing,angle viewing problems and also saying that 32 and 46 EX710 are auo panels
if that turns to be true is it more safe to go for the EX500 as it is now in the market for a big while
@ expert Adder
what is ur comments about Ex710
have been reading many posts from U.S and some are facing bleeding problems flashlighting,more bright at corners, pinkish thing,angle viewing problems and also saying that 32 and 46 EX710 are auo panels
if that turns to be true is it more safe to go for the EX500 as it is now in the market for a big while

Well EX710 look better then the EX500 and the EX700.(with respect to 32" and 40").
Highly unlikely it has a AMVA panel,it looked better then EX500 with better contrast.So mostly a SPVA panel.
Finally got the chance to check out the EX710 today. Unfortuantely, it wasn't an experience that led me to bring it home. I'll go on record and say that the EX710 is more hype than substance.

While I liked the slim profile and the minimalistic design along with the matte finish screen, the quality of the picture definitely leaves more to be desired. I won't say it's bad, but I wouldn't say it's good either. Everything looked quite washed out and colors are far from being vibrant. I saw the display at a Sony Center and believe it or not, the lesser models looked much better. I checked and double checked the settings and they were all on the exact same settings with the ambient sensor off.

I definitely wouldn't recommend this model, not for the premium price they are charging for it. You can easily make do with any of the other models (lower end models), unless of course you are looking for a 50+ inch tele.

Aside from my brother and I, there were 2 other potential customers who, like me, had their minds made up to buy the EX710, till they actually saw the EX710. Sufficed to say, they left the store quite disappointed as well.

At this point I'm left with just one other option, the Samsung 55C6900. It's an impressive display with only one problem... a big, big price tag.

For me, it's either that, or wait till CES 2011.
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Finally got the chance to check out the EX710 today. Unfortuantely, it wasn't an experience that led me to bring it home. I'll go on record and say that the EX710 is more hype than substance.

I always have the feeling that Ex710 may be not good one and i do agree with ur comment.
I got verification from another site that some sizes of Ex710 have auo panels
quite disappointing?
if that turns to be true so shame on u sony.
till days clarify this issue
i have 2 questions for the Experts.

-are the mentioned problems(bleeding problems flashlighting,more bright at corners, pinkish thing,angle viewing problem)that may have been at the EX710, is Ex500 have these problems or Ex500 is free from these problems and wht is its own problems?

-Ex700 is still available but it is still very expensive, if its price goes to be within my budget, will i go for it, or it is still have the same mentioned problems?
With regard to backlight bleed it can happen to any tv,those are manufacturing defect.

The CCFL models like EX500 do have the edge in screem consistency when they are NEW,but as they become older like your tublights they can become black in certain areas.
Where as edgeLED lit models will show a higher brightness in the corners its by their design.
Lastly trust your eyes,since the pictures posted in the net are taken from a camera it can amplify the clouding depending on the exposure.Nothing like going to a showroom and checking them yourself.Even then the display that you get to your house may or may not have it.

AMVA and SPVA trade performance crowns every year,in 2007 AMVA were used in models like V series and above and in 2008 AMVA2 were used for the high end models,since they were better.
In 2009 SPVA got back the lead,in 2010 the it remained the same thats because AUO have yet to launch their 2010 lcd tech called AMVA5 due to unknown reason.

So by chance if sony or any other company start using AUO again you can't dismiss them.
Sony and samsung have always used AMVA in their 37" models since their are no SPVA panels in 37" ,even at 60+ size models they use AUO or SHARP panels

Anyway from sony own page the 32" and 46" use AMVA panels while the 40" and 55" use SPVA panels https://www.servicesplus.sel.sony.com/groupid133201.aspx
Thanks Adder for ur comment

I am really not expert about this techie thing and i enjoy knowing from u about technology details

I want to comment about ur post, i only trust about my eyes and i have never looked at pictures on the net and then fly with a result and the evidence that i am asking many questions (so i really don't understand what do u really mean)

in the previous post Satan has mentioned that when he compared Ex710 with others he is disappointed so he trust in his eyes
there is also some tweaks which can change the overall picture but he assured that all of them are the same

according to ur link, the person that had said that 32 EX710 and 46 models use AMVA , yes this is true

i want to share some info ffrom some prcie comparisons i made from the link.
there is kinda a relation between LCD pq quality and its price

-LCD panel price for 32 sharp panel EX700 is higher than than 32 Amva panel of EX710 by around 300 $
-LCD panel price of of 40 Ex700 sharp is higher than the 40 SPVA of EX710 by 200$
-LCD panel price of EX700 is higher than those for EX500 by 1000$

so it is supposed on paper that Ex700 will be superior than Ex 500 and also superior than Ex710
so is that the case? if so why people complain about ex700 errors and why some people don't like the pic of ex710 and they say it isn't as good as expected.
i need help
Well Satan never said the EX710 was bad,its after all a 55" SPVA panel with EDGE LED,it doesn't have any kind of local dimming like the NX710 and the HX800 which also has even better image processing.

You are paying the high price because of the 55" and LED.Lcds above 46" are still way expensive.

Secondly large size tvs will always look duller ,because of the huge pixel size and if he had compared it to any other tv in sony centre most tvs would have been smaller since they max out at 52" ,some of the lesser know models would max out at 46" will have a pixel density of 2271 pixel/ sq.inch where as the 55" will have a pixel density of 1588 pixel/sq.inch which is the same as a 21" CRT tv.

secondly one cannot compare two tvs with identical settings,afterall they have a different panel,different backlight,different external color filter and even a different image processing .One should adjust the tvs to their best which doesn't mean craking every setting to max.

The sharp panels are obviously more expensive for one its made in japan where labor is higher then the made in korea SPVA panels or made in taiwan AMVA panels.
Samsung even uses made in china SPVA panels for its tvs to cut down labour.
The joint sharp/sony manufacturing facility in japan still isn't producing to its maximum efficiency despite being the only 10g lcd facility in the world,they still have production issues in manufacturing large glass substrates .

EX700 Sharp panel has said earlier has the edge in viewing angle and response time because its uses the latest in LCD tech called photo alignment .Its contrast is similar to that of SPVA.

Again in many foreign countries like the USA they can return the set if they don't like it.
So people usually hunt for defects so that they can get a perfect tv or just exploit the system.I have seen people saying how good thier tv was until they found out that their samsung tv had a CMO panel,all of sudden they hate the tv,where did all the love go?
Secondly large size tvs will always look duller ,because of the huge pixel size and if he had compared it to any other tv in sony centre most tvs would have been smaller since they max out at 52" ,some of the lesser know models would max out at 46" will have a pixel density of 2271 pixel/ sq.inch where as the 55" will have a pixel density of 1588 pixel/sq.inch which is the same as a 21" CRT tv.

secondly one cannot compare two tvs with identical settings,afterall they have a different panel,different backlight,different external color filter and even a different image processing .One should adjust the tvs to their best which doesn't mean craking every setting to max.

Well that's just the thing... the EX710 I saw was a 46 / 42 incher. Nobody here has the 55EX710 on display. The immediate model around it was the EX600 which looked much better in terms of Brightness & Vibrancy. I had already made up my mind on the EX710 and I was doing my best to like it but it just didn't happen.

About the settings... All the models were on Dynamic mode. The EX710 still looked bad, so I personally adjusted a few settings on the EX710 and there was still no improvement. The guy at the store tried his best too considering he literally had 3 customers in line for the same model at different sizes.

I can only imagine how bad the 55 incher would be.
Brighter image doesn't mean its good,rather higher contrast is better .the 46" will look a bit washed out due to lower contrast of the AMVA3 panel ,but the 40" have the SPVA panel just like the EX600.
The EX710 offcourse may use newer LED models.
I think you should still go check the 40" version again since it had a SPVA panel.I saw the 40" ones and they looked quite good.
That's nuts. They keep switching panels within the same series. How are you supposed to get consistency within the same series then?

Is this going to be the same case with the Samsung as well? I saw the 40C6900 and it really looks great. Almost Plasma grade blacks (could be enhanced because of the insanely glossy screen). None of the stores atually have the 55" on display so it'll be a blind purchase based on how good the 40" looks. The last thing I need after dropping 1.6L is to bring it home and see that it's just as washed out as the EX710 because they used a different panel for the larger model.
They always have used different panels in the same series.But don't have a panel lottery like the samsung.

Where as samsung has a panel lottery .Apart from using different panels in the same series like others .They use different panels in the same size ,so if you look at a 40" C630 lcd it will come with upto 3 to 4 different panels,with further sub revisions.

Lastly by next year you will most certainly get a 65" size tv for the same price and the 55" will cost below 1 lakh.
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LOL... I love it when you call it Panel Lottery.

My whole experience (or should I call it an ordeal) over the last 2 months seems to be re-affirming the fact that I should just suck it up and wait it out till next year. Can't wait for CES 2011 in Jan.
Hey Satan (as in devil?), think you should surf over this year and get something exciting in 2011. I would have waited had it not been for my bigger room size and ageing Samsung 37".

Definitely replacing my LG 50PK550 next year with something more desireable.
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