Originally Posted by reubensm
Connecting your ceramic cart directly to your amp's aux input would allow you to hear your turntable sing but you won't get the best of quality out of it. Your music will tend to sound screechy, with very less or no bass. This is not a problem with the ceramic cart or your amp. Its because of the lack of equalization. Records are pressed using something known as equalization standards laid down by the RIAA. This means, while pressing, the bass is cut and highs increased in order to maximise the playing time on the record (pressing with heavy bass reproduction would broaden the grooves and reduce the playing time, to put it in very simple terms). So when you play back, your amplifier has to reverse the process wherein the highs are cut and the bass boosted. This process is called RIAA equalization. For a ceramic cart, gain increase would not be required, just equalization. However for a magnetic cart, both gain increase and equalization are required. You can easily build a equalization stage for your ceramic cart for about Rs.50/- if you are into DIY. The sound quality on from ceramic cart will increase tremendously if you do this. Sorry for the long post but these are things that any newbie must understand to get things right
How to built equilisation stage for the ceramic cart?