Explain your username and avatar on Hifivision

Blwe_torch............wanted the word blue-torch, just like that, but that was not available for gmail................................hence settled for the medieval version of 'blue', which is blwe.:)
sam9s ........ By birth date 27th September my name sammy so sam2+7s(september) = sam9s ... simple :D

Avatar is something I created myself in Photoshop ...... I wanted to use 9, but 5 was looking cooler and was blending well so I stuck with 5 and created a tag to go along as well "High 5 Flyer"
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I believe in being true to ones self or the core of each's own element of existence.
The avatar is the core of my setup and an object I admire so it's my avatar.
My name is GobbledeGeek (no translation needed)
Mai is duniya mein ek Kelaa huuuun! ( I'm a banana in this world) :)

Since I can spin gobbledegook about all things I.T and Geek I thought GobbledeGeek was an apt forum name for me. I shortened it to Gobble on this forum...

Sent from my iPod touch using my iPod touch
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.