Well-Known Member
I got another request from flipkart today for changing the feedback on one of their items. They are getting weird, day by day. Can anyone point out what was wrong in the said review which was posted in March 2011?
This is the item -
An Evening In Paris, Love In Tokyo -:
My feedback said -
Good collection but the best song is missing
The song collection is good. The mastering is not perfect but there's nothing else better than this at present on offer.
The sad part of this disc is that the song 'Leja leja leja mera dil' by Sharda from An Evening in Paris is missing. I find that song to be the best one from this film.
This is really pathetic!!

Flipkart can't even digest a honest review on their website...all they want is praise praise praise...
Why don't you message their moronic CEOs at their facebook pages...