An update on this.
Another member of this forum (Sudhindra) who had bought 42LH90 is seeing the same issue. (Just spoke to him over phone now - I had given the steps through which I could see the problem. He is seeing exactly the same thing and is going to log a complaint.).
Called up LG engineer again. He is going to give a report to head office with this information. Also told him, my primary suspicion is firmware. Hopefully it is so and they can provide a fix.
This is totally shoddy work from LG.
LH90 is the highest premium product they have now (in terms of price atleast) and they screw up on the basic picture settings control!
I am just wondering, is it just that you did not realize the problem. I will PM you the exact steps through which the problem can be seen easily. It would be great if you can try the same.
Hi jeetak ,I heard dat checkin firmwre version by visiting service menu wil void de warranty? Is it? If u confirm on it i wil check de firmware and let u no..