Flipkart: feedback on their business practices.

I guess flipkart has started sleeping on its laurels. I had ordered a mini itx board and a cpu from them and they sat on my money for 15 days and then finally cancelled the order for the board. In the meanwhile, they shipped the CPU to me. What would I do with the CPU if I don't have a motherboard. I sent them a mail saying the same. Initially they resisted but finally they accepted their mistake and took back the CPU and refunded all of my money.

If they couldn't source it, why wait for 15 days before refunding my funds? That too after a dozen emails to their customer service.

I'm only gonna buy cheap things like books from them and nothing else. We seriously need amazon to give them some competition.
DVD and BD region encoding information seems a problem for all etailers. I have seen wrong listings even in Amazon UK, although one does find comments which tell you the correct info. As in Amazon, there is also a possibility of images being uploaded by users who may post it in the incorrect section.

Even Amazon tends to return goods if you complain, but not sure if they stop selling a product because of a complaint.

The other way to get around negative comments not coming through is to put a 'positive spin' like This is Region A encoded so buy only if you have a US BD player, instead of asking people not to buy. I am quite sure, they wont stop such a comment.
these things happen ... i would be unhappy if they fail to take it back or refund the money ...i think in the LOST DVD case they did offer a refund (as mentioned in the post) ....that should be ok ...
I recently bought a set of 3 audio CDs from flipkart as the experience was very good. No issues. It was cash on delivery and I even got 1 rupee back when I paid Rs 400 for product of Rs 399.
DVD and BD region encoding information seems a problem for all etailers. I have seen wrong listings even in Amazon UK, although one does find comments which tell you the correct info. As in Amazon, there is also a possibility of images being uploaded by users who may post it in the incorrect section.

Even Amazon tends to return goods if you complain, but not sure if they stop selling a product because of a complaint.

The other way to get around negative comments not coming through is to put a 'positive spin' like This is Region A encoded so buy only if you have a US BD player, instead of asking people not to buy. I am quite sure, they wont stop such a comment.

Correct! But here they deleted my review, preventing others from committing the same mistake.

Thanks about the last tip though. :)
I have had very good experience with flipkart in both high and low value purchases. In an instance where I got a wrong product, they had their person pick it up and replaced with the correct product. That was a "wow moment for me. I have been using online shopping for many many years and this is teh first time that I had such great service.

In your case, it is an unfortunate one and similar things have happened with more established players. On the positive side you have been getting responses and hopefully they will soon be resolved. Contrast this with an experience of mine where the provider just could not be reached and I had to go and look for the brick and mortar location!!!
Like other FMs here I too am a regular at Flipkart but had one bad experience.

I bought a Morphy Richards steam iron last year. The item which was delivered had a manufacturing date over 2 years back (like NOS). I raised a complaint and they said they cant do much as the product was functional.

Lesson learned: Make sure the model I buy is current in market. BTW Morphys website isn't any good at this.

What Flipkart could've done - add the items release date to the description
i read some para and i can say it is not flipkart's fault for disc not being region coded for india .

many i Hollywood movies have foreign region code example baby's day out

i got many DVDs from excel which were uk lock , i contacted them they said sir make ur DVD player region free by contacting your dvd player manufacturer

i don't think its possible as manufacturer wont allow me to do , its clearly written in warranty card , still i found trick which can be done via remote control and made my dvd player region free

it is not only excel but others too.

those reviews are genuine . coz many use hack dvd players or by some tricks .or chinese dvd players or pc

rest customer service i cant say i only know about region coding problem in india

i read somewhere before disney came they had collaboration with excel group , all disney products came through excel until they opened there own company here to sell audio and video

so excel or disney both rarely care to make indian region coding for dvds thinking most have region free players

it was before disney started own compnay in india check article

so in no way its flipkart's fault
i read some para and i can say it is not flipkart's fault for disc not being region coded for india .

many i Hollywood movies have foreign region code example baby's day out

i got many DVDs from excel which were uk lock , i contacted them they said sir make ur DVD player region free by contacting your dvd player manufacturer

i don't think its possible as manufacturer wont allow me to do , its clearly written in warranty card , still i found trick which can be done via remote control and made my dvd player region free

it is not only excel but others too.

those reviews are genuine . coz many use hack dvd players or by some tricks .or chinese dvd players or pc

rest customer service i cant say i only know about region coding problem in india

i read somewhere before disney came they had collaboration with excel group , all disney products came through excel until they opened there own company here to sell audio and video

so excel or disney both rarely care to make indian region coding for dvds thinking most have region free players

it was before disney started own compnay in india check article

so in no way its flipkart's fault

What is your username on IVG?
Its Flipkart's fault to list it as playable in Indian Region code by displaying "Video Encoding: NTSC 1,3,4,5 & PAL 2,4,5".

In India only PAL TVs are available and as per the description it should have the region code 5, it is not there in the DVD InfoPRO list. So it is actually PAL 4 only, instead Flipkart has listed it as PAL 2, 4, 5, its nothing but cheating.
I am sharing my experience with flipkart:

I ordered 3 cds from flipkart on COD yesterday & received it today :clapping:

(They have their Chennai office @ Guindy)
It is all fault of abbreviated codes of region, region free, format PAL, NTSC etc. It is now so cryptic that it is out of scope for common man to understand. It may be the case the engineer of Flipkart who actually listed this product may not know about all these things.

It should be made simple and these codes should be left only for professionals of this industry. Apart from HFV members, I seriously think, how many common people know about all these things. :sad:
The current issue of Forbes has a cover story on Flipkart. It doesnt look too well researched, but basically says that Flipkart looks many years away from break even.
recent coverage that I have read, (not sure if it was internet or Indian news media) spoke of them still being in "negative profit" (what a stupid term! Call a loss a loss!) and that the amount was substantial.

I've never understood this about internet trading: part of the original concept is to avoid many of the overheads that are inevitable and substantial in bricks-and-mortar-outlet trading, and yet it seems to be the accepted thing for dot-coms to make great losses, and for venture capitalists to rush to fund them. It's either a comletely mad world, or I just don't understand it! Probably ...both!
"negative profit" (what a stupid term! Call a loss a loss!)

You bet! I've never understood why people use these euphemisms and fool themselves.

I've never understood this about internet trading: part of the original concept is to avoid many of the overheads that are inevitable and substantial in bricks-and-mortar-outlet trading, and yet it seems to be the accepted thing for dot-coms to make great losses, and for venture capitalists to rush to fund them. It's either a comletely mad world, or I just don't understand it! Probably ...both!

The thing is, the Company may be running at a huge loss. But it still pays out fat salaries to the founders (and other employees) and generates enough cash flow inward and outward to keep everybody (but the accountants) involved in dealing with the company (inside it and outside it) happy. Until over time, the cash flow dries up due to extended losses, and the company can't be milked any more. I think this is how it works.

This setup works out for the people who setup the business and run it, but I do wonder what the VCs get from pumping in money into such lossmaking ventures.

But I do hope Flipkart soon starts showing some profits and becomes viable to run in the long term. For people like myself, people who buy most of their stuff online, services like Flipkart are a boon.
Also sometimes they do not honour at the posted price on the site. After several days of order, they simply say they do not have stock and they do not know when they get new stock .. they do not refund the money but instead put it in WALLET... bloody hell.
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well its the case of starting a website get good valuation and sell out,
flipkart bought out a few sites and that cost them a bit and hit their bottomline as well..
hydra said:
But I do hope Flipkart soon starts showing some profits and becomes viable to run in the long term. For people like myself, people who buy most of their stuff online, services like Flipkart are a boon.
Oh, me too! It might even be one of the most popular businesses in India. I don't even begrudge its founders decent (if not fat) salaries.
You bet! I've never understood why people use these euphemisms and fool themselves.
My father was a newspaper editor. He used to impress on me that journalistic English is not good or standard English, but there were some things that he would not allow, such as making a loss: one suffers a loss. That is a battle long since lost though. And this was long before Americanised management jargon hit us.
max123_ind said:
they simply say they do not have stock and they do not refund but instead put it in WALLET... bloody hell
This should not be put up with. Let us all complain when this happens. They should either supply or refund; let us not put up with anything else.
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Update: 25 Sep 2012

Its been a long time, I know, but, I did not give up.

Well, a lot of things happened in the past few months. In short, as someone suggested on some board for taking help from Akosha, I said fine. I took there paid service (500 Rs). They contacted both Flipkart and Disney for a long time but both companies did not contact me about anything. Finally, with there help, I drafted a letter to be sent to Disney, expressing my displeasure and mentioning that if they do not respond this time, I will legal route. This time a received a letter from Disney (very close to the deadline date we gave). In the letter they only said that they will send me a detailed reply soon and nothing else. So some more time passed. And Akosha suggested that we draft the legal complaint against them, as they may not respond at all. So the legal complaint was drafted and I was all set to go to the consumer court, come the next weekend, but, that week, on 18 Sep, I got the first call from Disney. They said they are very sorry about everything and they said they will send me Lost collection in blu-ray within 72 hours as compensation. I told them I was about to go to court this weekend and anyway it is too little too late. This thing could have been done way back in May, when this ordeal started. Its been more than 4 months! I said if you really want to restore faith in the company, do not sell products with mis-guiding labels. I said you can test it on your end.

I also told her I really doubt if they have the correct region encoded blu-rays as well. And I requested her to make sure the region coding is correct as I dont want to go through it again. She assured me. I asked her to send me an email (not from generic/ customer care email) so that I have atleast a point of contact in Disney to track the progress on what steps they take to correct region code on DVD collection and other products. She sent an email on 18 from some [email protected] and also mentioned that they would send me the bluray collection pack.

After a few days (last Wednesday I think), I got another call from Disney apologising for delay in sending bluray due to shortage of stocks. I had to repeat the same story. I asked is requesting a direct point of contact from Disney a huge deal? I said I want to track and be kept in the loop of how they rectify their mistake.I said its already too late to salvage image. I said I dont want the bluray actually, but please rectify the issue and let Flipkart also know. She said she will email me from a direct @disney email address and also assured I will receive the pack by Monday (24 Sep).
She did send me an email from [email protected]. But Monday passed yesterday, so I replied on the email asking for the status to which she said that they will dispatch it today and give me the courier details.

So this is the status ATM. Will update.

Any opinions/ thoughts/ advice are welcome.
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