Floor standers vs Active Studio Monitor for 2.0 Music


New Member
Oct 6, 2010
Hello Friends ,

I was thinking of upgrading my stereo setup (2.0). My current setup is a Denon PMA 520 AE paired to a JBL 130 bookshelf. The set up is bit laied back and lack Bass.

I Mainly listen to soft rock / JASS / classic Malayalam & Tamil songs
Source will be a CD Player, FLAC via Volimio on a raspberry Pi with KALI Piano & Spotify
I was looking at two options
1) Yamaha HS 8 Active Studio monitors (44 K )
2) KRK rokit 8 Active Studio monitors (48K) (( haven't auditioned )
3) Klipsch 620f (gen 1 - 2019 ) for 70 K .
4 Mission LX-6 MKII (44 K) ((haven't auditioned )

Any recommendations on using active studio monitors for home use?
Is it my AMP be the weak link in the setup?
Any other floor stander which I can consider in my budget of sub 50 K
Klipsch 620f @ 70 K - is it worth the price considering it is a gen old .

Thanks for your suggestions

Also check out fyne audio speakers. If you’re considering studio monitors do check out JBL LSR 305 or 308. Those are very good.
Please audition the speakers if possible before taking the call. All the best 😊
If you can stretch a little the PSB T20, paradigm SE 3000F, pylon audio pearl 25 will be a good choice, if possible down the line try and upgrade the amplifier also. At the given moment its a decent amp but going forward it'll be the limiting factor.
Active Speakers/Studio Monitors generally work best in the near to medium field. Most of the ones with 5" drivers work best only within about 7 feet from the speakers. The ones with 7" or 8" drivers have a longer field. The issue is usually with volume levels that are free of distortion.

You can always adjust volume via the individual pots on the active speakers, but ideally, you should have some way of controlling the volume of both speakers at the same time. Can you adjust volume via the players? If so, that should do (but there's also the issue of how good the digital volume control is).

I use a Laptop as the source (Roon endpoint) for the Adam Audio T5Vs on my office, and the Audient Evo4 (audio interface that comes between the two, has a Volume control knob).

If you're going for active speakers, do also consider the Kali Audio LP6 and the Adam Audio T5V or T7V. (Another member has also suggested the JBL LSR 305 and 308). Those Yamahas tend to sound a bit dry and are bass shy. (They sound good with a sub in the mix).
If you can stretch a little the PSB T20, paradigm SE 3000F, pylon audio pearl 25 will be a good choice, if possible down the line try and upgrade the amplifier also. At the given moment its a decent amp but going forward it'll be the limiting factor.
I will see if i can audition PSB T20 in bangalore . Hifimart is having it for 64K .
Active Speakers/Studio Monitors generally work best in the near to medium field. Most of the ones with 5" drivers work best only within about 7 feet from the speakers. The ones with 7" or 8" drivers have a longer field. The issue is usually with volume levels that are free of distortion.

You can always adjust volume via the individual pots on the active speakers, but ideally, you should have some way of controlling the volume of both speakers at the same time. Can you adjust volume via the players? If so, that should do (but there's also the issue of how good the digital volume control is).

If you're going for active speakers, do also consider the Kali Audio LP6 and the Adam Audio T5V or T7V. (Another member has also suggested the JBL LSR 305 and 308). Those Yamahas tend to sound a bit dry and are bass shy. (They sound good with a sub in the mix).

I have a small soundcraft mixer which i intent to use if i go the active path. I have auditioned the Adam T8V and they are sweet but way above my budget . the reasoning for HS8 was the package including the sub will be 80 k aprox and i thought of removing the amp from the equation. i am still not sure how musical it would be for a stereo setup. unable to audition it any where in bangalore.

Also check out fyne audio speakers. If you’re considering studio monitors do check out JBL LSR 305 or 308. Those are very good.
Please audition the speakers if possible before taking the call. All the best 😊
I will search for the Fyne audio 303 in bangalore. I visit audioplannet this week and see if they have it for auditioning . also i will try the triangle br8 . not sure of the price though .

If any one is using klipsch 620f please share your review.
Also check out fyne audio speakers. If you’re considering studio monitors do check out JBL LSR 305 or 308. Those are very good.
Please audition the speakers if possible before taking the call. All the best 😊
+1 to that. I do believe Fyne audio range is a gem of a range..will go with most amps as well and the Denon amp can scale up well as well.
Any other floor stander which I can consider in my budget of sub 50 K
Klipsch 620f @ 70 K - is it worth the price considering it is a gen old .
Max your Budget utilisation on the speakers for now. 70K can get you a really good pair of speakers and for Jazz/soft rock based music only setup i would avoid Klipsch if possible.... I have had Klipsch speakers ( RF3) when i started off and thy are exciting but fatiguing for music only..unless you get to their Heritage range and pair them with warmer amps.

These look like really great options for floorstanders, But if you can get hold of a nice heavy speaker stand then This might give you the best sound for your money. you can either buy the stands to get them made by any carpenter as long as its solid wood and heavy

there can be other brands like Monitor audio/Epos Etc as well which are good but there is something i liked about Fyne audio in how they present sound and the F500 bookshelf is so good that you can continue to improve the sound with a better amp and even a good sub in the future if and when you do plan to upgrade with a higher budget.
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IMO, there is nothing inherently superior about active vs passive (or vice versa), unless you are talking about high end units which use DSP as a way of providing more seamless integration between the drivers.

If you want to change your sound palette, focus on the speakers. They provide a FAR greater difference in sound.

Think about it this way: Spending 50k on powered speakers means you are buying an amp unit AND speakers at that price. Is that amp going to be better than the Denon, which is a perfectly competent unit? Or would be better served keeping the amp and getting better speakers instead?
Thanks all for the responses. i was able to auditioned JAMO and QA 3050. was unable to get hold of Fine 303 or PSB yet .
triangle out of the list due to the cost ( 1.7 L for BR08) & active studios excluded due to the flat audio response (hs8) .

I have the following quotes.

Fyne 303 67,920 (hifimart)
Mission QX-5 70,000 (offer on vplak)
PSB T20 47,317 ( offer on therevolverclub)

I guess i need to take a blind buy in this case . mostly one of the above ones .

Any one using the above models ?

Thanks all for the responses. i was able to auditioned JAMO and QA 3050. was unable to get hold of Fine 303 or PSB yet .
triangle out of the list due to the cost ( 1.7 L for BR08) & active studios excluded due to the flat audio response (hs8) .

I have the following quotes.

Fyne 303 67,920 (hifimart)
Mission QX-5 70,000 (offer on vplak)
PSB T20 47,317 ( offer on therevolverclub)

I guess i need to take a blind buy in this case . mostly one of the above ones .

Any one using the above models ?

Congrats on getting till here you have been busy and it shows . You should ideally choose between Fyne and PSB as both make very good speakers and have a sound signature on the warmer side which is required for Indian music CDs. Missions days are done although their heritage is wonderful.

I personally would prefer Fyne audio as it anyway meets your original budget requirement but it is exactly that ie a personal preference. the slightly larger drivers and the d’appolito config also does it for me. If it is worth the 20K differential is of course a question but again it is a more expensive speaker as it is.

But again you will not be disappointed with the PSB either. If you do have a good pair of Headphones listening to both on youtube , which is the 3rd best way to get a feel ( 1st being actually hearing and 2nd being inputs from someone who you trust).

Despite all the evils mention about you tube sometimes that is the only option you may have :)
Having personally heard the PSB T20 and the Fyne f303 on the cambridge cxa80 and nad c368, we chose psb as it offers more as a product with the fyne f303 giving the feeling of being a bigger version of the F301 bookshelf and not adding much to what the bookshelf had to offer. Few points between the psb and fyne we noted before getting the PSB

1. Size(smaller than the F303).
2. Had more bass and extended lower than the fyne. More punch in the midbass
3. Top end was not as airy as the fyne nor as detailed.
4. Warm sounding and laid back compared to the fyne.
5. Vocals and strings on the PSB sound WOW!!! for the price.
6. Low level listening (avg55-57db) the Fyne was better as the PSb sounded more bass heavy

Just incase you give a thought to bookshelf speakers, have a soft corner for the Fyne F500 for their disappearing act😍, very good imaging and lovely vocal presentation
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Having personally heard the PSB T20 and the Fyne f303 on the cambridge cxa80 and nad c368, we chose psb as it offers more as a product with the fyne f303 giving the feeling of being a bigger version of the F301 bookshelf and not adding much to what the bookshelf had to offer. Few points between the psb and fyne we noted before getting the PSB

1. Size(smaller than the F303).
2. Had more bass and extended lower than the fyne. More punch in the midbass
3. Top end was not as airy as the fyne nor as detailed.
4. Warm sounding and laid back compared to the fyne.
5. Vocals and strings on the PSB sound WOW!!! for the price.
6. Low level listening (avg55-57db) the Fyne was better as the PSb sounded more bass heavy

Just incase you give a thought to bookshelf speakers, have a soft corner for the Fyne F500 for their disappearing act😍, very good imaging and lovely vocal presentation
@soumyajit92 - what you can expect from the bookshelf version of the PSB as well i.e. very good mid bass punch.
Having personally heard the PSB T20 and the Fyne f303 on the cambridge cxa80 and nad c368, we chose psb as it offers more as a product with the fyne f303 giving the feeling of being a bigger version of the F301 bookshelf and not adding much to what the bookshelf had to offer. Few points between the psb and fyne we noted before getting the PSB

1. Size(smaller than the F303).
2. Had more bass and extended lower than the fyne. More punch in the midbass
3. Top end was not as airy as the fyne nor as detailed.
4. Warm sounding and laid back compared to the fyne.
5. Vocals and strings on the PSB sound WOW!!! for the price.
6. Low level listening (avg55-57db) the Fyne was better as the PSb sounded more bass heavy

Just incase you give a thought to bookshelf speakers, have a soft corner for the Fyne F500 for their disappearing act😍, very good imaging and lovely vocal presentation
Very Nicely put.
and I cannot agree with you more on the F500...i have also mentioned something similar in my earlier post. ..the F500 at 73K odd is at a different level. but need to budget for a good heavy stand.
...and the F500 bookshelf is so good that you can continue to improve the sound with a better amp and even a good sub in the future if and when you do plan to upgrade with a higher budget.
Thanks all for your suggestions. I went ahead with psb T20. It was a blind buy. The sound signature is good and matches my liking. Has a very tight bass and excellent for 2.0


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