Garrard 301 takes off

Hows your plinth going? Finally got the one from Moldovia?

The Moldovian baltic birch plinth came long back. Warming the loft for now. Been looking for an idler wheel for the TD124 and could find only a NOS piece costing a bomb. So am still looking for something cheaper. Belt also needed and will get it soon.
The Moldovian baltic birch plinth came long back. Warming the loft for now. Been looking for an idler wheel for the TD124 and could find only a NOS piece costing a bomb. So am still looking for something cheaper. Belt also needed and will get it soon.
Joshua There is Mr. Patil in lamington Road also one Bori guy who manufacture Idler wheel and rubber belts. will get you exact address.
Quad & Joshua
Here are the address
1) Taj Rubber
374, Sky King Chambers,.
Lamington Road. Mumbai -7,
Ph. : 9322392969
I dont have exact address of Mr. Patil but he is famous so should not be a problem
2) Mr. Patil
Opp. Imperial Cinema
lamington Road

By the way I have made 2/3 belts from taj rubbers. One has to give exact specifications or giving exact sample would be better. but I have found TT belts to be little thicker to my liking. (Should be as thin as possible) Even with exact specs. sizes may vary so will have to be strictly clear about your requirements before giving order. The belt cost me Rs. 200. The taj guy was ready to replace my belt but I didn't bothered as it was 2 Hrs. journey.
Thanks so much, Hiten.

I have samples so I will be able to show them the samples. I should have asked the forum before venturing into the hot sun, roaming all over the lanes and bylanes of Lamington Road coming home empty handed:)
1) Taj Rubber
374, Sky King Chambers,.
Lamington Road. Mumbai -7,
Ph. : 9322392969

This gentleman's name is Aziz. Have set an appointment with him for coming Sat, 11 AM. He may be able to make idler wheel also. I need to give him proper dimensions.
You are welcome joshua.
Man you are fast. :D. If you only have one sample do not leave it at his place just to be safe. Write down measurement and give it to him. and make condition that you need exact size. As far as I know idler wheels function only as transfer wheels so little off mark dia will not be a problem and wont affect the speed. just the center should be perfect.

If the idler is less than the required dia, then the pulley won't drive it as strongly and if it's greater dia maybe the constant pressure between the pulley and the rim of the platter will slowly start mashing the rubber up? Conjecture at this stage... :)

Personally, I'd get the best idler wheel I could. Have the Martin Bastin idler wheel lined up for an upgrade next year. My birch ply supplier in the UK mentioned it made a good difference to the sound. Worth a try I figure.


Note: Review ready. Will take pics tonight and upload with the review.
The Moldovian baltic birch plinth came long back. Warming the loft for now. Been looking for an idler wheel for the TD124 and could find only a NOS piece costing a bomb. So am still looking for something cheaper. Belt also needed and will get it soon.

I will not recommend on compromising on the cost of the is in may ways the heart of the TT along with the bearing. even a mm change in dia will affect the speed.

additionally the bearing for the idle should also be of good quality ie frictionless and with absolutely no wobble.

while you can play around with the plinth quality, the Drive ie Motor+belt+Idler+Bearing all have a very significant role to play in a TT..please do not discount that.
I would love to hear the view of Rajiv here since he does have Thorens as well.

my suggestion is to Bite the bullet and guy a good one
Thorens idler wheel for TD 124, TD 124 MkII, TD 184 etc. BRAND NEW !!!! | eBay
I will not recommend on compromising on the cost of the is in may ways the heart of the TT along with the bearing. even a mm change in dia will affect the speed.

additionally the bearing for the idle should also be of good quality ie frictionless and with absolutely no wobble.

while you can play around with the plinth quality, the Drive ie Motor+belt+Idler+Bearing all have a very significant role to play in a TT..please do not discount that.
I would love to hear the view of Rajiv here since he does have Thorens as well.

my suggestion is to Bite the bullet and guy a good one
Thorens idler wheel for TD 124, TD 124 MkII, TD 184 etc. BRAND NEW !!!! | eBay

Very true.

I already wrote to this Swiss seller you mentioned above to give me a quote for a "Buy Now". I hate auctions:) Another seller I found sells what he claims is NOS idler wheel. I am not too sure if it's wise to buy NOS rubber part which may 30+ years old. And this seller is asking for 200 Pounds Sterling!

@stevieboy: sorry for the total threadjack:lol:
I agree with you stevie and arj, with turntable engineering is what makes the difference to SQ. But since Joshua was looking for an alternative I gave the address.
Stevie yes you are right. Sorry what I meant to say was speed will not suffer that much to be noticed. With dia. of transfer wheel only torque gets affected that too with 1 or .5 mm difference will hardly be noticeable.
But yes you both are right. perfection is what one should strive for.
Joshua if you are not in a hurry I will check the quality of idler wheel here at my friend's place. (I think he had one made for himself)
Stevie sorry to loose the "track' of original thread. :D
Hope you won't mind.

while you can play around with the plinth quality, the Drive ie Motor+belt+Idler+Bearing all have a very significant role to play in a TT..please do not discount that.

I agree with this 100%. Don't skimp on these parts.

I bought my TD124 belt from a company called Technical And General in the UK sometime back in the 1996.

They did not have a website or Email.Old world snail mail. Don't know if they still exist.

TECHNICAL & GENERAL, Box 53, Crowborough, TN6 2BY (01892-654534).

This company seems to be getting favourable comments for their parts.

Schopper AG - Rubber Drive Belt CB 965

This is a very informative thread for TD124 owners.

Restoring and Improving A Thorens TD-124 MKII - diyAudio

Looks like they've moved a bit into the digital era with an email id...

Technical and General: PO Box 53, Crowborough East Sussex, England TN6 2BY, Tel: 01892 654534, email: [email protected], Dennis Burke, for parts and supplies for older Garrards, Thorens etc.


No problem guys. All idler talk welcome

With all the talk of Garrards on the forum,I got of my backside and pulled the Garrard from hibernation in its SME type plinth and gave it a once over.

Proped it up on three steel tumblers:eek: and powered it on.

Its been a while since I have listened to the 301/SME/V15 combination.The V15 is still sounding pretty good, very impresive for a 30+ year old cart.

The room is a mess.:o

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Dear stevieboy,
You have given me an idea. I must also find a name for my Gerrard301. Pl suggest some name. I did not have any protractor to align my SME 3012. Fortunately I know the overhang measurement and adjusted the same. It sounds wonderful. At present i am using a Shure 97 original cart.( not 97 xe). It is very warm and appealing to my kind of vintage music of the 60's and 70's. Can you suggest the ideal cart for SME 3012?. I have a Goldring 1006 . It's not tracking well on 3012. Regards
Looks good Rajiv! Except for the scabby board which I'm sure you'll replace. :) that looks like the 3012? Could you post your impression of the sme vs the FR or any other tonearm on the garrard?


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