Group Buy: Mauro Penasa MyRef Rev C kit

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Am I the only one who made this amp or are there more? Posting your pics and opinions would help new / late comers.
I have the boards. but was too much occupied with other work to make it. Hope to make the amp soon.
"Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired." :p
I know of one more member of the forum who has the boards but has not got down to soldering the components. I'm planning to offload the one I made as I now have 4 amps but require only two.

Hi capt,

Am I the one?

I know another friend of mine who is on this forum, who has built this successfully and happy.

I have finished the amp with a lot of help from Goldy, another member from Hyd. Without his help, there is no way I could have done this. This was my first electronics project . Learned soldering just for this .

Right now, its breaking in . It is housed in a temporary enclosure ( read cardboard box ) . Was caught between getting a custom enclosure built and to salvage an enclosure from an old used deck/amp ...Finally bought an old AKAI CS-M01A Tape recorder. Pics here and here . Got it for 200 in sunday market in Hyderabad yesterday . Funny thing was it was working...Sadly had to gut it out. The thing that I liked about this was the beautiful VU Meters .I am planning to connect them to the AMP ..They are back lit and give a beautiful vintage look and feel..Also the vol control .. From the insides, it looks to have been manufactured in 1980.

On a side note, saw a beautiful Kenwood AMP there..The guy asked 2500 for it..Claimed that it was working...Probably will go again next sunday to see if it still there or not.

Will defnly post pictures after I finish fitting in the enclosure.

For all you VU Meter lovers out there .....This the meter which is there in this Tape deck
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I have finished the amp with a lot of help from Goldy, another member from Hyd.
Great going buddy. Hoping you would finish the amp in time for me to have a decco when I visit Hyd.
Got it for 200 in sunday market in Hyderabad yesterday.
I only know of 'Jummeraat Bazaar' in old city area. Where is this sunday market?
IWill defnly post pictures after I finish fitting in the enclosure
Looking forward.
Great going buddy. Hoping you would finish the amp in time for me to have a decco when I visit Hyd.
Thanx Capt. You are anyways welcome even if the amp is not finished...
I only know of 'Jummeraat Bazaar' in old city area. Where is this sunday market?
This is the Erragadda Sunday market. Its near Sanath Nagar Indl Area.
linuxguru, are there any more MyRef Rev C kits left ?

Bare MyRef Rev C PCBs (a few Version 1.3 and Version 1.4) and partial kits (all parts except LM3886TF & 2x PSU caps) are available. I'm still waiting for authentic NatSemi chipamps locally. If you have access to genuine LM3876 or LM3886 T/TF parts, the partial kits should work. I haven't confirmed it, but LM2876 may also work. PM or E-Mail me for details at [email protected].

The MiniRef (2x LM1875 + OPA2134, 20+20W) layout has been completed and handed off to the PCB vendor for quotation, but no response yet. I may have to get it prototyped through my alternate PCB vendor in Chennai.
Currently listening to the MauroMyref 1.2 populated by LinuxGuru with some Premium parts.

Earlier I had a Chini clone of the Grounded Grid preamp driving a NAD 325 - which I found was a better alternative to the NAD preamp section. Although I was instantly able to recall (on first power up) that the clone did not have the lifting veil effect, sheer immediacy and excitement and transparency of the Original GG it was still better than the NAD pre (thanks to George for letting me audition it).

Then I put in a MyRef 1.3 premium parts prototype with a 100VA EI Core (experimental build provided by LinuxGuru) after the preamp and it sounded better than the NAD 325 power section to a degree. So I promptly put the NAD in the cupboard.

Then I heard the RedWine Audio Signature 3.2 Integrated for a week and loved it. After that I could not listen to my preamp (the main culprit) + MyRef for even an hour. So I ripped out the wiring of the 1.3 kit to put the volume pot (AnalogMetric stepped attenuator with Vishay Dale resistors) of the preamp and my new r-core Trafo into it along with a great little local made shielded wire I found extremely quiet and suitable suitable for a preamps internal wiring .

The suddenly I got infected by the lazybones virus and was "bedridden" for more than a month. It was a particularly serious case where my eyeballs would roll towards the parts and pieces of the Myref lying about scattered in my living room, and my tongue would drool uncontrollably, but I could not even lift a finger to put it back together. I had no system for more than a month and life was looking bleak... :( Thankfully my new AD700 headphones saved me from becoming a complete mental wreck. :)

Thankfully LinuxGuru came to my rescue last weekend and on Sunday we had a marathon 7 hour session reassembling it back before we heard the first sounds. We started at 5pm thinking it would only take 2 hours and were able to switch it on only by 11:45pm!! At first power up both of us looked at each other crestfallen - we put our ears millimeters away from the speaker and heard absolutely nothing!! "Somethings wrong..." I commented dejected. Then the CD started rolling and the sounds came!! Oh man!! It is dead silent!! Fooled us completely!!

Overall SQ is very good, maybe the bass lacks some definition and punch, on some tracks even bass sounds good, on others I have doubts. The confusion is also because my fullrangers play the frequency extremes at lower volumes than a regular 2 or 3 way speaker (thats typical fullrange for you - plays it all below 80hz and above 15khz but it may be 1 or 2db below midrange frequencies to make things less enjoyable at the extremes).

Linuxguru thinks the 12000muF caps on the 1.3 kit may provide better bass (these are less than 10000muF I think). Will know the following Sunday when we plug in the 1.3 premium. This time it should be a 15 minute job. The SQ is clean with each instrument surrounded by black space around it. I hear things I never heard with my preamp in place before. The preamp is now history. It has served its purpose. Maybe I will cannibalize some parts from it and junk the PCBs or I will sell it of dirt cheap on ebay.

The R-Core Trafo is 25-0, 25-0 5A estimated @250VA. And no - although overrated, its not like putting a Formula-1 engine in a Maruti 800. As I discovered, simply putting an oversized trafo will not make your amp growl and bring hyper dynamics and slam into the picture. The source has to be capable.

The setup is right now very simple - Marantz CD6002 CDP-->Nordost BlueHeavens -->GC AMP with Volume pot --> DAC OFC speaker cable plugged in directly without terminals --> Fostex 166E FR Speakers without crossover. Can it get simpler than that? Yep, thats another 30+k saved on a preamp!!

I have no more the memory of the Redwine signature sound, so I cannot compare. But I can confidently assert that spending 50k on a budget mid-fi amp is pointless when one can get such great SQ with DIY and less than 15K with 5k for chassis and 2.5k for the Trafo. Compelling alternative if you have speakers that will work well with 35 watts - Newcomers to the scene will do wisely to purchase only these kind of speakers so they can consider this very cost-effective option. Some of the compelling qualities of the Redwine are certainly there - dead quiet, texture and soundstage (to a degree if not in the same league and I cant remember).

See every *good* amp will provide something all other amps provide to varying degrees. Its what clicks for you at a price point that matters. No point claiming that all other HiFi gear has no reason to exist at its market price when a cheap DIY can give (bits of ) the same. I can only summarize it as a very compelling alternative - stock gear to own before evaluating and spending big bucks on another market product that may deliver possibly more. This GainCLone may liberate you from compulsive spending on upgrades. Chances are strong you will stick to it for good. Right now I am ready to spend $$$ on a chassis and maybe even a DACT volume pot - provided the 1.3 delivers on the bass punch. Then I am also free to start considering spending $$$ on a DIY Subwoofer to match the Fostex drivers in speed as well as super tweeters later this year. Things on the back of my mind since more than a year but postponed and pending that crucial event where I got the basics of the most important gear right.

YMMV if you use a cheap potentiometer and an EI Core. The R-Core is highly recommended.



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Gobble, thanks for your detailed posting. After some thought, I've reached most of the same conclusions:

1) The R-Core trafo is a compelling value, even at 4x the price of an EI-Core. The utterly dark empty silences between tracks is mostly due to the R-core, primary shielding (green wire) and extensive secondary-cable braiding, since I have never heard anything like it before, with my EI-core setups.

(Please post the contact info for the R-Core supplier Electromagnetic Devices in Hyd'bad if it is not already available on the forum).

2) A premium stepped-attenuator or Lightspeed passive attenuator is a highly recommended option. There's no real point in a vacuum-tube pre- with all the associated colouration and possible hum/interference issues.

3) The input coupling cap still needs some search - the Panasonic ECQ is competent with sufficient bass-slam, the Philips MKC344 polycarbonate is natural, smooth and adequate for the mids/highs, but something all-round like an Obbligato or Sonicap Gen1 seems to be the thing to look for to obtain the "walls turning into headphones" soundstage that has been described at diyaudio. It may still get there with the present input caps, after break-in on the Black Gates and other electrolytics; let's see how it sounds after 50-100 hours.
Thanks Linuxguru.

I have been playing like a kid. In the middle of a track, I suddenly insert the headphone jack into the CDP then pull it out for a few secs, then shove it back in again... repeatedly. ( With tousled hair and a buttonless grimy shirt, I could pass off as a madman :D) But its useful for A/B comparison and I don't find that missing bass slam in the headphones either. So maybe its a wrong selection of tracks. Then the AD700 HP is known for weak bass anyways so the test may be more like comparing two left feet (which one is better?).

On some tracks I am sharply reminded about how low my speakers can go, but on others somehow I am missing the thump, twangs of bass lines, punchy-ness etc.

I need a second pair of ears to audition extensively. I gave up on mine.

(Please post the contact info for the R-Core supplier Electromagnetic Devices in Hyd'bad if it is not already available on the forum).

2) A premium stepped-attenuator or Lightspeed passive attenuator is a highly recommended option. There's no real point in a vacuum-tube pre- with all the associated colouration and possible hum/interference issues.

3) The input coupling cap still needs some search - the Panasonic ECQ is competent with sufficient bass-slam, the Philips MKC344 polycarbonate is natural, smooth and adequate for the mids/highs, but something all-round like an Obbligato or Sonicap Gen1 seems to be the thing to look for to obtain the "walls turning into headphones" soundstage that has been described at diyaudio. It may still get there with the present input caps, after break-in on the Black Gates and other electrolytics; let's see how it sounds after 50-100 hours.

PM'ed you an email.

Yes its goodbye tube preamp for me.

Would love to try the Sonicaps. Let me know when you order them. :licklips:

maybe the bass lacks some definition and punch,
While reading amplifier basics articles I came to know supply voltage also has effect on sound quality. i.e. within permitted voltages for a particular amp higher voltage gives good low frequency but high frequencies suffer and at lower voltages high frequencies are good. I dont know if this is correct or applies to this design. Maybe Linuxguru can explain.
While reading amplifier basics articles I came to know supply voltage also has effect on sound quality. i.e. within permitted voltages for a particular amp higher voltage gives good low frequency but high frequencies suffer and at lower voltages high frequencies are good. I dont know if this is correct or applies to this design. Maybe Linuxguru can explain.

I am using 25-0, 25-0 secondaries @5amps instead of the recommended 22 - 24 V @4 amps. So bass should be good. Its not lacking, but the definition is weak/poor.

I'm sort of confused.

You say this:
Currently listening to the MauroMyref 1.2 populated by LinuxGuru with some Premium parts.
which means that CURRENTLY you have the MyRef 1.2

but before that you had this:
MyRef 1.3 premium parts prototype with a 100VA EI Core (experimental build provided by LinuxGuru) after the preamp and it sounded better than the NAD 325 power section to a degree. So I promptly put the NAD in the cupboard.

so at that point of time you had a MyRef 1.3 which makes sense because you said this:
So I ripped out the wiring of the 1.3 kit to put the volume pot (AnalogMetric stepped attenuator with Vishay Dale resistors) of the preamp and my new r-core Trafo into it along with a great little local made shielded wire I found extremely quiet and suitable suitable for a preamps internal wiring .

So I'm assuming that at that point of time you had a MyRef 1.3 with ripped out wiring with the intention of putting in the attenuator and the R-Core tranny.

Then you said this:
Thankfully LinuxGuru came to my rescue last weekend and on Sunday we had a marathon 7 hour session reassembling it back before we heard the first sounds. We started at 5pm thinking it would only take 2 hours and were able to switch it on only by 11:45pm!!

Question: Did you/Siva take 6 hours to connect the attenuator and the trafo or was something else also done?

Then after this was all put together, you said this:
Linuxguru thinks the 12000muF caps on the 1.3 kit may provide better bass

Question: You already had a 1.3 so did the 1.3 that you have NOT have the 12000uF caps?

So I'm thoroughly confused again - what did you originally have and what do you currently have? 1.2, 1.3, 1.3 premium etc...

Psst - can you please provide more details about this:
great little local made shielded wire
I'm sort of confused.

You say this:

which means that CURRENTLY you have the MyRef 1.2

but before that you had this:

so at that point of time you had a MyRef 1.3 which makes sense because you said this:

So I'm assuming that at that point of time you had a MyRef 1.3 with ripped out wiring with the intention of putting in the attenuator and the R-Core tranny.

Then you said this:

Question: Did you/Siva take 6 hours to connect the attenuator and the trafo or was something else also done?

Then after this was all put together, you said this:

Question: You already had a 1.3 so did the 1.3 that you have NOT have the 12000uF caps?

So I'm thoroughly confused again - what did you originally have and what do you currently have? 1.2, 1.3, 1.3 premium etc...

Psst - can you please provide more details about this:

Sorry for the Kaanphooshun!!

LinuxGuru came with a spare kit of 1.2 premium and thats doing duty at my home this week. The 1.3 premium is still in pieces - it has the the 12000muF caps. The 1.2 has lesser rated caps. We were planning to A/B comparison and thought it would be 1 hour of soldering and 4 hours of listening, but it was not to be. We are planning on it this Sunday. Anybody want to drop in?

I have yet to make a computer table, so work was done crouching on the carpeted floor like a traditional jeweler. LinuxGuru did a painstakingly thorough job that I could not have achieved by myself in two full days!
Actually although I told him I had ripped off the wiring, the full scale of my destructive act took him by surprise. Re-wiring the power switch with the new Trafo and testing it ate a lot of time. Hats of to him!!

Now that the Trafo is wired, the 1.3 drop-in should not be more than 30 mins to an hour worst case scenario.

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