Group Buy - Panasonic 50VT20

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Last pieces of PLASMA..... Sale Sale..Dont enter to this trap unless u wanna make $ half

I guess you meant don't rush. That is precisely the same advice I am giving to the members. Just wait for another 15 days or so and prices should certainly come down to the desired level. That is what we saw for V20 and that is what we will see for VT20. We could initiate local group buys at large cities as it might be more convenient and as I have understood the psyche of Croma folks, they are not very keen in selling in bulk. So about 3 to 10 members on each GB should be sufficient to bring the prices to our desired levels.
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I guess you meant don't rush. That is precisely the same advice I am giving to the members. Just wait for another 15 days or so and prices should certainly come down to the desired level. That is what we saw for V20 and that is what we will see for VT20. We could initiate local group buys at large cities as it might be more convenient and as I have understood the psyche of Croma folks, they are not very keen in selling in bulk. So about 3 to 10 members on each GB should be sufficient to bring the prices to our desired levels.

What if all the stores run out of stock ? :confused:
Please remove me from this group buy, me and few other members have booked local in Delhi for 71k with no freebies, this is the best price we could manage.
What if all the stores run out of stock ? :confused:
Then we will run group buy for 50ST30 which might be a better model to VT20. And remember, V20 keeps surfacing once in a while when we feel it is out of stock forever.

Please remove me from this group buy, me and few other members have booked local in Delhi for 71k with no freebies, this is the best price we could manage.
I thought you were the one willing to wait and have patience :)

Anyway I had an extended conversation with Joy yesterday and feel that if the price should come down to atleast 70k with Logitech Keyboard. Seems you folks were unable do so. So I suggest we wait for few more days as they dint sell any in the past few days except for yesterday when 5 of us committed for it.

I suggest members around Delhi to contact Joy for local purchase from Delhi as they still have ready stock available. Lets document the GB activities locally at each prime locations so we are well aware of the situation and give credit to this GB initiative.

Joy - Let us try to source 50ST30 from Delhi as well. As in Bangalore, I just confirmed that they are unable to offer it below 90k for now.

Updated list:

1. GVRAVI (Karwar)
2. unicorn (Kolkata)
3. god2007 (Cochin)
4. sg3707 (Bangalore) (On HOLD)
5. Gijo George (Kochi)
6. ab79 (kakinada)
7. captrajesh (Chennai)
8. audiodelic (Delhi) Bought thru Local Group Buy for Delhi at 71k
9. idlebrain (Hyderabad)
10. max123_ind (Hyderabad)
11. dhruviboy (Kolkata)
12. giddavr (AP)
13. arnprasad (Bangalore)
14. Cnu (Gujrat)
15. carnatic (Bangalore)
16. Unrealistic (Mumbai)
17. kooldeep (Haryana) Bought thru Local Group Buy for Delhi at 71k
18. Jaybe (Bangalore)
19. emailnagpal (HP)
20. Joy (Delhi) Arranged and Bought thru Local Group Buy for Delhi at 71k
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Please remove me from this group buy, me and few other members have booked local in Delhi for 71k with no freebies, this is the best price we could manage.

Please don't forget to collect the "Killer Kit" which has a Wrist Watch, a Pair of Glares, a Deodorant, Hand Towel, Wrist Band, and a Wallet.

I will reply with further details on Prankey's post.

I am also out. I was also with joydeep, audiodelic and kooldeep, booked mine and will get deliver on 18th of Nov.
I would like to start by Thanking Prankey for initiating this Group Buy.

Around Diwali time, I was told by my Co-Brother (Who is an Camera + AV enthusiast himself owning a 50VT20), that the same is being sold at Croma Stores along with 1 additional Set (apart from the one that comes in the Box) of 3-D Glasses, a Scratch Card, a HD STB, and a wireless keyboard at around 70K. ~~Nice work, even while putting up at Sydney..

He wanted to Gift this to someone.. I was to make the purchase on his behalf..

He also shared a link:
which I by a matter of chance didn't have a look at.

Due to one reason or the other I procrastinated and missed the bus.

Then I woke up one day; A half day exercise with some Panasonic Brand Shops as well as non-Brand Shops revealed that 50VT20 is NOT at all AVAILABLE in the Market. Most of these wanted to push either a 50V20, or a 50ST30 at around 95K, or a 50VT30 (I think) which was for even more Moolah, for sure not - what I desired.

Contacted Croma, it was selling 50VT20 for 80K, and not ready to budge beyond anything but a FREE SD TATA SKY (worth 999). I was ready to make the purchase at that price.

It was only when I was searching for offers on this model - I accidentally came across this thread, and Boy what a sweet thing it was... I can't thank HifiVision and Prankey enough..

Saw that people were working towards a 65K price, thought I will join in as well.

Since I read thru Prankey's posts that this is going to take time, I was not in for taking any chances, since things were not progressing elsewhere, thought will try a Group Buy myself at Delhi.

Had a talk with some Delhi / NCR members in this thread, Pushed some friends & cousins. We were 4 who were confirmed, 3 uncertain.

Parallel to this also got in touch with my contacts at Panasonic, this gentleman a senior Japanese Official with the Commercial Division (as all would know, 50VT20 is a consumer model) was kind enough to introduce me to a Brand Shop, with a commitment to offer one unit at "Landed cost + freight" - Sadly, this shop also didn't have any... and told me clearly that even the company wouldn't have any.. but one good thing he offered me a 50ST30 at 84K.

I asked him the price for 20 units, he said he could try with Panasonic office for 80K or so.

I was by then decided to go for it with Croma at whatever price.

Decided, with consent of 3 others from this forum, Negotiated hard to 74, then to 71K with 1 pair of glasses only (which comes along from the company)

Further negotiated the next day after speaking at length with Prankey.
Even offered to get 3 more people, was told politely by the store manager it wouldn't make a difference even If I get 20 people since they were only honoring their past day's commitment to me.. Given the fact that they found out their Purchase was lower than what they had committed to sell to us (She was ready to show me their purchase price, but I did not find it required or ethical to go that far.)

Finally when I persisted hard, she said she could only oblige us with a Kit
(Killer Jeans Mens Kit) which had a Wrist Watch, a Pair of Glares, A Wallet, A Deodorant, A Hand Towel, A Sipper, A Wrist Band and So on.

The Area In-charge Retail, of Panasonic also came by, met him, apprised him in Clear words that we were a part of forum and intended to deal with Panasonic directly for another set of 15-20 sets, he shared that the price we had with Croma was the best... and that he was surprised why they were selling at that price (I think only Croma has 50VT20's stock)

Also inquired about the Keyboard & Extra Set of 3-D Glasses, he apprised that they were being offered by some dealers directly. (??)

Mostly the Price Bit I felt would be true, if Croma could have made a profit by selling more they would have persisted me with getting the 3-4 others who have not closed the deal till now. (I told them they have had stocks sitting with for 15 days, they said they dont mind, this keeps happening in business... why should they incur a loss and sell below cost)

This could be true, or may not be true, but what the heck.

Hence concluded this there at 71K (Got Only 1 Pair of 3D Glasses which comes in the Box) + 1 Killer Kit

So I guess that's it.. Prankey and any others shall have my full support to help them with arranging a Group Buy at this price, or anything else that they would want me to negotiate locally. (They may get it bettered in future)

Then we will run group buy for 50ST30 which might be a better model to VT20. And remember, V20 keeps surfacing once in a while when we feel it is out of stock forever.

I thought you were the one willing to wait and have patience :)

Anyway I had an extended conversation with Joy yesterday and feel that if the price should come down to atleast 70k with Logitech Keyboard. Seems you folks were unable do so. So I suggest we wait for few more days as they dint sell any in the past few days except for yesterday when 5 of us committed for it.

4 Bought till now. Maybe 1 or 2 later (who are not from the forum).

You are right, we were unable to get the Keyboard as these guys claimed they never got any from Panasonic.

I suggest members around Delhi to contact Joy for local purchase from Delhi as they still have ready stock available. Lets document the GB activities locally at each prime locations so we are well aware of the situation and give credit to this GB initiative.

Would be honored to pitch in, for I am so happy at coming across & being a small part of such a wonderful platform & getting to know such nice, knowledgeable set of people.

Joy - Let us try to source 50ST30 from Delhi as well. As in Bangalore, I just confirmed that they are unable to offer it below 90k for now.

Updated list:

1. GVRAVI (Karwar)
2. unicorn (Kolkata)
3. god2007 (Cochin)
4. sg3707 (Bangalore) (On HOLD)
5. Gijo George (Kochi)
6. ab79 (kakinada)
7. captrajesh (Chennai)
8. audiodelic (Delhi) Bought thru Local Group Buy for Delhi at 71k
9. idlebrain (Hyderabad)
10. max123_ind (Hyderabad)
11. dhruviboy (Kolkata)
12. giddavr (AP)
13. arnprasad (Bangalore)
14. Cnu (Gujrat)
15. carnatic (Bangalore)
16. Unrealistic (Mumbai)
17. kooldeep (Haryana) Bought thru Local Group Buy for Delhi at 71k
18. Jaybe (Bangalore)
19. emailnagpal (HP)
20. Joy (Delhi) Arranged and Bought thru Local Group Buy for Delhi at 71k

Sure Prankey. I think we should be able to get between 80~84K.
This time I will get hold of someone in the company and introduce you to him / her.

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Hence concluded this there at 71K + 1 Pair 3D Glasses + 1 Killer Kit
So that means an additional pair of 3D glasses, making it a total of 'TWO' pairs of 3D glasses, since 'ONE' pair is already included in the box with the TV. If not, then you should not even be mentioning 3D glasses, because as stated, 'ONE' pair is already included in the box.

I am also out. I was also with joydeep, audiodelic and kooldeep, booked mine and will get deliver on 18th of Nov.
Sure buddy. Lets not keep it hidden while you discuss. Lets post the updates on the thread as and when they happen. However, this is inline with my plans of arranging local group buys with one of us who is good at negotiations take the initiative like Joy to get the best prices for rest of us. This is the most efficient model I have always thought and we should utilize it to the max :)

Updated list:

1. GVRAVI (Karwar)
2. unicorn (Kolkata)
3. god2007 (Cochin)
4. sg3707 (Bangalore) (On HOLD)
5. Gijo George (Kochi)
6. ab79 (kakinada)
7. captrajesh (Chennai)
8. audiodelic (Delhi) Bought thru Local Group Buy for Delhi at 71k
9. idlebrain (Hyderabad)
10. max123_ind (Hyderabad)
11. dhruviboy (Kolkata)
12. giddavr (AP)
13. arnprasad (Bangalore)
14. Cnu (Gujrat)
15. carnatic (Bangalore)
16. Unrealistic (Mumbai)
17. kooldeep (Haryana) Bought thru Local Group Buy for Delhi at 71k
18. Jaybe (Bangalore)
19. emailnagpal (HP) Bought thru Local Group Buy for Delhi at 71k
20. Joy (Delhi) Arranged and Bought thru Local Group Buy for Delhi at 71k

So that means an additional pair of 3D glasses, making it a total of 'TWO' pairs of 3D glasses, since 'ONE' pair is already included in the box with the TV. If not, then you should not even be mentioning 3D glasses, because as stated, 'ONE' pair is already included in the box.
It was only one 1 glass as it comes with the TV, nothing extra. I would appreciate if you could also try from your end once again and see if we can somehow get the offer at around 70k with 2x glasses.

UPDATE: As expected, a total of 4x stocks (3 sealed) seems to have surfaced at Bangalore (after I talked for 4 members at Bangalore couple of days back). I have requested the Area manager to try for additional glass and other freebies if we can not bring down the prices. He was telling that the plasma prices have gone up to about 2k and hence price might revise in the next 2 days :) He was telling that there is still some confusion around the stocks and will confirm the same by today evening.

I have also talked with a India Level IT Products Distributor friend of mine to arrange bills if I source these models directly from the companies so we are not left hanging like this waiting for a price drop or the source fearing exposure by offering better prices.
So that means an additional pair of 3D glasses, making it a total of 'TWO' pairs of 3D glasses, since 'ONE' pair is already included in the box with the TV. If not, then you should not even be mentioning 3D glasses, because as stated, 'ONE' pair is already included in the box.

Sorry Sanjay, for the confusing text.. Have edited it.

Thanks Prankey for clarifying.
I am in the market for a Panasonic 50 inch Plasma. Where I live in A.P, the selection has been limited. So I might have to go through online purchase or group buys.

Can anyone help/guide me where this thread is at now? Reading through the posts, looks like people have gone their own ways in their respective cities.

What TV's and prices is this group buy still on for? I need the TV shipped to A.P.

Thanks for the help in advance.
I am in the market for a Panasonic 50 inch Plasma. Where I live in A.P, the selection has been limited. So I might have to go through online purchase or group buys.

Can anyone help/guide me where this thread is at now? Reading through the posts, looks like people have gone their own ways in their respective cities.

What TV's and prices is this group buy still on for? I need the TV shipped to A.P.

Thanks for the help in advance.

I am still working on arranging it from Bangalore, however members from Hyderabad are requested to check if the TV is available at price point of around 70k so it can be utilized by AP members.
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