Group Buy - Panasonic 50VT20

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I had gone to Croma, Oberoi Mall, Goregaon East today and to my surprise they have a 50VT20 on display as well as some pieces in stock if anyone is interested...

Price quoted was 79,990/- and it has a 22" LCD alongwith on the other freebies....

I spoke to Mr Khan (Sales Guy) there who said that the price can be reduced to Rs 73-73k without the 22" TV (in my case they had only reduced 5k....hence doubt but the sales person said so).

People who do not wish to get their sets transported from some other city can visit and can also try your luck on bargaining any further..........i had already stretched my luck and didnt want to do it any further hence had my bought my set during diwali.... all the best...
I had gone to Croma, Oberoi Mall, Goregaon East today and to my surprise they have a 50VT20 on display as well as some pieces in stock if anyone is interested...

Price quoted was 79,990/- and it has a 22" LCD alongwith on the other freebies....

I spoke to Mr Khan (Sales Guy) there who said that the price can be reduced to Rs 73-73k without the 22" TV (in my case they had only reduced 5k....hence doubt but the sales person said so).

People who do not wish to get their sets transported from some other city can visit and can also try your luck on bargaining any further..........i had already stretched my luck and didnt want to do it any further hence had my bought my set during diwali.... all the best...
Did you get additional glass with the TV?

I strongly believe now is the time it should have a price tag of around 65k if they can't offer additional glasses. These TVs wont sell unless they reduce to a fair price I have calculated of 65k. I am still waiting for Area Manager from Bangalore to give an update on stock inventory and pricing.
Did you get additional glass with the TV?

I strongly believe now is the time it should have a price tag of around 65k if they can't offer additional glasses. These TVs wont sell unless they reduce to a fair price I have calculated of 65k. I am still waiting for Area Manager from Bangalore to give an update on stock inventory and pricing.

Hi Prankey,

I suggest, you get your magic numbr of 65k out of your mind.
You din't have any concrete offers for 65k but keep writing it everywhere and calling for group buy. Please mention only what is agreed upon by the dealer while starting group buy threads. None has got any set for 65k here. Probably the set's price has bottomed out at 70k and you are chasing a mirage.

When someone does not budge for the said price of 65k even after promising 20 orders, It is time to think.
Did you get additional glass with the TV?

I strongly believe now is the time it should have a price tag of around 65k if they can't offer additional glasses. These TVs wont sell unless they reduce to a fair price I have calculated of 65k. I am still waiting for Area Manager from Bangalore to give an update on stock inventory and pricing.

FYI, He got his TV more than a month before.
Hi Prankey,

I suggest, you get your magic numbr of 65k out of your mind.
You din't have any concrete offers for 65k but keep writing it everywhere and calling for group buy. Please mention only what is agreed upon by the dealer while starting group buy threads. None has got any set for 65k here. Probably the set's price has bottomed out at 70k and you are chasing a mirage.

But that is how all successful bargains are held. The bargainer first set the price that he perceive for the item and hold his position. If prankey see it is worth only 65K with his experience and knowledge, let it be in that way. It may be unbelievable to rest of us. It will definitely succeed if there is supply in excess of demand. Since this is an open bargain, those in a hurry can reap the windfalls.

When someone does not budge for the said price of 65k even after promising 20 orders, It is time to think.

The price is already come down from 2.00 Lakhs to 70-80K. Any body bought it when it was introduced, never have thought that it will be available at 80K after one year. So there is every chance for the price come down to 65K, if there is enough numbers is in the market.
Did you get additional glass with the TV?

I strongly believe now is the time it should have a price tag of around 65k if they can't offer additional glasses. These TVs wont sell unless they reduce to a fair price I have calculated of 65k. I am still waiting for Area Manager from Bangalore to give an update on stock inventory and pricing.

Mate, I had picked up my set in diwali hence had got the usual offer at that time.....

I was also waiting for the price to fall which it did by 5k and then i took the plunge......guess its to each individual call.....but shouldnt stretch it too much....

Already one buyer who was scouting for an LED TV started speaking to the sales guy after he heard the 72/73k offer he started taking interest in the set right in front of take here is that unless one dosent keep going to the showroom often you wouldn't know when they have reduced the price and sold off the remaining sets. .....besides these stores offer a good deal if you are a buyer standing right in front of them ready to pay.......i wouldn't bet much on them calling you guys that now the price is 65k and pls come to our store.....
These Panasonic guys screwed it by pricing the MRP so high when it was released a year ago. Otherwise these sets would have been all sold a long time back and vt30 would have been in market by now. Its totally insane and irresponsible of them. Already tv prices are so high in india compared to most other nations and still they price it unrealistically.

amazon is coming to india in 2012 and i think that will atleast bring in some sense to the selling price.
These Panasonic guys screwed it by pricing the MRP so high when it was released a year ago. Otherwise these sets would have been all sold a long time back and vt30 would have been in market by now. Its totally insane and irresponsible of them. Already tv prices are so high in india compared to most other nations and still they price it unrealistically.

amazon is coming to india in 2012 and i think that will atleast bring in some sense to the selling price.

Mate, its not only the pricing but also an issue with the models which they launch selectively in the country.........dont know what are they thinking .....
ya, best is they should start manufacturing the tv's here and hence the exorbitant import and shipping charges are minimized and then they can price the tv's sensibly. Then it will make more people buy them and they will make more money. No idea why all tv makers dont get it. Atleast samsung, sony are better than panasonic but still their LED's should be atleast 35-45% cheaper than it is now and then it will sell in large numbers.
Went to Panasonic showroom to experience all this 3D hype myself..they of course didnt have the VT20 but had the ST30 and the demo was pretty awesome..guess thats what the demos are meant for.

But What I want to share on the forum is that he mentioned that no one was buying 3D tvs due to high cost of the glasses (9K for one I guess is the official price). He said due to feed back given to Panasonic, they are expecting them to reduce to 5K for two pairs of glass in 2-3 mths time - thats a pretty steep fall. Not sure if any one else has heard this story...but its no fun watching 3D all alone when rest of the family is cursing you:yahoo:
ya, best is they should start manufacturing the tv's here and hence the exorbitant import and shipping charges are minimized and then they can price the tv's sensibly. Then it will make more people buy them and they will make more money. No idea why all tv makers dont get it. Atleast samsung, sony are better than panasonic but still their LED's should be atleast 35-45% cheaper than it is now and then it will sell in large numbers.

One get see 65 inch LCDs selling for under 1000 dollars in US..may not be the latest ones..but for that size who 65 inch plus size projection TVs even the new ones with 3D seem to sell for 1000 dollars...god knows when we will get those rates in India:sad:
Samsung 3d glasses are available very cheap. Around 3-3.5k now. Even less if got from abroad(around 35-40$ each)
Hi Prankey,

I suggest, you get your magic numbr of 65k out of your mind.
You din't have any concrete offers for 65k but keep writing it everywhere and calling for group buy. Please mention only what is agreed upon by the dealer while starting group buy threads. None has got any set for 65k here. Probably the set's price has bottomed out at 70k and you are chasing a mirage.

When someone does not budge for the said price of 65k even after promising 20 orders, It is time to think.
Dude, did you read thru the thread on how I negotiated a price of 63k for 51D550 with one glass when the bottom price at that time was 66k without glasses? It took me almost 2 months of vigorous negotiations to get that price. Its precisely similar situation here with 2 exceptions:

1. These might potentially be the last stocks released by Panasonic
2. Only Croma seems to have them at present.

However, I have located Hypercity on Bangalore yesterday and will be calling them today to understand their inventory and prices.

There is no MAGIC behind the figure of 65k which SHOULD be the short term fair price for this model due to below reasons:
1. Atleast one member got it for 68k with 1 additional glass and TS+HD vouchers and additional freebies potentially worth more than 5k
2. It was selling for 70k in Bangalore before Croma bought all the stocks.

I do have experience on AV and IT products since past more than 20 years and know how the price game works. Prices may never fall to 65k I agree, however I am still confident that if we HOLD our buying for more days, WE WILL certainly get such pricing if not less! Its only these Croma guys who are playing hide and seek I am unable to get the price. Its up to you if you believe me or not but I know that is PRECISELY HOW a NEGOTIATION is done!

Mate, I had picked up my set in diwali hence had got the usual offer at that time.....

I was also waiting for the price to fall which it did by 5k and then i took the plunge......guess its to each individual call.....but shouldnt stretch it too much....

Already one buyer who was scouting for an LED TV started speaking to the sales guy after he heard the 72/73k offer he started taking interest in the set right in front of take here is that unless one dosent keep going to the showroom often you wouldn't know when they have reduced the price and sold off the remaining sets. .....besides these stores offer a good deal if you are a buyer standing right in front of them ready to pay.......i wouldn't bet much on them calling you guys that now the price is 65k and pls come to our store.....
Ofcourse they wouldn't call and infact they budge my calls each day when I chase them! However that is how these negotiations work when they know the price we are looking at and hence try to postpone their decision to bring down to that level. They might well be monitoring this thread closely, however I am pretty sure if we hold back, we will certainly bring down the price to that level. I am also trying to get hold of Panasonic and Samsung folks to directly source through them and get it billed from another establishment than Croma. Stocks are not moving and we already have options of ST30 and 51D550.
Samsung 3d glasses are available very cheap. Around 3-3.5k now. Even less if got from abroad(around 35-40$ each)
2x 3050 BT 3D glasses were available at for $43 with free shipping from Korea! Panasonic seriously need to reduce their prices for the glasses which are certainly inferior to Samsung at this time.
May be i am late to the party, im ready for go (50VT20 + Extra 3d goggles at 70k) Cheers. :)

Long time lurker first time poster.. :p
Dude, did you read thru the thread on how I negotiated a price of 63k for 51D550 with one glass when the bottom price at that time was 66k without glasses? It took me almost 2 months of vigorous negotiations to get that price. Its precisely similar situation here with 2 exceptions:

1. These might potentially be the last stocks released by Panasonic
2. Only Croma seems to have them at present.

The main difference is, you opened the thread with correct details of pricing agreed upon with the dealer for D550. Here we have a thread running for 10+ pages without any price details. Interest check has been done, 20+ showed interest, the dealer will not come down even then, still you are confident that 65k is the price. All of the posts these days are calling people to wait nothing concrete.

However, I have located Hypercity on Bangalore yesterday and will be calling them today to understand their inventory and prices.

There is no MAGIC behind the figure of 65k which SHOULD be the short term fair price for this model due to below reasons:
1. Atleast one member got it for 68k with 1 additional glass and TS+HD vouchers and additional freebies potentially worth more than 5k
2. It was selling for 70k in Bangalore before Croma bought all the stocks.

I remember him mentioning that his is not a sealed piece. Please verify. Also I think that was the last of the lot the dealer had. The dealers can sell their last inventory at any price. That should not be the base price for valuating the model. This is an exception rather than a rule.

I do have experience on AV and IT products since past more than 20 years and know how the price game works. Prices may never fall to 65k I agree, however I am still confident that if we HOLD our buying for more days, WE WILL certainly get such pricing if not less! Its only these Croma guys who are playing hide and seek I am unable to get the price. Its up to you if you believe me or not but I know that is PRECISELY HOW a NEGOTIATION is done!

I only hope you should succeed. 71k + shipping is not a good price considering it was sold @75k with extra glass + TSHD+ and keyboard.

Hypercity should match atleast what they provide here. 2 glasses for 75k.

BTW, I dont have a problem with this thread or the waiting. Just suggesting you might want to reconsider the 65k price given the circumstances and make the purchase. Chill.
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Which store + branch in Delhi did you guys buy from?

Please remove me from this group buy, me and few other members have booked local in Delhi for 71k with no freebies, this is the best price we could manage.

Then we join hands again for a better model at better rates :)
If you want, I can try & get you the status of Stock at HYD.

Well said Sanjay. He should give it a try, it is a long shot but a shot nevertheless.

Legally, based on your invoice, you are entitled to 'TWO' pairs of 3D glasses. This does not include the one pair that is included in the TV box.
Which store + branch in Delhi did you guys buy from?
Joy is your man for coordinating at Delhi. If you do not get a response, I can call him to get the details of the Store and contact details of the store manager there.

Please keep updating all the GB initiatives here so we know the updates first hand.
50VT20 is on display at Pune-Aundh croma if anyone is interested. Currently no offers and the same salesman from whom I got it said that now they wont even give a discount. But there are many pieces in stock!
Which store + branch in Delhi did you guys buy from?

Hi! It was Croma Janak Puri. Talk to a Guy called Wahab, or another guy Dimple or the Store Manager Manisha. Let them know Joydeep introduced and you are the fifth out of the Seven who wanted to buy, Hopefully they should extend the same offer. Let me know if you need any help.

They still owe me the Mounting, as emailnagpal didnt get any - I pitched in with mine!

Well said Sanjay. He should give it a try, it is a long shot but a shot nevertheless.

Will not comment on whether Prankey will be able to get 65K or not however, strongly feel, he should keep trying to better the 71K + freebies we got.

If it wasn't for Prankey, I would have settled for 80K / 71K that I thought was the best I could make them agree to (Including Transport to my home, which would have been another 500!)

With Prankey's guidance, I was able to negotiate further (Got addtional Freebies) from the earlier agreed 71K.
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