Headphone set up !


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2023
I am primarily a stereo guy. Have loved them since forever and; with passage of time have assembled a decent sounding set up. I generally prefer tube amplifiers for their general organic sound and spaciousness. However, I do value clarity and seperation and don't like muddy sounding kits, even if they sound warm/cosy or romantic.

Since months, due to expanding family, lack of time and other responsibilities etc, stereo listing has reduced.

In this backdrop, I request forum members to help me set up my first headphones set up.

Budget 1 lakh (streamer, DAC, headphones and amp)
The set up should be relatively compact.
It will be great if a tubes can be introduced in the whole chain.

I use bose quit comfort Gen 2 ANC Ear buds (through BL fed from my smartphone). So that is my reference as far as my headphone experience is. For me, it's sound really good.

None of my tube amp/DAC/Streamers have headphones out. Only my SS amp i.e Marantz PM 8006 has a headphone out, which I haven't tried. So, let me know if I need only the headphones and than everything else in the stereo set up can be used. This option, I want to rule out, only if separate headphones amps will outperform the Marantz's by a big margin.

Thanks in advance.
Sinc you're in Mumbai, I'd suggest booking a visit to the headphonezone office in Andheri. They have an experience centre there with a range of headphones on demo. That would help you narrow down on preferred headphones. From what you described, hifiman may be a good option

The amp would be headphones dependent. A lakh for an overall headphone setup is a good budget
Member with handle KNRAMU had the Felix Echo (1st version) tube headphone amplifier for sale. It has good reviews and I was planning to buy it, but sadly did not fit in my budget.
If you are going for planar headphones, I will not recommend tube amps, however they will sound good with high impedance headphones.
Seek Sennheiser HD800/650 depending on budget, many other brands are available today aswell to choose from. As you are in Mumbai and as already suggested, visit the headphonezone experience center for listening to a wide variety of headphones with your choice of amplification.
Member with handle KNRAMU had the Felix Echo (1st version) tube headphone amplifier for sale. It has good reviews and I was planning to buy it, but sadly did not fit in my budget.
If you are going for planar headphones, I will not recommend tube amps, however they will sound good with high impedance headphones.
Seek Sennheiser HD800/650 depending on budget, many other brands are available today aswell to choose from. As you are in Mumbai and as already suggested, visit the headphonezone experience center for listening to a wide variety of headphones with your choice of amplification.

From a specification and number perspective, will HD 650 pair well with Wilsenton R300 Plus's headphone out ? If not mistake, it's (the Amp's headphone out) rated at 32 OHM.
From a specification and number perspective, will HD 650 pair well with Wilsenton R300 Plus's headphone out ? If not mistake, it's (the Amp's headphone out) rated at 32 OHM.

Do you already have a r300 or want to get one for HD650 ? IMO r300 should pair well with hd650
Do you already have a r300 or want to get one for HD650 ? IMO r300 should pair well with hd650

I am planning to get a SET 300B tube for my stereo system. Found out about R300 and figured it has a headphone out as well. Hence posted the query.
I am planning to get a SET 300B tube for my stereo system. Found out about R300 and figured it has a headphone out as well. Hence posted the query.
Avoid that amp - it has a whole load of engineering issues. A google search will yield videos on the problems.

@muralimmreddy had one and had a horrible experience.
Avoid that amp - it has a whole load of engineering issues. A google search will yield videos on the problems.

@muralimmreddy had one and had a horrible experience.
I am aware and I will definitely consider OP's prior experience in this regard. Apparently there is a new version called the "Plus version". I am just looking around. Not finalized yet. But cost of 300b Tube amps have sky rocketed in the last 5 years.
Precisely why I asked if you already own the amp, if you don't already own one might not be a wise decision since there are customers on both sides of the camp in terms of performance satisfaction. Would be wiser to travel and request a demo to the owners & take a call then.

300b tube amps are costly and the good tubes for swapping are even more expensive.
I am planning to get a SET 300B tube for my stereo system. Found out about R300 and figured it has a headphone out as well. Hence posted the query.
Cayin has a SET 300B flagship model on headphone zone. It also has speaker outputs, though not ideally suited for the Dali's. But you have that option, should you move to very high efficiency speakers like the Klipsch Forte's or Audio note's etc...

Considering the direction in which you are heading, might not be a bad idea to have a listen to Audio note systems in Mumbai. I think they ae close to VT or Ballard estate. But again their 300B's start way up the price range. But no harm in having a listen to what they do :)
Cayin has a SET 300B flagship model on headphone zone. It also has speaker outputs, though not ideally suited for the Dali's. But you have that option, should you move to very high efficiency speakers like the Klipsch Forte's or Audio note's etc...

Considering the direction in which you are heading, might not be a bad idea to have a listen to Audio note systems in Mumbai. I think they ae close to VT or Ballard estate. But again their 300B's start way up the price range. But no harm in having a listen to what they do :)

Coincidentally, my office is in Ballard Estate/Fort

Let me check for their office and demo room.
Precisely why I asked if you already own the amp, if you don't already own one might not be a wise decision since there are customers on both sides of the camp in terms of performance satisfaction. Would be wiser to travel and request a demo to the owners & take a call then.

300b tube amps are costly and the good tubes for swapping are even more expensive.

Completely agree with you.

Good quality 300b tube amps have become increasingly difficult to obtain at a decent mid tier price bracket.

Have posted impression of my first headphone rig.

Thank you all for the advice.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.