Nah, I just feel that the price you've paid for the 95E does not justify the premium over the 5625, that's all
For 5625, I am getting a headshell of AT too.
Nah, I just feel that the price you've paid for the 95E does not justify the premium over the 5625, that's all
For 5625, I am getting a headshell of AT too.
I didn't understand that.
I meant
The CN5625AL costs 1.9K, the 95E costs 3.7K. the latter is not twice as better as the former. And if you were planning to spend that sort of money, you could have spent a bit more and bought a shure or better
Hi Sumanta,
What is the turnaround time for the delivery of Cartridge from Grabmore..?
I meant
The CN5625AL costs 1.9K, the 95E costs 3.7K. the latter is not twice as better as the former. And if you were planning to spend that sort of money, you could have spent a bit more and bought a shure or better
AT95e is very much comparable with any cart costing $100. It costs only $42 including shipping on I don't know Indian retailers prices.
I never had any problem importing, as I told you earlier too. Indian prices are much higher for HiFi related things.Hi Sachin,
What about hassles in importing it? How is your experience? This fear alone forced me to go for getting it from grabmore.
I see now what you meant. This is what happened when a novice takes her/his first step.
I didn't know CN5625AL is that good. Thanks for your guiding.
If I can sustain in recordplayer and records, I will be definitely having two headshells for interchangeability. So, I will be buying above cart sooner or later.
Please keep on educating me on styluses and cartridges.
The penance and persecution of the analoghead to attain salvation is a long, lonely and tortuos road
Take an extra pair of warm socks along
At last, the Sansui TT poured out music yesterday night.
It was having a local made pre-amp stick-built which was root cause for all noises.
The moment we threw it out, sound came out afresh.
I can not thank Lifewater enough for what he did.
One thing I learnt is, TT is mostly Physics, common sense prevail there. And it is simple, precise mechanical harmony of machines.
Cartridge and stylus are truly the composer - singer duo, so one should choose them knowingly.
Thank you Pranjal (Lifewater).
I played Mehdi Hassan (Live), there were noises out of record, but the living feel of the mid sounds, specially Naushad ji's and Hassan saab's different tone of voices were superb!
My main intention of having a record playing system is to hear rather old somgs which are hard to come by in good recordings.
I have realized that getting the best out of record is a tough job.
So, here too I will stick to my 30 rupees invest and 70 rupees return philosophy.
Clean records, Open baffle speakers, mid and high through SET amp, good styluss and cartridges will be my 30% input in money and 50% of effort.
Thank you all here for bringing me into the world of Records.
Without audition at Manish's place, audition at Koushik's house, and all your passionate writing about records, I wouldn't be enjoying time through music.