Hi all my room acoustic high reverberation issue was solved by placed GIK panels. Now I have great sound room, now I am enjoying real HIEND audio sound from my great TANNOY speaker. The sound was totally changed. I can trust my ears, amazing sound. I was strongly believed acoustic panel can solved problem instead of complete room treatment. Following modification has been done in my room. Existing bass trap (local made bought from studio shop in Chennai) I had installed them on ceiling (6'X2'X6'' = 2nos) hanging with chain. I bought floor carpet roll type for complete room floor (25000RS) I bought GIK 244 Monster Bass trap pair (4'X2'x4") installed on side wall of first reflection points, pairs of GIK Tri Corner Trap front wall either corners (2'X1'x4') and GIK 242- 2nos Observation panel on second reflection points on side wall one in rear listening position. I have my existing QRD (Quadratic Residue Diffusor) 6nos installed on rear wall (behind listening position) My wife and daughter recognised the sound now more in details, the bass sound just 40dB hit the chest
Total cost I spent GIK 1Lac & floor carpet 25000RS. I bought GIK product from Innovative Engineering Mysore you can find contact information this forum. Find attached REW before and after GIK measurement.
The two images before and after the GIK panels installation cannot be compared as the dB scales used are different. If you can post the images with the same dB scales it would be beneficial for an analysis.