HFV Members - Your Names (Real) Please .

Very good - on many sites where registration is required very very few mention their actual names or even initials. I don"t know
why people want to hide their identity and even their resedience location. My name dilip vasant samant from thane which i have mentioned in profile. So i have taken id as "dvsamant". I do write this as my login name in all sites. In marathi sites i have mentioned my full name as id.

Some casual reading may help - for understanding.
Gentlemens from US/UK environment can better explain explain
(legal/social reasons).

damn it.
to cut the long chase short I am sbg.
And the long chase is, you can find links to my name elsewere.:D
I am Kapil Pillai

the last 3 letters of my login are actually the first three letters of my wife's name (she created the login)

I am a fan of Hindi filmdom's greatest showman Raj Kapurji and singer Mukeshji. The best film of their combined talents was SRI 420 and SRI also happens to be the begining of my name Srinivas. I am a singer and sing mostly Mukeshji's songs. You can listen to one of my songs here:
The Geet Network - Performance titled

Thanks an interesting thread.

K Srinivasa Raju
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