HFV Members - Your Names (Real) Please .

Finally a thread with our real names. Have been always saying we should use our real names on the site.

Well here is mine:
Prithviraj M. Vedpathak

I am SUBRAMANIAN logge in as sub



Audio: Sansui G-5000 Stereo Receiver with self made tower (3ftx1ft) 3 way spkrs. Video : Panny 32 LCD, Sony DVP-NS78H, Samsung DVD-P365H, PS3, BIG Tv. Home Theater: Yamaha RX-V661 with Pioneer Linear Power (7) spkrs and Onkyo SL-107 powered sub woofer.
Hi Guys,

here is my details:

Real Name Swatantra Sharma

User id: 2 initials of my name and added Qool just to be different. but its very old story now and i am still sticking to it (god knows why)


helium as in ....>>A colorless, odorless inert gaseous element occurring in natural gas and with radioactive ores. It is used as a component of artificial atmospheres and laser media, as a refrigerant, as a lifting gas for balloons, and as a superfluid in cryogenic research. Atomic number 2; atomic weight 4.0026; boiling point ?268.9C; density at 0C 0.1785 gram per liter.

flight as in...>>> why struggle when you can fly...
helium as in ....>>A colorless, odorless inert gaseous element occurring in natural gas and with radioactive ores. It is used as a component of artificial atmospheres and laser media, as a refrigerant, as a lifting gas for balloons, and as a superfluid in cryogenic research. Atomic number 2; atomic weight 4.0026; boiling point ?268.9C; density at 0C 0.1785 gram per liter.

flight as in...>>> why struggle when you can fly...

...and the reference as to why it should be "your" chosen name??
Very good - on many sites where registration is required very very few mention their actual names or even initials. I don"t know
why people want to hide their identity and even their resedience location. My name dilip vasant samant from thane which i have mentioned in profile. So i have taken id as "dvsamant". I do write this as my login name in all sites. In marathi sites i have mentioned my full name as id.
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