HFV Members - Your Names (Real) Please .

Name - Balachandhran. Bala to friends.

thevortex - this is the title of a small poem I wrote a long time back. I actually wrote it as a potential theme for our college souvenir. In the end we found a better theme - thankfully :). I just like the way the word 'vortex' rolls out of the mouth. I have a fascination for different sounding words and over time this became my user id at various places.

Just in case people are wondering how it went, here it is:
Swirling winds spit dust,
Raging waters spew spray,
I am calm.

Matter spirals closer,
Essence spills faster.
I am their Haven.

Boundaries vanish,
Time stills.
I am the Vortex.
Hai all,

I am N.Muralidharan,

Just another poem written on a classmate's book,

Not for beauty,
Not for fame,
Just for safety ,
I write my name.

Hey! i'm Nirav Shah.
Neo= that's how few people prononce it, esp when it's repeated fast ( among a few others sounds)
hi all,

Im jeevabharathi, my school friends call me as bobby and my personal ID on yahoo(oops i forgot my password, cant get it back:sad:) and gmail were jeevabobby26. so the id here is once again the same.
My name is Santhosh. I am from Bangalore and work on the technology side of an Australian Bank.

About my id, still need to ask the mods why my id is santhol2::D. Usually I go by the name S@~+#0$# on forums. Even on Hifivision, my name was S@~+#0$# but the moderator decided to change it to santhol2. Need to check with the mods if it can be changed.

And the 69, swami?
Preferred position ?
:lol:Before Kamal asks what 2 is in my name, santhol2@[I]myemployername[/I].com is my office email address. I had mentioned this email address in my HFV new member registration form.
I remember McKinsky 7S management principls(Strategy, Structure, Systems, Skills, Staff, Style,Shared Values) (This is management BS) ,so I thought you added 2 S like Sex and ..........:ohyeah::ohyeah::ohyeah:

I think I am overworked and need sleep now!!

wow a whole new perspective for my ID, 9s.... 7S mgt principls + 2s personal principls.....BTW is the second S as S***k or am I letting loose my imagination....:D :D

Motoracer and AOE? :eek:
Iam beginning to doubt if you are from my college.. :D
I were the king of the show too.. But more in AOE.. Those were the days.. :o

Are you from a college in coimbatore?? Or is every college like that? :rolleyes:

No I was in Dehradun, but you are right about all colleges being same and then Boys will obviously be Boys :D :D

And the 69, swami?
Preferred position ?

Prefered Position... ROFL!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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i am kaushik hazarika !

i recommend members not to disclose more details on a open forum like this , there can be cyber attacks/ phishing attacks .. also protect your phone numbers and emails .
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