Hi all

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Thanks a ton guys for such good welcome and response!

Hope to see more Fem Audiophiles on hifi in future :)
This thread is completely crazy. It was started by Ms. Poornima at midnight and ended close to 0800 hours in the morning with Anm answering at 0335!! Do you people sleep at all?:)


Venkat, seriously i dont think i will have good sleep till i set up my stereo system... i have been on this since a month or more, weighing on my mind!!!

Welcome onboard and happy HFVing.

Well! I'm not surprised about your experience. In fact, I went through something similar.

What you need to do, is tell the demo engineer clearly that your preference is stereo music - does not matter if they using an AVR. Tell them clearly that you'd prefer to have the sub, center and surrounds turned off and then play the CDs you've taken along - I presume you did.

Unless you do so, they blast your ears with some loaded action scenes from a demo Bluray disk, and leave with an ear fatigue, rendering them unsuitable for any music hearing immediately thereafter.

As a first step decide if you need an AVR or just a good AMP and then start the hunt.

Good luck.


Pannags, I saw one thread where some showrooms where suggested where the engineer listens to what you want, so hopefuly my next exp. will be good.
Otherwise i will surely ask them them to turn of the Sub, centre and surround as u said.
was carrying a Ipod where few of the showrooms didnt have the doc so i think i shud carry a CD,safe bet! Thanks
There is a whole thread dedicated to "FEM audiophiles", if at all they exist ...
@ Poornima, YOU are the first one to throw such pointed queries, at least the first one we have across here ....
From past 2 days by just going through the relavant threads and following suggestions i feel i can understand better and better what iam into and hence better queries :yahoo:
Pannags, I saw one thread where some showrooms where suggested where the engineer listens to what you want, so hopefuly my next exp. will be good.
Otherwise i will surely ask them them to turn of the Sub, centre and surround as u said.
was carrying a Ipod where few of the showrooms didnt have the doc so i think i shud carry a CD,safe bet! Thanks

Carry few Original recordings , few mp3s in a USB / CD . Most original recordings sound good on anything. We need to see the other side of speakers performance also by playing some music with diff bitrate recordings...... Apart from your choice take also diff types of music may be one per song will do ..

I played Metallica/ Iron maiden and Kishore kumar/Rafi saab during my auditions .. the shop guy was all mad :lol: at me.

Off the topic - Go thru the For sale by owner section there are few good amps and avrs on sale .
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Welcome, Poornima.

I think there was a lady member called bombaygirl some time back.

Have a ball of a time.
Hi and welcome to probably the best indian forum for anything to do with audio...I'm also from Hyd...Am also looking to setup a system. As usual, I also got way too confused over the variety of information that this forum has . So instead of buying an amp, decided to go the DIY way and am in the process of getting my kits.
There is something which is bothering me . Before I joined this forum, I used to think I had a fair idea of what a good stereo system should sound like. But after reading various posts and also listening to some systems at Vector in Hyd, I feel I don't know what to look for..What we newbies need is a couple of sessions by senior members on what to look for in a stereo system ..What essentially constitutes a good stereo setup .. something on the lines of the wine tasting sessions ..That would go a long way ..In the meanwhile, to save me some money, I started off with the portable setup in my signature..
What I find very difficult to understand and sense is soundstage . That is one thing I am not able to understand/feel/ whatever you call it .
And welcome again .
Not intending to hijack this thread but its high time we had a HFV Hyd meet..Pending since a long time..In fact, we had discussed this some time back but it seems it has fizzled out...Lately seeing lots of members from Hyd on this forum..So what say guys ?
Hi Poornima

Welcome to HFV . As usual , your name draw my attention to the thread- being the first female name I saw here.

Enjoy your self at HFV-its like family and you will get all required support towards your hifi-journey.

Hope more and more female grow interest in hifi audio /video and life become simple for male audiophiles back home


WELCOME... well guys do we have our first fem audiophile... ??????

neways m frm hyd as well an..
welcome again n congrats..

india shining
As somebody else said on the thread make sure what are your preferences.

Good DVD audio system can sound like crap for Music. Most of the time Good music systems do well with DVDS or Blu rays.

Fix your budget. Take your time. It can be 1 month to 3 months. be patient. There are tons of brands available in the market.

If music is the need for you Go for Two channel integrated and two speakers. That will get you best value for the money

WELCOME... well guys do we have our first fem audiophile... ??????

it is so absolutely fantastic - completely over the top-

to have a lady in this male-dominated forum.

not just any lady, mind! - no -

unbelievably, a lady who asks the very same questions that an intelligent male audiophile (human) would ask.

our forum is blessed - and i supplicate at the feet of Durga Devi and ask for intercession by Virgin Mary - for protection of this lady, and for her continued interest in hi-fidelity music and this forum.

Of course, we can look forward to newer insights about the integration of equipment inside the living spaces of our homes - but, it is really a god-given gift - the gift of being able to think like a man, and ask the questions that a man would ask.

:clapping: yes ironhorse - our first fem audiophile who is not (p)ale:)
What I find very difficult to understand and sense is soundstage . That is one thing I am not able to understand/feel/ whatever you call it

Soundstage, actually is quite simple to understand and identify if you know what you are looking for.

When you sit in front of a pair of speakers in the sweet spot, what you hear, unless you pay attention, usually comes from between the two speakers. The main singer or instrument will be dead centre between the speakers, and the accompanying instruments will come from either the left or the right speaker.

Let us call this flat line stage. All the artists are lined against a wall one beside the other.

In a recording, particularly when the number of instruments are large, all the artists cannot sit in a straight line. There is some depth between one artist and another. If you keep a mike in front of the main artist, what the other artist plays, will not be recorded with the same gain as the main artists. The sound has to travel to the mike, and it will lose some of its energy and time on the way. A good editor will recognise this energy difference and try to keep it in the CD. A good system will be able to extract this time/energy differential and recreate the distance between the main and the second artist. If you close your eyes and listen carefully, you should be able to place the second artist as being behind the main artist.

This is called soundstage.

Modern albums take this a little forward. Each artist is recorded with individual mikes kept at the same distance from each artist. If there are 12 artists, there will be 12 mikes recording each artist individually. The editor, when mixing, creates the time/space/energy differential. Rather than hearing the second artist as coming from the left speaker, you will feel the artist standing next to your left ear and playing. And there are no speakers there! The amp/speaker combination will be able to push particular sound beyond two dimensions into a third dimension of space around you.

All this is done with just two speakers.

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