Hi all

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UnLeash_me, hats off to you. You seem to have the uncanny capability of getting the right picture for every post. :) Are you, by any chance, A secret Adobe expert or something?

Thanks a ton guys for such good welcome and response!

Hope to see more Fem Audiophiles on hifi in future :)

it is the nature of the female species to (generally) avoid their own kind? (across many genera and species)

Generally, the female (of the human race) seeks a (captive) male audience-

so -

do you hope to see more fem audiophiles on hifi(vision) in future - or less of them?

a Catch-22 situation for sure! - but this trap, you must remember, you set yourself

but, of course, do not be shy poornima - let loose and let the pastel shades (peculiar to our sub-continent) fly!
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post coitus the most dangerous female they (entomologists or observant people with enough time on their hands ) say is the dragon fly or is it the preying mantis (it could be some other arthropod by another name) that bites off the head of the male after the act has been done/committed/consummated ...
of course this comment is instigated by the 'nature of female species' and 'genera' 'species' kind of remarks and has nothing to do with the OP or the audiophile vocation..
Gentlemen, if I may call you all that - please no more wisecracks about women. Ms. Poornima has come here to get to know about audio/video, and we should restrict our comments to that. We should welcome her as another audiophile/videophile.

I don't want to see any more of these wisecracks. If I see one I will close this thread.

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Gentlemen, if I may call you all that - please no more wisecracks about women. Ms. Poornima has come here to get to know about audio/video, and we should restrict our comments to that. We should welcome her as another audiophile/videophile.

I don't want to see any more of these wisecracks. If I see one I will close this thread.


hi venkatcr -

today - this day-

women (ladies, women, girls, females) are no longer an isolated and protected species.

they are liberated, speak for themselves, and generally, do not need the male of the species to speak for them (or protect them).

Emancipation of females must (necessarily) devolve around liberation from males protecting and shielding them.

in today's (equal) world - one does not speak about males and females-

we (the laity) speak about individuals and competition.


why do you seek to protect (poornima) and women?

(and, of course - moktan's comment was NOT ABOUT WOMEN (the female of the human race - a.k.a. homo sapiens)
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Welcome Poornima,

Some feedback from my own search for a HIFI setup.

I am on a very tight budget. While investigating I have come to the following conclusions:-

1. The source is very very important. So if you have a collection of MP3s be prepared to be disappointed with higher end equipments as they highlight the defects in the recording. Further the way technology is going it makes sense to go for a media player setup/computer_HTPC as source. Actually a laptop with SPIDF & HDMI out is the best. CDs are fine, but they get scratched and so you must use a copy and safely store the original. When you do this you might as well rip the songs to a hard disk. So spend a lot of time & effort in getting your music in lossless formats like WAv or AIFF. I have not tried FLAC but it seems to be very popular.

2. Speakers are the trickiest link in the chain. For music you need clarity, sound stage & reproduction. Loudness is the last requirement. So decide how much you want to spend on them and go out and audition with one standard disc of yours. Buy what sounds good to your ear. You will instinctively like one model. Buy it immediately. Do not worry about it being warm or forward etc. The music can be adjusted by a software/hardware graphic equaliser.

3. Next up will be the amp. Buy one that can power your speakers and give you your sound levels at max 50% amplification.(the distortion increases non-linearly at higher amplification levels). Also see to it that the quoted distortion (THD) is below 0.1%. The lower you go the more you need to pay. (A NAd 315 @ 0.02% THD & 40W RMS costs 18000 vs Rs 8500 for a Norge 2060 @ 0.06% THD & 80W RMS). Don't bother about brands, See how good service support is going to be.

3. Later on add a DAC - Cambridge Audio has good service support so the DACMagic @ around 25000 is good, Or you could go in for the Musiland range which used to be available a Amber-Lynx.

4. If the combination of DAC & Amp seems a bit overwhelming go in for the Harman Kardon 3490 amp, @ 30,000, which has a DAC & 120 watts amp. It also has Subwoofer outs for 2 channels so it will be ideal if you want to setup a 2.2 channel stereo - which is the best configuration.

5. The most important thing is to get time to listen to music. And add to your music collection. Never lose sight of that.

For whatever it is worth, the following is my shortlisted configuration:

Speakers - JBL ES80 or Lithos Q10/Kontra
Amps: HK 3490, NAD 325 or Norge 1000/2000
DAC: DACMagic or Musiland (not required if I go in for 3490.)

I already have a mishmash of components so I will be going in for the amplifier first - am accumulating money & will decide at some cut-off point.

Happy listening!
Hi Poornima,

I am new around here too, so i will let the senior guys welcome you, while i just say hello and, that you probably dont realise how surprising (for us guys) it is to come across a lady audiophile! And what a pleasure too!

You probably would be thinking, what the heck, why everyone is so excited and surprised? All i did was registered on a forum i accidentally found out and asked a simple question? Alas, you knew what a rare event happened :-) it's only guys who would appreciate it.

Welcome - and while you look for a stereo set-up for yourself, here is the most important thing i have learnt from my experience - in hifi audio cost does not necessarily reflect performance. So beware and try to listen to anything you buy. Dont just judge it by price. Good luck!

in hifi audio cost does not necessarily reflect performance. So beware and try to listen to anything you buy. Dont just judge it by price. Good luck!


hi Mubeen,

i beg your indulgence - but i beg to differ - a thousand pardons from your side -


i have seen that (i build good speakers) you need to spend hard cash -

the best transducers cost money - the best materials cost money - and the best MINDS can demand unlimited money for their uncommon wisdom- (after all, these {rare} people can tell us what NOT TO DO in our quest for a superlative system to reproduce the original audio event)

these gifted people see things that ordinary people cannot see -

so for a high priced hi-fi kit -

you do not pay for tangibles - you pay for all-inclusive uncommon wisdom-

and if i cannot afford that - sour grapes:)
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hi Mubeen,

i beg your indulgence - but i beg to differ - a thousand pardons from your side -


i have seen that (i build good speakers) you need to spend hard cash -

the best transducers cost money - the best materials cost money - and the best MINDS can demand unlimited money for their uncommon wisdom- (after all, these {rare} people can tell us what NOT TO DO in our quest for a superlative system to reproduce the original audio event)

these gifted people see things that ordinary people cannot see -

so for a high priced hi-fi kit -

you do not pay for tangibles - you pay for all-inclusive uncommon wisdom-

and if i cannot afford that - sour grapes:)

Hi there, nice to know that you build speakers, something i am keenly interested in and intend to try sometime soon.

I wouldnt disagree to what you said, good material costs money and skilled engineering demands money. But you see, just material and engineering cant guarantee performance, its the implementation, specially true in a highly subjective area that hi-fi is.

As i said, cost doesnt 'necessarily' reflect performance. It could, but not always. From my personal experience i can tell you, a Cambridge Audio 640A amp sounds much better than amps costing lot more than that. A Wharfedale Diamond 9.1 speaker can wipe the floor with speakers costing much more. A simple cheap gain-clone amp can shock many believers, i have built one myself.

But you see, just material and engineering cant guarantee performance, its the implementation, specially true in a highly subjective area that hi-fi is

the last judge is the marketplace - where people put down hard (earned) cash for an object - and that could be a product or services-

only the best survive competition -

so while the wharfedale (that you refer to) could wipe the floor with say, the Norge loudspeakers -

surely, they would not joust with the likes of Avalon or Wilson?

like you said , in this subjective world, it depends on where you pitch your floor.

that said, unless a product proves itself (however cheap or expensive) - it will not survive.

and at the end of the day - the best product is the most expensive - judgement is (usually) coloured by our reluctance/inability to expend money on such things

edit - i am not very rich - just a (passive) dispassionate observer of what happens in human societal gatherings and life (including moderators of diverse fora who take their jobs too seriously - and suddenly transform from being democratic leaders to autocratic dictators - without realising that there is a vast world beyond the four walls of one's home)
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am i guilty?

did i do the unthinkable?

packed off the simpering (so-called) female? BAD FORM!

Here, let me quote a fellow member - (regarding "Poornima")

{ "to come across a lady audiophile! And what a pleasure too!

Alas, you knew what a rare event happened :-) it's only guys who would appreciate it." - singular contributor Mubeen}

OMG and whoopsadaisy - what have i done?

scared off the motherlode of all information about audio and video?

or scared off a (so-called) female who had nothing to ask - or contribute - except excite the attention of enthusiastic males (whose interest must be aroused by things other than hi-fidelity audio and video)

like venkatcr says - "it does not matter who asks for information (or contributes to the forum) - male or female" (surely, one would not bother if "Cranky" was a male or a female - after all one spars with the mind on fora like these)

difficult to understand comments that follow-

"what a pleasure to have a lady audiophile"

"you do not know how precious you are"

comments such as these typify males who "go by the scent of the woman" -

and cannot see beyond that-

it degrades the concept of the intelligent mind -

and qualifies the (said) commentator to be "acting on base instinct"

after all, in a democratic forum (such as this forum) - there are only minds -

not male and female "precious" bodies and the physical persona.

for that - there must be suitable fora - such as those for bollywood/kollywood/mollywood participants and savita bhabi and such morally depraved people
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seeing the huge buzz created by an introduction of a girl member in our forums and the no of posts of intro section, i m now thinking of bringing this to notice to some of my female colleagues who are too scared to post on technical forums such as ours..

on second thoughts i should advice any new members joining to create a female id to get instant responses to ur query (i mean no disrespect to our fellow members here..its plain human nature)

Admin, please remove this post if you find it ....you know disgrace to our forum...
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A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.