Hi all


New Member
Feb 1, 2021
Hi All ,

Myself Gowrishankar, from Hyderabad. Looking for a suggestions and inputs on Home theater system. Searching for some info's got to know this Forum, like the info in some of the posts, looking forward to have a proper info about the Home theater Setup
Welcome to the forum Gowri. I knew one Gowrishankar from Hyderabad and his last name was starting with G and he was my office colleague, he worked in ICS. Are you the same person?
Hi All ,

Myself Gowrishankar, from Hyderabad. Looking for a suggestions and inputs on Home theater system. Searching for some info's got to know this Forum, like the info in some of the posts, looking forward to have a proper info about the Home theater Setup

Hi Gowrishankar, welcome to HFV.

If you post your query with your requirements in the 'What should I buy' section, you will surely get a lot of suggestions.
Before posting your requirements in what to buy please go through relevant threads which will give u a lot of info about home theatre systems.
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