Hifi Rack

Magma: The Type 2, I have just one word "beautiful". It look fantastic. I seriously wish I can to mumbai and hear those Magnas. I feel in love with them :)
Magma can you build something lower and wider. I love your finishing however I detest racks that are high. You'd have a customer in me if you built something lower.

The trouble with tall racks like these is the fact that they end up messing with the sound stage unless you put them in some odd corner of the room. Something which is 2x2 instead of 3x1 is lower and doesn't end up with this problem.

Thanks in advance.
as long as your speakers are in front of the rack i have never encountered this issue
Yes if your rack is exactly in line and between the speakers this can happen

type 2 stands at 34inches tall
if youre looking for lower you will have to think along the lines of type 1 or type 3

what height are you looking at?
Also if youre going lower you may have to stack two pieces of electronics side by side depending on the number of pieces you have correct?
type 2 is just what I was looking for, too..

if you find the time to make one for me, you have one customer here as well.

i'm gonna subsribe to this thread.

will touch base with you after I am back from my vaca...
as long as your speakers are in front of the rack i have never encountered this issue
Yes if your rack is exactly in line and between the speakers this can happen

type 2 stands at 34inches tall
if youre looking for lower you will have to think along the lines of type 1 or type 3

what height are you looking at?
Also if youre going lower you may have to stack two pieces of electronics side by side depending on the number of pieces you have correct?

Yup the trouble is the way my listening room is, there isn't enough room to put the speakers significantly in front of the rack. So I'm looking for a rack no higher than 24-26 inches. If the type 1 can be made only with two shelves, I could get two of them and get the job done too!

24-26 inches can probably accomodate a 3 tier rack depending on how high your equipment is

Type 3 rack is still in inital R&D and knowing me it will probably take two months for the first prototype to be finished otherwise i would have recommended that too for a shorter height
i will try and post pics of twin type 2 racks side by side soon for you to see how twin racks would look

Currently you can think of a 24inch 3 tier type 1 or a type 2
Both are differnt price ranges though

@all above
as long as you are fine with my working methods anything can be built
(im very finicky and like to have my creative freedom, if i dont like something i change it without asking.
Also i do take my time for the reasons ive mentioned earlier- i dont like to be rushed and for this reason i dont accept payment upfront unless the item has been customised to such an extent that no other user can use it-(ofcourse this applies to members only - i dont build for unknowns)
Here is a picture of hi-fi rack designed and made by Ali (magma). Thanks Ali for such a marvelous job.
Ali has designed a four rack system. Currently I have mounted the 3 racks (height 23 inches) and I have put my Denon 710 amplifier, Marantz CDP and the Rega TT on the top. For the TT, levelling is very critical and in Ali's design it can be achieved perfectly.
Imageshack - rack001.jpg - Uploaded by mksharan

Sorry the picture did not get loaded. Here is the link to the picture on imageshak
Imageshack - rack001.jpg - Uploaded by mksharan
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Hi Magma, I am looking for a new rack, but the concerns are too many. Your post is quite timely. How sturdy and stable is it against slight pushes? How kid resistant is it :)

I have a four year old naughty son and having mounted the rack today, I can vouch for the kid resistant part of it.

that's the most important point for me. Pls share some details of "kid resistant". Why do u think so?

It is sturdy. Spikes along with spike feet make it difficult to shove it around. Not easy for a kid to dismantle and last but not the least, since it does not have wheels it cannot be turned in a car/truck to be driven out by kids.
thanks Manoj - another aspect I am most worried about is my kid touching the equipment and possibility of a shock. Any suggestions on that front, regarding the rack and in general?
Your setup on that beautiful rack made by Ali looks stunning. Congratulations!

I have a few questions for you:
1. Is glass the only shelf material you are considering? I always had some reservation about glass.

2. Can you explain a bit more on the isolation/damping of each shelf/equipment? I am sure you must have given some serious consideration to that aspect. It could be that I have missed in my process of hurriedly going through these threads. If you have already explained these things in detail, do not bother, I will find it whenever I have some time.

In a few months we will be planning to move to a new apartment (delivery date is always getting delayed, so really don't know when), and there I would like to have a decent rack for my system. I may want one of your designs. They look beautiful.

I am a bit surprised to hear your apprehension that even a 3 feet tall equipment rack in between the speakers can destroy imaging. I am used to a very different thing (never had a serious problem with imaging), although currently I have the speakers a foot and a half ahead of the stuff in between the speakers.

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nice congrats magma may i know where we will get those spikes ?

what spikes are you talking about
if you are referring to the spikes on any of my creations then they have been made by me

Your setup on that beautiful rack made by Ali looks stunning. Congratulations!

I have a few questions for you:
1. Is glass the only shelf material you are considering? I always had some reservation about glass.

2. Can you explain a bit more on the isolation/damping of each shelf/equipment? I am sure you must have given some serious consideration to that aspect. It could be that I have missed in my process of hurriedly going through these threads. If you have already explained these things in detail, do not bother, I will find it whenever I have some time.

In a few months we will be planning to move to a new apartment (delivery date is always getting delayed, so really don't know when), and there I would like to have a decent rack for my system. I may want one of your designs. They look beautiful.

thanks for the encouragement

I am a bit surprised to hear your apprehension that even a 3 feet tall equipment rack in between the speakers can destroy imaging. I am used to a very different thing (never had a serious problem with imaging), although currently I have the speakers a foot and a half ahead of the stuff in between the speakers.


i have used toughened glass in one rack simply because it is the cheapest aesthetic option
Also i have noticed that once the glass is toughened it DOES remove to a good extent some ill effects of using regular glass
Hence it still is a VFM option
If you notice ,my Type 2 rack uses GRANITE shelving

Solid wood shelving will probably be used in my next rack design

actaully my favorite material is 20mm thick Acrylic
However such thickness are mostly imported sheets costing close to 400Rs/sq foot
the cost Doesnt go down well with some customers!
so i havent yet used it

Another favorite is 10 mm thick Aluminium (Solid)
i dont use it for the same reason as above

Isolation and damping
in the type 1 Alpha rack
Damping is provided by the neoprane inserts between which each shelf is sandwiched
Isolation is done by the double contoured spikes

the Type 2 - Beta rack is an altogether differnt system thats a bit more complex and leaning to high end ( im scared of using that word now since i see people questioning the use of that word ,though i do belive my rack does qualify)

in this rack EACH shelf is individually isolated ( hence each equipment is independently isolated)
this is done by the following
Each shelf is located and rests on 3 point contacts ( either pointed shanks with neoprane cover or Acorn semicircular fabricated inserts)
These pointed shanks isolate each shelf individually from the rest of the rack

You will have to check the close ups of the pics to see this
In addition each point contact can be independently leveled ( hence each shelf can be individually leveled)

Lastly the entire rack rests on either 3 to 4 spikes with spike feet,which isolates the entire rack as a whole

More ever the base of the rack can be mass loaded ( lead shot/sand)

One must understand that isolation and damping is done in proportion to the targeted cost of the rack
I cannot provide complete high end isolation for a moderately or budget rack and i cant to the vice versae too

i am planning to isolation such as this for my type 3 rack
finite elemente: highend furniture, brilon, germany, deutschland, designermbel, high quality, beste qualitt, racks, hifi-racks, hifi-rack, hifi rack, audio-rack, audio rack, pagode master reference, signature, spider, level plus, cerabase, cerapuc,

equiment or rather anything BETWEEN your speakers will tend to destroy imaging
this is quite a well known fact which can be confirmed by some experiments you can do yourself
im sure reignof chaos or dinyaar too will confirm it

Ideally the speakers should be such that they can SEE (the inner sides) each other
Most bookshleves are on 24 inch stands

Hence anything above 24inches that Lies between the speakers such that they cant see each other will affect imaging
Therefore ideally your equipment rack should be BEHIND the line of your speakers
However since most of us live in crowded cities where space is a premium we cannot afford to do this

A way around it is what ROC has thought of
use a wide equipment rack not above 24 inches in height
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I totally agree with Ali regarding imaging with my own experience.
Before I purchased the speaker stands from Ali, I used to use stools to hold my speakers. Due to the height of the stool all the equipment in between used to come to the height of the speakers.

After putting the speakers on the stands, there was nothing in between. As ali says speakers should be such that they can SEE (the inner sides) each other
Immediately there was a drastic improvement in the imaging. Most notable was that the vocals came from dead centre and from behind the sepaker

Thanks a lot for your lovely description detailing many points. Let your ideas develop and implementation perfect. They look very very good to my eyes. I just showed your type 2 rack to my wife, and she nodded in deep appreciation. BTW, since when you have Classe power amp and the Magnapens? Wow! Please let us know about the latest.

Yes, I know about imaging and a bit about the Physics behind it too. Any other physical objects including front-walls (actually I call it the backwall) form as secondary sources of sound waves - resulting in an effect called diffraction and this messes up imaging. Imaging is one rather 'non-musical' aspect of a system which is very very important for my kind of listening. From childhood, I am used to seeing live the main performer in the center, the tabla player to his right, the tanpura players slightly back and on two sides of the main performer etc etc. I look for such an environment: reasonably nice imaging and good instrument/vocals separation. I always got it at some reasonable level (with lesser amps and cables, the soundstage was more 2d than 3d though) with my speakers, although I always had some stuff in between. I have also explained the reason elsewhere at least twice in this forum. So I think the imaging also depends on the speaker design, especially the details of the baffle. Yes, I can see the need to minimize the stuff between the speakers, but I was surprised to hear the apprehension that a 3 feet rack of equipment would/should seriously matter. I have seen plenty of very nice audio installations with much larger racks in between speakers with excellent imaging and soundstage.

equiment or rather anything BETWEEN your speakers will tend to destroy imaging
this is quite a well known fact which can be confirmed by some experiments you can do yourself
im sure reignof chaos or dinyaar too will confirm it

but, magma -

surely, that cannot be true!-

well, anyway, - such an experiment can be easily conducted -

tomorrow, my (reluctant wife) will assist me in moving our 40 year old godrej cupboard in between my speakers - such that "they cannot see each other's inner sides"

yes, but that was so sudden and unexpected - to hear that something of nominal shape and size placed between the speakers can affect imaging?

where did this concept originate? - has it anything to do with alteration of gravitational forces ?

i always thought that creation of the (phantom) sound stage had much to with direct incident (sound) energy and the reflected components (originating behind the listener who sits facing the two-channel stereo system at a specified distance)

but yes, perhaps you talk of energy behind the speakers being reflected off the wall behind the speakers and not being able to reach the ears of the listener because of attenuation by the (center) object?

very strange - all this
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