Home Audio Advise

What do you think of this - "Take a stereo AMP with FS speakers to start with, go for an AVR next and rest of the speaker system"; ie. use the same set of FS speakers for music and Movies with a "switch" option. Trying to thing if this can be automated and not manual switching of connectors..

Nikhil, your first post talked of focussing on "power supply". Can you elaborate?..Sorry for trouble.
Nikhil, your first post talked of focussing on "power supply". Can you elaborate?..Sorry for trouble.

Sure no problem. Most of us when we start off focus entirely on the amplifier and the speakers. As you get more into understanding whats going on you begin to realize that your gear is limited by the basic input into the system which is the power supply. Standard power supply straight off your wall plug has a lot of things going on which can negatively effect your system sound.

Before you upgrade to anything else invest in a power conditioner followed by good quality power cables. In entry level equipment, the power cable is usually integrated into the box. Higher end equipment come with IEC connectors which allow you to use custom power cords. If you do get something with IEC connectors, look up a good supplier of power cords and get a decent power cord. You will be very happy.

The next step is good quality speaker cables and interconnects (between your CDP and amplifier). These 2-3 things will give you much more at this initial stage and will hold good as you upgrade to the next level.

You will read a lot of stuff online about cords and cables which talk about it all being hogwash. Take it from me, it makes a huge difference. A well made cable will do wonders for your system. It doesn't matter if it is a starting level system - a nice "fat pipe" brings down the load on your amplifier and helps drive your speakers much more easily. You will hear the difference.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you need any help.
BTW I happened to audition Marantz 5004 with Gamut speakers (1650 I was told)..Seemed to be a decent combination and pretty good clarity across most levels.. Only the gamut seemed pretty exp- 91K !Any views /experiences ??

Q2 - How does Marantz 5004 pair with Paradigm? I could not audition that.. but saw each each of them separately in different stores..wiith 2113 / 579 each seemed pretty good !
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I just looked up the HiFI mart on here and saw that they had a deal for the Wharfedale Daimond 9s together with Marantz 6004 integrated for about 75k plus taxes. Take a look at it. It should be a very decent step.

I have not heard the Gamut speakers so can't say. But as always use your ears.
Since you are just getting started listen to several before you decide.
Guys. Finally settled for Marantz PM6004 and FS Pardigm Mon-7 V6. I like the good balance of sounds across the spectrum esp the V6 with an addl driver plays good. Got a decent deal. I have this installed today and life changes truely with these beauties :). Thanks all for all the suggestions especially Nkhil. Now I am on the lookout for a decent media player.
Guys. Finally settled for Marantz PM6004 and FS Pardigm Mon-7 V6. I like the good balance of sounds across the spectrum esp the V6 with an addl driver plays good. Got a decent deal. I have this installed today and life changes truely with these beauties :). Thanks all for all the suggestions especially Nkhil. Now I am on the lookout for a decent media player.

Congratulations! Like I said before, take your time on your next step. You will learn a lot as you listen to more setups and your listening will evolve as you go. Don't forget about getting yourself good speaker cables and power cords. As good as your sound is now it will sound even better after.
Yes, Thanks. I did pay good attention to decent cables and got banana plugs crimped at both ends professionally by the vendor himself. A few more RCA cables will of course will need replacement
Folks.. I have been using my setup of Mon7v6 - 6004 for some time.. now. Wit the burning in still in progress, I can see the sound getting better and opening up.. I could do with a some more base even for the music with this setup.. the room size is 26 x 15 ' with the system setup along the length (ie listening distance < 15') Now the big question : Which Subwoofer do I go for ? My dealer suggested Impact series - Velodyne ? Budget range - 15-20K
Any suggestions for acquiring a good/clean source/players for high quality audio play - BDPs preferred ofcourse and/or media players..
Guys, I am in the exact same boat right now. I listen to music and watch movies.
Is this package on Hi-Fi Mart good for both music and movies?

My budget is at max, Rs. 2,00,000. Will that be sufficient?

If not, what would you folks consider as a starting price for the speakers + receiver package that offers the best of both worlds?

My family and I listen to all sorts of music from Hindustani Classical to Heavy Metal (think Iron Maiden!).

Please recommend a good HT setup that meet my requirements
Guys, I am in the exact same boat right now. I listen to music and watch movies.
Is this package on Hi-Fi Mart good for both music and movies?

My budget is at max, Rs. 2,00,000. Will that be sufficient?


Please recommend a good HT setup that meet my requirements

Maiden Trooper that is a very good budget for an entry into HT and music. Just some points for you to consider:

1. Size of your room. The 10.7 is a pretty big box. Add the sub and you have a lot of boxes in your room. You can also go for the 10.5 or 10.6 package also and used the money saved for a good Blu Ray player.

2. The Denon is a good start but read more on whats happening with AVRs. This is a very rapid change area where technology keeps changing. This will give you a decent setup but if you can spend more a top notch AVR is required for both HT and sound. The 40K - 70K range of AVRs are average for sound but will provide all the necessary rumble and thump for movies.

3. Add more money for speaker cables and Interconnects etc. This is a very important area as is taking care of your power input.

Like I said 2L is very good start. But do audition as many setups as you can so that you get the most value for your money.
Maiden Trooper that is a very good budget for an entry into HT and music. Just some points for you to consider:

1. Size of your room. The 10.7 is a pretty big box. Add the sub and you have a lot of boxes in your room. You can also go for the 10.5 or 10.6 package also and used the money saved for a good Blu Ray player.

2. The Denon is a good start but read more on whats happening with AVRs. This is a very rapid change area where technology keeps changing. This will give you a decent setup but if you can spend more a top notch AVR is required for both HT and sound. The 40K - 70K range of AVRs are average for sound but will provide all the necessary rumble and thump for movies.

3. Add more money for speaker cables and Interconnects etc. This is a very important area as is taking care of your power input.

Like I said 2L is very good start. But do audition as many setups as you can so that you get the most value for your money.

Nikhil, thanks for your inputs!
I have a 11' x 14' living room where I plan to install the HT systems.
I have not yet seen any of these speakers, I will definitely decide which ones to buy after auditioning them.
Nikhil, thanks for your inputs!
I have a 11' x 14' living room where I plan to install the HT systems.
I have not yet seen any of these speakers, I will definitely decide which ones to buy after auditioning them.

For that room size the 10.5 package is enough IMO but you can decide.
Use the money saved to spend more on the AVR.

There are some nice used AVRs available on the FOR SALE area which will save you some money and will be a good place to start and get you on the "learning curve". Once you have a good idea of what you like you can then make a plunge for a better setup down the road.
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