Home theatre query...


New Member
May 19, 2009
India, Mumbai
Hi frnds..i am looking out for a deent home theatre system for my home....my budget is around 30000....i have seen and tested a couple of systems....lyke for example Denon DHT 390....Yamaha RX - V463....both are costing nearly the same dat is around 30000k....i have taken a kind of full fleged demo for yamaha and i must say i was impresed wth d sound offerd...i am maore of a music guy thn a movie....but yah i luv to watch movies wth good sound...the highs were good wth yamaha and the bass was decent...coming to denon not have had a full demo but it was a decent demo....wat i heard the lows and d mids were good....the bass unit was really huge....and produced good low frequncies...also features wise yamaha was much better i felt...totally confused as usual as most guys are....dont knw wat to buy....any other suggestions within dis budget...more for music and decent sound for movies....please HELp
but is the denon DHT 390 good....coz i lykd d sound of it.....epecially the bass frquenies.....want a honest opinion....thanx a lot for replying brother.....
When it comes to HTIBs I believe Onkyo is better than most. Good value for money imo.


The HT-S5105 might be worth checking out. You can swap the puny fronts for a pair of decent bookshelfs like Diamond 9.2

Happy auditions.
When it comes to HTIBs I believe Onkyo is better than most. Good value for money imo.


The HT-S5105 might be worth checking out. You can swap the puny fronts for a pair of decent bookshelfs like Diamond 9.2

Happy auditions.

+1 to that. AVR of Denon 390 is too basic, lacks GUI and made specially for 390. 5105 is far better.
hey but it hve heard dat onkyo is a bit lazy as far as music is concerned....

Hi Jai,

Yes you are right on that. While it loses out on the musical front it will be much better than the above mentioned HTiBs for movies. And the AVR given with the package has more features than Denon(no idea about Yamaha though).

Since you are more into music than movies,i would suggest to go for a good 2.0 setup. There are many decent options for 30k for 2 channel setup.

Do not worry too much on music front if you are thinking of an HTiB..because all HTiB's will sound worse for music...so really not need to think about it. HTiB are only made for decent movie performance (of course cannot be compared to separates). So in the end you are buying something for movies only. Onkyo HTiB are better than most in value and performance.
dude thn wat is good for music....???man dis thing is so difficult to buy....i have been reading so many thngs...so many reviews...also i heard dat denon DHT 390 is a phased out system....now i am having dreams about Home theatre brother.....i am lyke super confused...decided on Denon Dht 390 but now hear its a phased out....man

how are Wharfdale Diamond HCP 9.0????

Don't worry too much. I was also much in the same state when hunting for a home theater. Because at that time I really did not understand the importance of good speakers in music reproduction. All thanks to this forum and gurus here. Now at least for myself I can make a sound decision on buying AV stuff and of course our friends here will definitely help me too select VFM products (Hahaha...sometimes that VFM shoots up). Just remember one thing: You are buying a HTiB for movies. And if you just remember this than you will not regret your decision of buying. Otherwise consider separates and go for better speakers at least. You can go for a decent mid-range AVR and good speakers, but speakers will make a lot of difference and later you can add is something for your music satisfaction (Like a CDP or DAC + AMP). That said you can decide for yourself.
hey but it hve heard dat onkyo is a bit lazy as far as music is concerned....

The Budget which you are talking about here would only give you a good Movie only setup whether its Denon, Yahama or Onkyo, as the speakers in all these HTIB's are sub-sat combo which could provide you good effects for Movies with a matching Sub but at this price if you compare the same musically then I would say my friend that you would be highly disappointed, as non of the above systems could give you sonic pleasures Musically.

Onkyos have the most powerful AVRs in the HTIB business and they leave you with the scope of improving your setup in the future by Upgrading your speakers with the full range once. They are also more value for money oriented with lot more features for you buck.
how are prosons speakers....they are some sweedish company....any one of heard of this company...m getting a deal of Denon 1508 with prosons speakers....for 29000k
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