How I saved a mobile dropped in bucket of water....

This is the 4th time I have saved a Mobile Phone dropped in water. This time I was using my wife's mobile as mine was down. While on mobile, my sweet lab (pet dog) gave me an unexpected tight hug and I dropped the mobile into a bowl of water. How did i save it?

1. The moment a mobile is dropped in water or wet, the first and most important thing to do is, REMOVE BATTERY. This is the single most imp factor in saving your mobile phone, dont bother about switching it off, just rip and remove the batter. If you can't open, switch of the phone and remove the batter as quick as possible.

2. Remove Sim card and any memory card inside.

3. Remove the back cover and anything that can be easily removed.

4. Shake the phone vigorously so that any water inside comes out. If you have flip or slide phone, ensure the flip/slide is open and then shake vigorously (ensure you hold the phone tight, you dont want to let go of the phone while shaking :))

5. Wipe the phone thoroughly

6. Now get a lunch box or container, layer it with rice (raw rice) then keep your phone (slide or flip open) and battery. Pour raw rice and cover them completly. Dont close it. Leave it open in airy place for next 3 days. Dont touch it. Resist the temptation of switching on to check if its working. Patience is virtue

Rice is one of the BEST moisture absorbant. My grandmom always puts some rice in the salt jar to ensure there is no moisture. The same principle applies here, rice will absorb the maximum water in the inside region of your phone in 3 days you have left the phone in its care. Just bcos your phone doesnt not show signs of water on outside doesnt mean it doesnt have water inside. Water inside is the worst enemy and this 3 days of immersing in rice ensures that water is sucked out.

7. After three days, remove the phone, wipe it clean and switch it on. 90% it should work if you had done this quickly and resisted the temptation to switch it on before the time period.

If not, time for another phone :indifferent14:

I have saved 2 N73s, 1 N95, and now my wife's N96 with this. The phone is working without any problem though little dusty bcos of keeping in rice which is more than okay for me :)

P.S1: This works as long as you have done this within 1-5 mins of water anything beyond is pure luck

p.s2: If you dropped in sea water, ensure you wash the phone in fresh water to ensure salt water is flushed as even after drying salt can do a lot of damamge (this I havent tested but heard from a friend of mine working in Nokia)

p.s3: It always best to dispose a water logged phone if it was immersed for more than 5 mins as eventually the water will corrode the circuits. When working better exchange it before it becomes dead

p.s4: If you did save your phone, I am always open for Donation so PM me :D


I also saved my cell phone when it came out of washing machine after getting through the entire cycle of about 1 hr. In same way detached its battery, removed sim, kept it a near a light bulb for 3 nights, allowing the moisture to evaporate, as it was rainy season.

It was 2 year old that time and used it further for one more year, before it fell badly dmaging its screen.

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