Hi friends,
I recently discovered from experience that it doesn’t help tightening the screws on your cable connectors to the hilt. On the contrary, I have noticed that kind of suppresses the sound and you adversely impact the khanak (what’s the English word?) and airiness of the higher frequencies and the reverb on the bass. This applies to both the amp and speaker ends of the cable and whether one uses bare wire or banana plugs. In case of banana plugs, this applies to both the tightness of the internal screws that hold the wire as well as the tightness of the banana plug itself in the amp and speaker ports.
And that doesn’t mean leaving them loose. That could result in disturbances in the audio. Just don’t tighten them to the max (where you can’t turn any more). Just leave some breathing space in the end.
Of course this is from my own experience and I’d like to hear from more experienced and knowledgeable members on this. My hypothesis is when you tighten to the max, the wires inside tend to compress/deform and that can have an impact on the surface area for the current. But I have seen a remarkable difference in the sound of my system when I corrected it.