I pulled the speakers closer. Even covered the tv with a quilt. I did feel the clarity improved when I covered the tv with a rug. As an experiment turned both speakers 180 degrees and interchanged the left and right channel. And I finally get something unbelievable. The depth is there and the sound stage is ethereal. Played the track good, bad ugly and the track "If I cound sing your blues" link posted by @arj
Now I have to grapple with certain circumstances.
1. To listen to music I have to sit on the opposite side with the tv behind me. This means I have to get some light weight and yet comfortable chair and drag it just in front of the tv every time I want to listen to music and remove the chair for tv watching. Ugh!!!
2. It looks wierd having one pair of speaker on one side of the room and another pair of speakers on another side.
The only practical solution that seems feasible is to usurp the guest room and make it a music room. But that is on a floor below. So If I change my mind to watch a movie, I have to go upstairs and vice versa.
The other is to find out what is causing some kind of anomaly where the entire sound stage is on the plane where the TV is sitting. I suspect this is something that @jls001 says and which is logical. The ES panels radiate sound front and back and the room or something is posing a challenge for this kind of speaker.
Have you trying playing around with the Toe in in the original position ie TV behind speakers ?
Try keeping it such that distance from speaker from wall is 1/3 of wall distance and fire it straight ie no toe in..keep changing the angle by 15 % till you get a 3D image..now its a question of 5 degrees in either direction till you get the best image.