Reviving a old thread.. I am facing the same issue as mentioned above by when i disconnect the TT cables still I have the hum and I feel the Phono Pre is the culprit. Any idea on how to fix this. I have the CNC phono.
I understood as below.
You are connected your TT to CNC Phono stage. CNC Phono Stage output to one of Amp line Input. TT Ground wire is connected with CNC Phone Ground. Hum is listenable even at listening position. If yes try the following.
1. Disconnect all wires related to TT and Phono Stage and check. Still hum is there problem is with Amp else continue further.
2. Keep TT is completely disconnected. Short input terminals of phonostage. Connect the interconnect between Amp and Phonostage output and power up Phonostage. If hum is there it is originated to either inter connect or Phonostage and try the following.
a) Check with other Interconnects.
b) Try with only Left then only Right channel and try to narrow the culprit.
c) Check your power supply '0' point solidly grounded on Phonostage cabinet.
d. Check is there any ground loop in the circuit wiring.
e. If your phonostage is assembled on some non-metallic cabinet try to shield the PCB and shield should be grounded.
3. If you not here hum at stage 2 the problem is associated with TT. Try below.
a) Check the continuity between Phonostage Ground point to power supply '0' point.
b) Check the continuity between TT tonearm metal part to Phonostage GND point once the TT is connected. If continuity is not ok the tonearm GND wire wiring need to be check.
c) Check also the Phono cable of TT for continuity and any dry soldering etc.
In few older TT the GND wire, Left, Right channel interconnect shields and Cartrige -ive are connected inside the TT at a single point. In such case little hum close to speaker is normal. Such cases if the GND wire of the TT disconnected from the Phonostage GND and hum vanish most of the time.
Wishes to fix the issue.