Preamp upgrade from AMR DP 777

You havnt mentioned the amp with which you paired the above pre amps with or the amp you currently intend to pair with.
It should not matter but here they are:

Audio Space EL34 monos (Nova M34)
Rogue Audio Stereo 100 (Dual KT88)

A Modwright LS100 is coming for trial later this week. It is a rather simple preamp with good parts. Hoping that it works.
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Have a considered a Rogue preamp itself ? It should suit the Rogue 100.
Or a Lamm pre if you can get one.
Ended up buying the Modwright LS100. It is a superb preamp - very neutral, added a slight bit of heft to the bottom end and a bit of air to the top. No change to tonality whatsoever. Bass has improved quite a bit. Now when I go back to DAC direct, I feel the heft is missing.

On the negative side - it is pure Class A and has no feedback. So any noise in 6SN7 tubes that it uses gets thrown on your face. I tried a bunch of nos sylvanias loaned to me and they all sounded noisy.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.