India bandh ......

Only the BJP calls for Bandhs in it's own ruled states. The hypocrites will not lower the excessively high local taxes on petroleum products, but they want the central government to keep subsidizing losses to the tune of tens of thousands of crores a year. The Indian public and media has got to be thestupidest in the world. Does no one realize the actual break up of the final retail prices of Diesel/Petrol? The height of hyprocrisy is, that the only time Diesel and Petrol were both decontrolled, BJP was the party in power at the center.

In any case, what does a Bandh accomplish other than causing severe losses to the exchequer and the country? The worst part is, that a Bandh hurts the very common man, that these political parties are championing, the most. The poor daily wage earner will not be able to feed his family because the likes of Advani & Bindra Karat see an opportunity for political gain.

Shame on one and all who support 'bandhs'.

this is not sbout bjp, the bandh is called by all opposition parties. this is a national level bandh, not a state level bandh. If thats your criteria, congress is worst as it implemented emergency in the country it ruled. and the taxes that are on petrol etc are all implemented during the congress regime.

BJP did decontrol prices and i am all for it, but the timing this time couldnt have been worse. inflation is out of control, food is unaffordable. what will happen to the prices of vegetables when diesel becomes more expensive.

strikes themselves are not a problem. They become a problem when the entire country goes on a strike and the centre does not give a rats ass.
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Anm, a very happy birthday to you, i am also working at office came in at 6 am.

Yes the bandh is useless and waste as prices will not change and it is the right move by the government. Today it is pinching us but will benefit in the longer run.
Thanks for the wishes.

Anm, a very happy birthday to you, i am also working at office came in at 6 am.

Yes the bandh is useless and waste as prices will not change and it is the right move by the government. Today it is pinching us but will benefit in the longer run.

like bombing for peace?
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Dude, stop whining about bjp. this is a national level bandh, not a state level bandh. If thats your criteria, congress is worst as it implemented emergency in the country it ruled. and the taxes that are on petrol etc are all implemented during the congress regime.

BJP did decontrol prices and i am all for it, but the timing this time couldnt have been worse. inflation is out of control, food is unaffordable. what will happen to the prices of vegetables when diesel becomes more expensive.

strikes themselves are not a problem. They become a problem when the entire country goes on a strike and the centre does not give a rats ass.
I have not stated anything personal towards you or anyone else. I have a right to my opinion and to express it. If you don't like my opinion, you are welcome to simply ignore it. If you wish to disagree, then do it in a civil manner without being personal or using derogatary language.

In any case, I personally don't give two rats for Congress or BJP or any other political party, for they are all opportunists. I state things as I see them as they apply to a particular scenario, without any bias against or tilt in favor of any particular party. The BJP is being hypocritical right now and their goondas are going around buring private/public property in the name of protest. How that is going to help the common man, is totally beyond my comprehension. If the striking parties really believe that the increase in Diesel prices is goign to be so harmful to the economy, then why do they not reduce the absolutely excessive and unreasonable state taxes on Petrol/Diesel. Believe it or not the sales tax on Petrol/Diesel is as high as 40% in some states. Also, why do states insist on keeping the state taxes as apercentage of the price. Why don't they fix it in absolute terms. The answer is simple, by keeping the taxes as a percentage of the price, they stand to profit more each time the price goes up. The least the states can do is give up the extra sales tax on the increased price, but even that they are not willing to do. Most importantly, have you ever bothered to find out why the states refuse to allow petroleum products to be brought under the purview of VAT and the hopefully soon to be implemented GST?

Bandhs are a national loss and does nothing for the common man in whose name they are supposedly held. In any case a 'bandh' is what people would observe on their owen, without any compulsion or force. But this is not the case, the only reason places are closed is because these goonda political parties are forcing, threatning and physically damaging private/public property to make sure that businesses are closed. It is nothing more than plain and simple goonda gardi. But that's all some of these parties are capable of anyhow.
this is not sbout bjp, the bandh is called by all opposition parties. this is a national level bandh, not a state level bandh. If thats your criteria, congress is worst as it implemented emergency in the country it ruled. and the taxes that are on petrol etc are all implemented during the congress regime.

BJP did decontrol prices and i am all for it, but the timing this time couldnt have been worse. inflation is out of control, food is unaffordable. what will happen to the prices of vegetables when diesel becomes more expensive.

strikes themselves are not a problem. They become a problem when the entire country goes on a strike and the centre does not give a rats ass.

I would have respected the opposition parties if they had reduced the state tax in the states they are ruling like Karnataka to the extent that they get the same amount of rupees per litre as they were getting. that kind of positive message to public followed by a protest has a meaning. but, acually, they keep the additional tax they get because of the hike and then going for bundh is something that makes me suspect their motive.
To me the Bandh is a foolish gimmick. This will come back to haunt the bjp one day if they come back to power and increase the prices of petrol.

But the roads are so wonderfully silent today!! I am at so much peace with the world now :)

I dont know about the timing - but there may be a financial crisis looming for oil companies if they do not toe the market prices and continue subsidizing and it may not be apparent to us.

bandh is not a solution .....but this govt is the worst in all respects........i see that people like parties and leaders ...........and in this bargain they seem to miss out on facts / figures ....intentionally

People have to come out of this love for Gandhi family / Manmohan Singh and objectively analyse performance of the institution as such ......

whether its Inflation OR security OR any other sector ......bad governance is very apparent at the central and the state govt ..........look at some of the facts

all it achievements are on paper .........

Kapil Sibal - there is a right to education bill ....but no schools funds ........passing the buck to states ....who pass it back to the centre ....ultimately nothing changes on the ground .........yet he is a performer ...

Sharad Pawar - right to food bill .........but again PDS system is in shambles ......starvation is very much a reality in many parts of the country .........Agriculture has not registered any growth ..... Right is ok , but where is the food ?

Chidambaram - security ....well Maoists are saying .....they will call for a bandh to avenge their leaders killing .......other flashpoints like kashmir and north east are also not improving ........i dont know where to stop .........but people like the person called as Chidambaram and they are ignoring the fact that he is the worst performer in this govt ....

food prices are rising ....and the govt quotes total inflation figure to say that its coming down instead of looking at food inflation which is rising ...

Finance Minister .....first give all sorts of subsidies , loan waivers (which may not reach the target population )and increase the fiscal deficit .....then sell something OR raise petrol prices to make up for it .......what a model ?? .........completely unsustainable in the long run
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No Bandh in chennai, life as usual, , we join any bandh only if it is for Srilankan tamils or for cauvery water(only when it suits the ruling party)

Happy returns of the day ANM, Have a great year ahead and best wishes to you Avidhyarthy.
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Happy Birthday Bandh ANM !! :)

and Happy Anniversary Bandh Avidyarthy!! :ohyeah:

Tip: You can escape an expensive dinner bill by saying its a Bandh and cook at home instead ... :rolleyes:

Cheers :)
I have not stated anything personal towards you or anyone else. I have a right to my opinion and to express it. If you don't like my opinion, you are welcome to simply ignore it. If you wish to disagree, then do it in a civil manner without being personal or using derogatary language.
Sorry man, didnt intend to be personal, typed the message and then realized it and edited it also before reading yours, but you had already responded to it.
In any case, I personally don't give two rats for Congress or BJP or any other political party, for they are all opportunists. I state things as I see them as they apply to a particular scenario, without any bias against or tilt in favor of any particular party.
From your message, looks like you're singling out bjp. so i cribbed as thats not true.
The BJP is being hypocritical right now and their goondas are going around buring private/public property in the name of protest. How that is going to help the common man, is totally beyond my comprehension.
Did you meet any goondas of bjp trying to destroy property? Read it in papers, saw it on tv, or just assumed?
It will help the common man if the central govt does something about it. realizing that the entire country is against it.
If the striking parties really believe that the increase in Diesel prices is goign to be so harmful to the economy, then why do they not reduce the absolutely excessive and unreasonable state taxes on Petrol/Diesel. Believe it or not the sales tax on Petrol/Diesel is as high as 40% in some states.
Why should they? our states are more broke than the center. When our federal govt chooses to increase the cost without reducing the central taxes, states will also follow the same model. Atleast you are lucky living in NCR where the petrol is almost the cheapest in the whole bloody country. Come to bangalore and pay 59/- for a litre and you will know how justified the strike is.
Also, why do states insist on keeping the state taxes as apercentage of the price. Why don't they fix it in absolute terms. The answer is simple, by keeping the taxes as a percentage of the price, they stand to profit more each time the price goes up. The least the states can do is give up the extra sales tax on the increased price, but even that they are not willing to do. Most importantly, have you ever bothered to find out why the states refuse to allow petroleum products to be brought under the purview of VAT and the hopefully soon to be implemented GST?
The VAT and GST is also a percentage of the cost. All the taxes are a percentage of the actual cost. Next you are going to ask to pay fixed income tax. Nothing is absolute.
Why doesnt the stupid center withdraws all taxes on petrol/diesel, and then increase the rates. In today's paper (IE), there is almost a full page ad from the central govt showing the prices in the neighbourhood (pak, bd, nepal, SL etc) and claiming we are paying the least. Thats what our standard has been reduced to by our stupid govt.
Bandhs are a national loss and does nothing for the common man in whose name they are supposedly held. In any case a 'bandh' is what people would observe on their owen, without any compulsion or force. But this is not the case, the only reason places are closed is because these goonda political parties are forcing, threatning and physically damaging private/public property to make sure that businesses are closed. It is nothing more than plain and simple goonda gardi. But that's all some of these parties are capable of anyhow.

Well, these are the elected representatives of the common man and they are supposedly 'representing' the interest of the common man.:lol:

I dont agree that strikes are totally useless. They are more often than not misused though. In japan and some other countries, people wear black badges to work and they are supposed to be on strike. Imagine if that happened in India, the management/politicians will be laughing and no one will give a damn about such a strike. Hence, people go for a real strike.
We get the govt and politicians we deserve. Most of us 'educated people' dont even goto vote and then we crib about the rotten state of politicians.
Sorry man, didnt intend to be personal, typed the message and then realized it and edited it also before reading yours, but you had already responded to it.
Your honesty is much appreciated.
Did you meet any goondas of bjp trying to destroy property? Read it in papers, saw it on tv, or just assumed?
As a matter of fact on two seperate occasions, where 'bandhs' were called by the BJP, my personal business place has been attacked and major losses suffered by me. Today, it was only due to the past experiences with the BJP/RSS goondas, that I had shut my business, for I certainly do not support this or any other 'bandh'. Who is responsible for the business loss suffered? By the way, the BJP/RSS goondas even today came as a gang armed with lathis etc. to check up on my business place to ensure it was closed.
It will help the common man if the central govt does something about it. realizing that the entire country is against it.
I am sorry but it obvious that you understand little about economics. It is not the job of the governement to control petroleum prices and or subsidize them. In any case, those subsidies are paid for by our own tax money or by simply the devaluation of the moey you already have. Subsidies on petroleum products are counter productive and they only promote ineffeciencies and corruption. Why stop at only petroleum products, why not make the government subsidize everything else, specially 'roti, kapada aur makaan', ie. food, clothing and housing. I am sure you will agree that these three are far more important for survival than petroleum products.
Why should they? our states are more broke than the center. When our federal govt chooses to increase the cost without reducing the central taxes, states will also follow the same model.
If the states are broke, it is due their own bad fiscal policies or should I say populist policies, such as the one you now demand from the Central governement. Are you suggesting that since the state governements are broke, the Central government ought ot do the same? I suppose that would fit in with our general Indian ideology of 'since we can't make the poor rich, let's make the rich poor'. The irony of it all is, that in a state that you claim is already broke, the Karnataka state economy just lost an estimated 734 crores in losses due to the bandh today. :sad: The BJP governement surely needs to be commended for calling a bandh, don't you think?
Atleast you are lucky living in NCR where the petrol is almost the cheapest in the whole bloody country. Come to bangalore and pay 59/- for a litre and you will know how justified the strike is.
Have you even stopped to think why the price is lower in Delhi compared to Karnataka? That is because your state governement charges collects Rs 14.82, which is approx 34.25 per cent over the base price of a litre of petrol. The base price of a litre of petrol is Rs 43.26, but the current selling price in Bangalore is Rs 58.08. Karnataka has the highest tax rate of any state in India on petroleum products. It charges 34.25% in taxes which include taxes under various heads, such as entry tax, transportation, local taxes and licence fees in addition to one of the highest sales tax rates amongst all states in India. Instead of looking at the Centre to solve your problems, maybe you should look inwards and see who is actually responsible for the outrageous prices of fuel in Karnataka. I wonder if it is just a coincidence that the BJP ruled states, have the highest tax rates on petroleum products in India. :rolleyes: I can really see how justified this so called 'strike' really is.
The BJP state governement gets to eat their cake and keep it too. They benefit from the higher taxes collected due to the taxes being a percentage of the base price and blame the centre for the entire increase in prices.
The VAT and GST is also a percentage of the cost. All the taxes are a percentage of the actual cost. Next you are going to ask to pay fixed income tax. Nothing is absolute.
Why doesnt the stupid center withdraws all taxes on petrol/diesel, and then increase the rates.
You misunderstand. My reference to VAT and GST was in relation to the fact that if petroleum products would come under the purview of VAT or GST, all states would have the same tax rate and the maximum rate would be 12.5% Obviously states such as Karnataka do not want to lose their control over their cash cows. There is absolutely no justifiable reason that the state governement cannot impose an 'absolute' rate of taxes on petroleum products if they actually cared about the common man.
Well, these are the elected representatives of the common man and they are supposedly 'representing' the interest of the common man.:lol:
Does that really warrant a comment?
I dont agree that strikes are totally useless. They are more often than not misused though. In japan and some other countries, people wear black badges to work and they are supposed to be on strike. Imagine if that happened in India, the management/politicians will be laughing and no one will give a damn about such a strike. Hence, people go for a real strike.
First of all please understnad that a 'bandh' is not a 'strike'. Secondly even in a bandh, no party, elected or non-elected, in power or otherwise has the right to enforce a 'bandh'. A 'bandh' was supposed to be an instrument to gauge the level of protest and dissent amongst the people, but when it is done by threat or force, the relevance becomes nought and no purpose is served other than as a show of 'goonda' strength of the leftist parties and their new found allies the BJP/RSS.
We get the govt and politicians we deserve. Most of us 'educated people' dont even goto vote and then we crib about the rotten state of politicians.
That is entirely a different topic for a different time and debate.

Bottom line is, this 'bandh' was neither justified nor does it serve any other purpose but for goondas to make a show of strength. The country as a whole is a loser in many ways, but most importantly the fact that the country lost by estimates from different sources, approx. 3500 - 10000 crore rupees today. I am sure the common man will be that much richer tommorow and his problems accordingly reduced..
Life goes on as usual in mumbai, left by 0730 hours for work, returned at 2330 hours, mumbai people have no time for bandh-shandh, we mumbaikars strictly follow the maxim 'NO MONEY - NO HONEY'!!!

Belated Happy B'day ANM, hope you enjoyed the day,
Belated Wedding Anniversary Avidyarthy, hope you & your wife enjoyed a good evening together....

5th of July is also my Moms b'day, since was not at home today, took her out & celebrated her b'day on the 4th itself.... :D

A 'Bandh' on the whole is actually not constructive/productive as one only loses a precious day, achieving nothing & making poor people suffer more hardships.
Happy Birthday Bandh ANM !! :)

and Happy Anniversary Bandh Avidyarthy!! :ohyeah:

Tip: You can escape an expensive dinner bill by saying its a Bandh and cook at home instead ... :rolleyes:

Cheers :)

ehehehe .... came close to it.

Instead of getting ripped apart at some fancy joint, managed to have near-homely, affordable South Indian grub at "Naivaidyam", close by. Mysore Masala Dosa, Paper Masala Dosa, Idli Sambhar, Water melon juice .... wifey, me, my daughter and the demon.

Loved to stay away from the strictly non-veg fare that we usually end up having.
i had an extended weekend and an amazing ride for 2 hours in heavy hyd rain without a helmet.. however my shoes wud have been cursin me.. for leather shoes full with
ended up with a decently high dinner bill!
Edit - and a warning on hifivision for using the other part of the quote "bombing for peace" :)

Happy Birthday Bandh ANM !! :)

and Happy Anniversary Bandh Avidyarthy!! :ohyeah:

Tip: You can escape an expensive dinner bill by saying its a Bandh and cook at home instead ... :rolleyes:

Cheers :)
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