Indian Media and its self-defeating attitude.

The country will get the media it deserves !

Is everything else okay? Commies are badokay. Are the rest of them any good? Dont make me laugh !:ohyeah: ROTFL
News can get mangled and convoluted by any group with vested interests be it political, money or anything else. None is exempt from this depravity. All of them do it. Not just the intellectual commies !

WB and Kerala may have some mangled textbooks but they do not have kangaroo courts or Khap panchayats holding citizens fundamental rights to ransom ! They never had it even hundred years back.

Go figure ! :D

We are not discussing "everything under the sun here". Only who is influencing the media. If you have an opinion on this specific topic feel free to post.

We are not discussing "everything under the sun here". Only who is influencing the media. If you have an opinion on this specific topic feel free to post.


Okay so give historical data in India to prove that only the commie intellectuals mangle the media.

Please go ahead sir !

And leave the textbooks alone. The astute people in WB and Kerala know how the separate the wheat from the chaff. Don't you worry about it.
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hey gobble, why don't you be more explicit? i am asking out of genuine curiosity....if you know something we don't.....why don't you share it with us, rather than allude to it obliquely? who are these 'commies' ? what are they doing? where are they functioning? how are they influencing the media? what specific stories have come under their influence? who is this triad??

your post sounds like the blurb of a robert ludlum novel :) so having read the blurb, now i want to read the book!

and textbooks getting mangled happens all over the country. Let's not dismiss communism or communists in India so easily! Whether you like it or not Kerala has excellent human development indicators and that is genuinely the kind of thing a poor country like India should be concerned (and yes we are poor, however much we try and tell ourselves we're a 'superpower') and that's mostly thanks to communists....and yes the flip side is the militant unionism and that has affected jobs etc., but the average keralite is much better off than the average guy in pretty much any other part of the country.

Let me reiterate that I don't mean this as a mallu or out of pride or anything, it's a factual thing.....these things are not black and can't say commie bad capitalist good....or vice versa.....that's ridiculously saying tubes good.....solid state bad ;)
Tubes vs solid state is finding its way into everything now, eh?!

But I agree with psychotropic. Communism is not evil per se and neither is capitalism the panacea to all evils. Horses for courses.
The media is lazy and irresponsible


I respectfully disagree with the former and agree the later.

Medias are very busy covering celebrities and other peculiar things, sometimes I wonder, "probably the demand is more for these kind of things......"

There was a comment by a famous comedian at a audio release (?) function, "When a 3-minute swamiji movies can hit top ten, this film will do go places." Yes, it is really pathetic to see such things in news, especially with background music and commentary, while the big bosses of the channel boast so much "language & culture."

Welcome to world of big money, power, glitz and glamour.

In the movie Matrix Morpheus tells Neo:

What if you were to wake up from a dream which was so
real that you found it difficult to differentiate
between the dream world, and the real world?
This is exactly what Maya is, a dream world.

Maya is what is being created by the big and famous for the rest of people in the world to consume.

All of them do it irrespective of where they come from. The media plays a big part in the big scheme of things. That includes the audio-rags too ;)
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Okay so give historical data in India to prove that only the commie intellectuals mangle the media.

Please go ahead sir !

And leave the textbooks alone. The astute people in WB and Kerala know how the separate the wheat from the chaff. Don't you worry about it.

This is not just about historical "evidence". Sorry. Its about perspectives on history. Evidence as a word is quite abused in the context of history with historians posing their conjectures as the truth - as if they went back in a time machine, and by those who pretend they can explain it all.

I am not doing anything about the textbooks except that I will educate parents or children about it when that education is possible in a conducive atmosphere - one that will lead to a journey of personal discovery and newer learnings, and help counter mis-education mis-perceptions and help invigorate a persons faith in our collective past.

The challenge you are proposing is what I commonly see as stone throwing - both parties pick up stones in the form of evidences (often out of context and irrelevant) and hurl them at each other in public view. And the one with more "stones" is the victor for the day.

Not my style sorry.

hey gobble, why don't you be more explicit? i am asking out of genuine curiosity....if you know something we don't.....why don't you share it with us, rather than allude to it obliquely? who are these 'commies' ? what are they doing? where are they functioning? how are they influencing the media? what specific stories have come under their influence? who is this triad??

your post sounds like the blurb of a robert ludlum novel :) so having read the blurb, now i want to read the book!

and textbooks getting mangled happens all over the country. Let's not dismiss communism or communists in India so easily! Whether you like it or not Kerala has excellent human development indicators and that is genuinely the kind of thing a poor country like India should be concerned (and yes we are poor, however much we try and tell ourselves we're a 'superpower') and that's mostly thanks to communists....and yes the flip side is the militant unionism and that has affected jobs etc., but the average keralite is much better off than the average guy in pretty much any other part of the country.

Let me reiterate that I don't mean this as a mallu or out of pride or anything, it's a factual thing.....these things are not black and can't say commie bad capitalist good....or vice versa.....that's ridiculously saying tubes good.....solid state bad ;)

Sigh! HFV is not the place for this - I mean it honestly not evasively. To delve into this topic involves making many politically incorrect statements that are out of context for this forum, but issues that need to be raised and addressed for the long term and future generations rather than be swept under the carpet. This forum is not a platform for such things. Therefore I will defer. And I can only tell you in the true Indian way - it is a personal journey you have to undertake. There is no mountain to traverse, there are everyday steps in correcting onces perceptions about history and current events that we have been fed a bad dose of. My journey started when I read Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent" and I started applying it to the Indian context, and I found the left does in India what it blames the right wing corporate media of in western media. Of course the right wing has a hold in our media too. I have been at it for a decade - an internal mindscape of muses about this over coffee tea and everything else in between.

About Kerala whatever you attribute as benefits of Marxist rule is I feel a mis-attribution. Except for one - that the environment has been saved from destruction by corporates. I grew up in Kerala btw . I would not say thing are well with the alarming suicide rate and rampant alcoholism and joblessness amongst youth (seen it personally) they have. I cherish many good things about my years in Kerala though. I feel I have peeped into timeless history during childhood, watching elders and senior citizens of Kerala and their way of life, beliefs etc.

If I find something that is a good start for the plain curious I will PM you a link or two. This cannot really succeed in an western education style impersonal model - you will only end up accusing me of foisting politically motivated readings upon yourself.

This is not just about historical "evidence". Sorry. Its about perspectives on history. Evidence as a word is quite abused in the context of history with historians posing their conjectures as the truth - as if they went back in a time machine, and by those who pretend they can explain it all.

I am not doing anything about the textbooks except that I will educate parents or children about it when that education is possible in a conducive atmosphere - one that will lead to a journey of personal discovery and newer learnings, and help counter mis-education mis-perceptions and help invigorate a persons faith in our collective past.

The challenge you are proposing is what I commonly see as stone throwing - both parties pick up stones in the form of evidences (often out of context and irrelevant) and hurl them at each other in public view. And the one with more "stones" is the victor for the day.

Not my style sorry.


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