If you truly want to have a meaningful discussion, then please look at the various counter-points mentioned in previous posts and try answering them.
In the Lee example mentioned above, do you find it immoral to take a photograph of a pair of Jeans and getting it replicated from your tailor?
One common thread I find in all the righteousness and morality on display here is an (incorrect) lumping of examples. A chai-wallah is NOT the same as a mega-corporation.
I will ask you this other question. Dow Industries (formerly, Union Carbide) has acted strictly within the framework of Indian law, and has promptly paid whatever the government asked it to pay. However, do YOU think what they did was immoral?
Similarly, please try to look at what the recording and media companies are doing, the kind of lobbying and bribery they are indulging in to get laws passed that suit their business model, the way they are suing people left and right, the way they are trying to patent and copyright EVERYTHING, the way they are trying to not allowing copyrights to expire by getting laws passed, etc.
Then, if you are truly convinced, by all means, please get moralistic. Nobody is saying that "piracy" is morally tenable. However, what IS or should be a copyright? What IS or should be a patent? What IS or should be "fair use"?
We need to fully understand these things before blasting others.
For example, do you feel that creating a personal backup copy is OK? According to certain laws, it is actually illegal, and you can get fined or jailed for it. In fact, a lot of content and even hardware that you buy nowadays has encryption, spyware, hidden software, etc. that actively prevents you from making a copy.
Amazon got a patent for a "1 click" process of buying something online, which is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Its like someone creating a patent for say, running backwards.
One more thing, many many medicines that we buy in India are illegal copies of medicines made by US pharma companies. The US companies have spent billions of dollars research the drugs, and Indian companies copy these medicines and sell them in India making huge profits, while the US companies get zero.
So, you should stop buying Indian medicines too! One immoral act does not justify another, I agree. But, to focus one's morality on certain acts, and conveniently neglect other acts is also double standards.
Not saying anything to you (general rambling), but we Indians are very good at this double standard business. We go out and date other people's sisters, but dare anyone date our sister! We will go beat them up!