Wealth is not an indicator of higher intelligence in general at all. At least not in India. Even in most of the world. Otherwise every university professor and research scientist would be a millionaire.

People buying CDs are also not higher on any social curve- there is no strong correlation.
Given a choice between Tendulkar and Lara, I am sure most young cricketers would be equally driven by patriotism, childhood idolism, and upbringing as by the actual styles of the two cricketers. When two things (people, technologies, art) are almost on the same quality level, subjective factors like the ones mentioned have as much impact in the final choice as the relative merit of the thing you are considering. So I do not think we can generalise anything in such broad terms.
E.g., Pandit Bhimsen Joshi has a voice which is magnificent in it's grandeur, depth and range of scale. Even though I am not classically trained and do not even understand the basics of Indian classical music, his voice moves me more than (say) Michael Jackson's. But I am sure MJ has sold more copies than Pt. Joshi ever will, worldwide.