It very much is apparently from all accounts, you just need to know how to read between the lines with audio reviewers
A common theme amongst most reviewers is that they'll say any given speaker currently being reviewed are better than a segment or two above but they'll never name which high end speaker they're better than.
Think about it - it didn't come out on top in the comparo with the Q Acoustics 3030i segment speakers.
Whathifi rated the F501 Floorstanders as "award winners" in 2018 but crowned the Evo 4.4 as the next years winner for the same segment, lol.
The thing is, the Fyne 500 series and above are a bit of an enigma because nobody seems to have bought them.
I haven't heard the Elac Debut Series but by all accounts, they're good and priced well for the segment. Nevertheless, I would suggest you go audition them since you've already heard the KEFs and Wharfedales.