Jamo amp 693 with massive transformer

congratulations! if the Jamo AVR is of the quality that you describe, then it sounds like a steal for 25k...and yes it looks gorgeous.


This amp blew my socks away today. Its simply perfect! Bought it for just 25k
off the jamo showroom in ghitorni which was closing down. After just some minor tweaking it hit the spot! The combination of sound I was expecting from the s718+e7cen+e700's just perfectly set into my ears. Playful right bass thats like a bouncing ball and well rounded mids from the e7 series and the preferred amount of lower mid and low frequencies from the s718. I dont know who said they boom, but theres near no boom, beautiful controlled tight low freqs.

I bought 1.5mm wire for the center and boy what a difference it makes.

Eitherways, I dont know if some of the elite members of this forum will like it but my initial understanding of all the speakers combination and some minor adjusting of the cross overs and biwiring turned out right!

Thank for all your insightful help hifivision. I'm proud that India has such a strong HDAV community!
hi jaudere,

the arnold's nerve - this is same reason that brahmins put the thread around their (one) ear before they evacuate their bowels!

yeah, so the male g-spot is ear-located and the female elsewhere

ROFLLL!!! good one.

btw im gonna take some pics once I have it setup at our new apartment and show you guys the setup in 10-15 days :D
nothing in particular. maybe a good tuner, or a hdmi receiver if there is a good deal available

High definition audio video community :D

The amp is so freaking heavy, hard to even nudge it and it looks simply awesome!

Anm what kind of stuff are you looking for, let me know.
Oh man, neo6 music mode really brings my speakers to life. Soul filling, I'm very satisfied with the features/options and sound quality of this amp. Ive been tweaking with it for a week now constantly and discovering settings which really make the highs lows meds all shine in some way or the other using digital and analog and all sorts of combos. If anyone of you ever find one of these for 20-25k and dont need hdmi ( can just buy upscaling dvd/blu ray player ) the're absolute gems for the price.
hi corElement,

jamo = Bah!

i hope, with this single comment, to guide you away from mediocrity.

-watch "AMADEUS" otherwise

the west indians- they have masssive coconuts in their underpants - that does not make them better men when all is said and done!:)

hi suri, may be you enjoy this kinda posts ,but let me tell you, most of the hifi brands are good ,they are no fools to spend on researching on new models year after year . A whole lot of people are happy with either of the brands they choose to own, theres no point in having unneccasary bias towards any particular brands

cud i ask u whats the reason for u to bah bah on Jamos? have u had any bad experience , if so why did u even end up with the particular product?

cud you share the bad experiences ,so that i/we cud stay away from the mediocrity

Cud i also ask you whats the kind of set up you have ? your HI FI set up, not anything beyond the underpants (just joking man :) )

u must have mistaken a Hydrocele for a cocunut ,but ......the ones with the cocunut cud be better performers though :) , just kiding suri
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Hey guys found a pic of the internal transformer lol

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hi corElement,

jamo = Bah!

Sir, it is not nice to rain on some else's parade. You made a blanket statement about JAMO. I own Jamo speakers and personally IMO they are not mediocre.

corElement enjoy your setup :thumbsup:
hi suri, may be you enjoy this kinda posts ,but let me tell you, most of the hifi brands are good ,they are no fools to spend on researching on new models year after year . A whole lot of people are happy with either of the brands they choose to own, theres no point in having unneccasary bias towards any particular brands

cud i ask u whats the reason for u to bah bah on Jamos? have u had any bad experience , if so why did u even end up with the particular product?

cud you share the bad experiences ,so that i/we cud stay away from the mediocrity

Cud i also ask you whats the kind of set up you have ? your HI FI set up, not anything beyond the underpants (just joking man :) )

u must have mistaken a Hydrocele for a cocunut ,but ......the ones with the cocunut cud be better performers though :) , just kiding suri

hi subhash,

you have read my posts in the other thread, and you hope you understand what actually happened - it had nothing to do with Jamo.

Sir, it is not nice to rain on some else's parade. You made a blanket statement about JAMO. I own Jamo speakers and personally IMO they are not mediocre.

corElement enjoy your setup :thumbsup:

hi sydneyvj, yes, i agree that it is not nice to rain on someone else's parade.

that said - i apologise.

however, there is a background/reason that i said those things, and these had nothing to do with the good/bad qualities of Jamo.

there was an abrasive person on the forum - some of us wanted this person out because this forum had been a genteel one till this person hopped on.

i made such statements in several threads in which this person participated - all with one aim/intent - to cause this person to implode/self-destruct.

we succeeded.

if i have ruffled your feathers and those of others, and have hurt sentiments - i beg your pardon and also your indulgence - it probably will not happen again.

i am not a person who competes in the real world - certainly not about material things! - :) (subhash - please take note)

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hi sydneyvj, yes, i agree that it is not nice to rain on someone else's parade.

that said - i apologise.

however, there is a background/reason that i said those things, and these had nothing to do with the good/bad qualities of Jamo.

there was an abrasive person on the forum - some of us wanted this person out because this forum had been a genteel one till this person hopped on.

i made such statements in several threads in which this person participated - all with one aim/intent - to cause this person to implode/self-destruct.

we succeeded.

if i have ruffled your feathers and those of others, and have hurt sentiments - i beg your pardon and also your indulgence - it probably will not happen again.

i am not a person who competes in the real world - certainly not about material things! - :) (subhash - please take note)


uhh, so... who was it. me?
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