JBL 4343 coming soon to Mumbai

I don’t like dry sound. Nor do I like excess HF. I always look for a balanced sound. JBL bass unlike ATC is not dry sounding. Also the 4343 I have is all Alnico.

My 4343 is in my living room. I have heard the SH 50. I almost bought it when it was introduced around 2006.

The 4343 is all original
I heard the Danley SH 50 in US. I bought the 4343 from Hifido Japan. You can check with them about the restorations. They will clearly tell you what changes, if any, have been done.

The 4343 is an easy speaker to drive. Pretty much flat impedance of 6 -8 ohms. It sounds pretty flat with a touch of warmth which I guess is because of the Alnico magnets.
Interesting. Did you hear it at Danley headquarters or a dealer? Or a friends place? Just curious about the restorations, I'm not much of a Harman fan except for some of their older bigger horns.

If your talking about easy to drive then have you used a "home" amplifier with it? Good Pro audio amps never really complain about impedance unless your trying to push EDM with a 3-6db or lower crest into loads dipping below 2 ohms at clipping for long periods between 20-100Hz. There are amps for this as well but this is probably the worst case scenario.

How loud do you listen? I mean at LP.
I heard it at a studio in NY :)

Even I prefer JBL pre 80s stuff.

I don’t use pro amplifiers. Normal consumer amps. I listen to Bollywood, classic rock, Indian classical. So depending on the music, 80-90 dB. Occasionally for rock, I go 100 dB. I am not into metal, hip hop or EDM.

The SH50 will need a sub since it rolls off at 50hz. I don’t fancy a sub in my living room. I prefer speakers which go down a bit lower. The JBL 4343 goes down to 35hz before rolling off. So for the genres of music I listen to, it works perfectly. And I can manage without room treatment. If I were mainly into EDM, hip hop I guess the bass reverberation would have to be tamed and I would need some room treatment.
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I thought so, I understand about the genres but those you mentioned don't really need much extension. I personally must have a sub no matter the speaker but some don't prefer it. Personally I don't think you'd need a sub with any pro speaker tuned around 50Hz or lower with those genres. I am guessing when you say Bollywood you mean more on the older side of it?

For me it's rock/metal (particular sub genres), EBM, synthpop,trance,house,pop. I do not listen to Indian music,classical,rap,hip hop,drum and bass,dubstep. Occasionally I will listen to 80's music or vocal or country. I also like to listen to music in various other languages that I do not understand.

Any reason why you don't want a sub?
No sub because of aesthetics. And JBL 4343 goes down to a solid 35 hz. It’s plus minus 3 dB at 35 hz as per specs. In real listening, I think it easily goes down to 30 hz. That’s pretty good for me. As I said if my main speakers was cutting off at 50 hz, I would want a sub.

What amp and speakers do you have?

I'd rather not get into that, I like to leave my system anonymous. This way people are not biased when talking to me. All they see is my post, not my gear. Though I suppose they can dig up what I put up for sale :)
Also another reason I don’t like to use subs is they all come with class D amps. I find them sounding a bit shrivelled. I prefer to use the same brand of amps I use with my main speakers with the subs. So that means more space which I don’t have :)

The SH50 I feel definitely needs subs. The roll off at 50hz is very steep.
Powered/active subs come with amps, passive ones you could use as you please. Amps don't take much space but if you get a big sub that would take space. What sub are you interested in?
Nothing for now. If and when I get a SH50, maybe some vintage JBL 18 inchers. If I need help I will reach out to you :)
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Sure but I'm not sure that vintage JBL is the best choice for below 50Hz. The 2242H is pretty popular but its more for 35/40Hz-100/120Hz.
Does refurbished mean that only the cabinets are refurbished or even the drivers are, I mean reconed with new cones?
I was just curious.
Shafic, nothing is modified. Cabinets are all original. Only the surrounds of the 15 inchers have been changed as per original. And a couple of caps in the crossover have been changed as per original. All measurements have been made to match the original.
Shafic, nothing is modified. Cabinets are all original. Only the surrounds of the 15 inchers have been changed as per original. And a couple of caps in the crossover have been changed as per original. All measurements have been made to match the original.
Thanks prem
The usual itch to buy something new got to me. I kind of shortlisted the Conrad Johnson CAV 45 S2 after exploring several EL 34 amps. But then every time I think of changing and I hear the Croft, I drop my plans. :)

It truly is a wonderful amp. If 50 watts is sufficient for your speaker, definitely look it up. Since Glenn Croft has not been keeping too well off late, I don’t know for how long the Croft amps will be available.
The usual itch to buy something new got to me. I kind of shortlisted the Conrad Johnson CAV 45 S2 after exploring several EL 34 amps. But then every time I think of changing and I hear the Croft, I drop my plans. :)

It truly is a wonderful amp. If 50 watts is sufficient for your speaker, definitely look it up. Since Glenn Croft has not been keeping too well off late, I don’t know for how long the Croft amps will be available.
Add two zeroes and I'm interested.
The usual itch to buy something new got to me. I kind of shortlisted the Conrad Johnson CAV 45 S2 after exploring several EL 34 amps. But then every time I think of changing and I hear the Croft, I drop my plans. :)
aren't el34s bloomy..!! I recently got the class A 20 watts version from cadence.. It is poles, apart from their 36 watts counterpart.. I find these more satisfying than even the lyritas wrt tubeyness

conrad would play at a different level altogether. do u have any other inputs on the conrad based on your research...Great times ahead of you :)
I only looked at Airtight EL 34 and CJ EL 34. Both are good. Airtight is more expensive. I felt comfortable only considering these two amps. Wasn’t sure of the other usual EL 34 suspects. But as of now I am not convinced it will be a step above the Croft. I think it will be more of a parallel shift. Hence for now sticking to Croft. The new LTA ZOTL 40 Reference + is also an interesting amp. I might look at it sometime. This one also uses EL 34 tubes.
Hi Prem - amazing set up!!! You sure did some good deeds in your audiophile journey to experience the audio Heaven!! just curious how did you source them are those vintage JBLs easily available in Bharat?
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