Well-Known Member
Oh, I am seeing this book (Dobbs) after some 40 years, thanks for sharing. Our school library had this book and I have borrowed it several times, together with a book on how to make pinhole cameras. I also used to spend hours reading a book called Fun With Radio by Gilbert Davey which Dad used to bring for me from the British Council LIbrary in Trivandrum (I cant recollect how many times he renewed it). These were days before the Photocopier and I recollect copying down the whole book by hand. Here is a copy of this book for old time's sake - back the memories
Now this is the link I was telling. I used to read it in Manorama Book Stall near my house and drool over getting it.
Another link with a clearer copy. There is an option to download too
Making a Transistor Radio : G. C. Dobbs : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
A Ladybird book, the only one in the 724 series, detailing how to make a transistor radio. Illustrated by B. H. Robinson, with ISBN
Used this to introduce radio to my daughter (neck deep in iPad, iPhone, iTunes and her MBBS) a few months back.
Did not know until later that my dad had a treasure trove with him. I remember him sitting and teaching me radio basics when in 6th Std. (1979) from a book named Basic Radio Course.
Not sure if this that book
I don't remember the author name.
and he had these I think
Alas!! in the melee of life he did not update himself from tubes and some bit of transistors.
Later on I repeated the same level of interest when Dad got me the next edition from Gilbert Davey, Fun with Electronics and this was my first introduction to amplifiers -
Then Fun with Transistors by Gilbert Davey -
Followed by Fun with Hi-Fi which introduced me to the famous 3-3 Mullard tube amplifier but my Dad would not let me have anything to do with playing with electricity. So I ended up building my first transistor amplifier with AC187/AC188 outputs in 1981 (I was in 4th Standard then). Some Great memories!
Gilbert Davey's resources -
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