Le Classe A - DIY Jean Hiraga Super 30W Class A Amplifier

No more demo videos? :D

Also, Any update regarding the builds?
Sadly nope :( . One of the amp boards has burnt out. Planning to get a new pair of amp PCBs and/or new transformer with lower secondary voltage so that I can limit the voltage to amp boards!
Well that didn't stop me from experimenting a bit on cheap open baffle speakers! :p .

Sadly nope :( . One of the amp boards has burnt out. Planning to get a new pair of amp PCBs and/or new transformer with lower secondary voltage so that I can limit the voltage to amp boards!
Well that didn't stop me from experimenting a bit on cheap open baffle speakers! :p .

Sorry to hear that amp boards has burnt out.

Do you know the reason ? If yes, please share and it would be helpful for DIY'ers who are planning to take up the JH.
Sorry to hear that amp boards has burnt out.

Do you know the reason ? If yes, please share and it would be helpful for DIY'ers who are planning to take up the JH.
Well the reason is that I have been feeding more than 27VDC for the boards meant for 24VDC. I know it's my fault - but amp performs beautifully when it works so didn't bother to change the power supply.

Basically I need to get a transformer with lower secondary voltage of say 17 or 18 VAC [400VA transformer for each mono block]. While building the amp I thought I can burn off excess voltage but can't generate more if I go for smaller secondary VAC. I anticipated CRC smoothing circuit will burn some of those volts but the losses though CRC circuit isn't much and there are no good DC buck converter to handle this level of current/voltage.
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