Logitech Squeezebox Duet

For all you users of the Squeezebox, a good reasonably priced upgrade will be to go to a Linear regulated power supply with a higher capacity than the stock one. You could hunt around your local electronic stores for one - you will have to find one with a power jack that fits into your Squeebox unit.

Thanks Sridhar, if you could give some more details as to what higher capacity means, that'll be appreciated.

I have seen Modded Power Supplys for the Squeezebox, but was too expensive. Since this is a DIY, will give it a try.
Higher capacity meaning about 2.5 x to 3 times the current capacity of the stock unit.

This is supposed to be a good upgrade, though some US vendors offer products that are as expensive as the SB itself . I havent been able to get a source for a good linear power supply at a decent price point, so I continue using my wall wart.

On another note, I have with a lot of time wasted got my NAS up and running now, and will play around trying to get my Duet up at leisure since my SB Classic is working fine in the background.

Of course, I had missed "classic" in your description.

I hope my posting about "Duet" hasn't misled people. I hope that most of the principles and operation, especially the software, is much the same.
The controller is now fully charged so that's not a problem. The receiver has a blue light(wireless icon) glowing in front-I assume this means that it is connected to the wifi network.I am still unable to get past the stage of getting my controller working. The time display-showing the time as it is charging, cannot be changed. I cant coonect to the Sq Network or my server..

I am going to try to set this up ina friends place tomorrow and see what happens.

Here is the hack to make the headphones work:

Headphone jack not working? - Squeezebox : Community : Forums

I'm listening right now :)

It disables the internal speaker, but hey, the next thing I have to do is disable all those annoying menu/button beeps anyway!

Many Thanks for that tip, I followed the steps in the link and was able to get the Headphone jack working. There were some buffering issues, but it's pretty handy for hooking up to random speakers once in a while.

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Wanted to post some updates, just in case they are useful to someone:
  • A horizontal line 1.5mm thick has come up midway on the Controller's screen. These don't seem to be dead pixels as they are white in color. I've not dropped the controller or anything. In fact, the Controller frame plastic is so thick that the LCD panel is well protected behind it. Not sure of the cause, and since I imported it, don't have the option of using warranty. So, I'll just have to live with it. But it makes me realy really sad every time I see that line
  • A few weeks back, I reset the Controller to factory settings and went through the setup process again. For some reason, I got a different server IP this time and the connection to mysqueezebox.com didn't happen even once, while I was running it for around 10 days.
  • Went through a factory reset again last week and this time, I got the Europe server's IP again. This time, I did a couple of other things too:
    1. I reset my Wireless router to factory settings & reconfigured it
    2. Opened ports (TCP/UDP 3483 and TCP 9000) on the router
    3. Didn't configure my local Squeezebox server yet

Have been running with these settings for a week now and am not facing any connectivity problems with mysqueezebox.com whatsoever. Hope it continues like this!
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Not sure of the cause, and since I imported it, don't have the option of using warranty.
Still worth contacting Logitech with an enquiry.

I don't know if they are one of these companies that won't honour a warranty world-wide (which I consider unethical): Even if it is not strictly covered, they may do something. Try offering to pay carriage, for instance.

Sorry to hear about your display: glad you got the headphone outlet working. I have both earphones, and a Sony miniature speaker in the bedroom that go well with it.
rdyun, george, santhol2 or anybody using squeezebox

I plan to introduce pc in my chain. I guess we have some software related to squeezebox installed on the pc. How are the two connected pc and squeezebox.

I want to run it thru external dac. How do I connect my squeezebox to my external dac. Does it have a coaxial out.

I plan to introduce pc in my chain. I guess we have some software related to squeezebox installed on the pc. How are the two connected pc and squeezebox.

I want to run it thru external dac. How do I connect my squeezebox to my external dac. Does it have a coaxial out.
The squeezebox requires a software called "squeezecenter" to be installed on a computer or a supported NAS. The squeezebox detects the squeezecenter over your home network and a few easy installation steps pair the squeezebox to the squeezecenter and you are ready to start enjoying the music stored on your pc/nas.

Yes the sb has both optical and coax outputs that can be connected to a DAC.

So which one are you getting? The duet or touch?
I had tried connecting my PC to the DAC using a USB cable. I didnt like the sound. Planned to get M2Tech Hiface to convert the usb into SPDIF signal. But the problem with that being too much clutter around my system and no good remote, display problems are stopping me.

My question again, PC and squeezebox connect thru Ethernet card or what though thru wireless.

I am confused. Enlighten me.

WHich one to buy not sure yet. Trying to understand teh setup

The SB can connect directly to internet radio through your router(wired or wirelessly) or to your ripped music collection in your PC or NAS. It has an optical out, which I have connected to my DAC in one of my two SBs.
Pandu, which DAC are you using? The DAC in the squeezebox duet is pretty good by itself but again depends on what dac you are comparing it to.

The sb can connect to the squeezecenter both via wifi or ethernet over your home network. SB cannot be connected to the pc via usb.
Very well written Rydhun, you have covered everything and seemed to have explored all the features. Thanks for sharing, am sure others who are sitting on the fence can decide on your review. From your review, there were many learnings for me inspite of being a SB Duet owner for the last one month. Apart from the initial curiousity, I have not had the time to listen\expore Internet Radio yet, have just been using it to listen to FLAC stored on my NAS.

*Rates the review full marks :)*

Santhosh do you have any indian (Tamil, hindi) music in FLAC format?
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.