I think I have given it some much better reviews myself, even --- it is one of those products that can be either just fine or, at times, deeply annoying!
I think all my criticisms from a couple of posts back are fair although whenever something fails and we have to recover it, it doesn't do much for our mood. I don't think I'd advise against buying the product, especially as it is, I understand, modestly prices compared to some other multi-room/streaming/internet player kit. It could be better, though, particularly in implementation. As something that I planned to buy for some time before getting it in UK, I'd say that, on the whole, I much preferred the wires I used to use to link my PC with the hifi at about 10% of the cost. Logistics don't allow that here, even though we are still in the same room.
If I ever renovate/build a house again, it will include channels and conduit for net/hifi cabling! --- but then I'll probably be talking about how cheap the Squeezebox was by comparison!
Santhol, if you want to get that headphone working, you can find out how on the squeezebox forums: it is a hack, but not a difficult one. As I've mentioned before, that remote is (amazingly) a linux computer that you can log into --- and one good thing is that you always have the option of a factory reset if you do screw up badly.
I am surprised that they are not selling the receiver separately. I'm sure they used to, making the Duet the basis of an extendible multi-room system. That leaves those who were planning on the route in the lurch, which is not good. Their other compatible products may be nicer, etc (more expensive?) but still.
thevortex: I have not done a comparison with CD, although I meant to. Will report back if I do. My CD player, mind you, is a fairly low-end of the Marantz range, and quite old now. I have no complaints, though, about the squeezebox sound quality.