Looking for tube based system on a budget

hmm - bad I am in baniyaan right now.
Delhiites - I hope your collars are "raised" already. Because of Viren's amps. But only if music oozes out of it. And only if there is no hiss/hum between music. :ohyeah: Me, because of this piece of equipment, even though I'm not a Keralite my collar is "raised" because an Indian has done it. I'm entitled.
I find that except Viren, everyone has suggested Amp-speaker combo which is way outside the budget of the OP.

IMHO, tube amp - single driver combo is not everyone's cup of tea. It is an acquired taste and one needs to go through the rut (listen to different setups extensively) and evolve gradually, so to speak.
@ Claercut - me to proud as he is indian - why this regional aspect? Let the politicians bring that aspect everywhere

@ Keith ...no Punekars in this forum to point out "Cadence" made in Pune?????H ha ha
BTW in mumbai there is BE3 amps which is more towards tube based guitar amps

Also in B'lore there was ( or is?) corrson who were making tube amps right?
I was away during the longweekend coudnt keep track of the thread. Anyway thanks for the suggestions although getting a little confused.
The reason for my leaning towards the tube sound is because I can still hear the sound of the old murphy or bush radios.Such a rich sound.Those early morning cricket commentary from ABC.The voice of Allan Macgilvray coming to life as the radio warmsup.Maybe its nostalgia. That is the sort of sound I am looking for.
Iaudio, I am located in Malappuramdist.
I was away during the longweekend coudnt keep track of the thread. Anyway thanks for the suggestions although getting a little confused.
The reason for my leaning towards the tube sound is because I can still hear the sound of the old murphy or bush radios.Such a rich sound.Those early morning cricket commentary from ABC.The voice of Allan Macgilvray coming to life as the radio warmsup.Maybe its nostalgia. That is the sort of sound I am looking for.
Iaudio, I am located in Malappuramdist.

I know that feeling :ohyeah::ohyeah::ohyeah:

Can you DIY? Solder? Electronics?

No not the GG pre or GC.

This is my project for next year, a beginners tube amp with low parts and components count, recommended on diyaudio for the first timer

RH 84 - Tube Audio ...... RH DESIGN

You can pair it with an Indian full range driver (philips was it) in a sealed enclosure or start with a simple radio speaker. I think a forum member who is around Goa got tiny readymade local FR speakers cheap and ripped them of for his openbaffle project. But you could use those original speakers and it may satisfy your needs.

For the pre you can try point to point wiring of a aikido preamp if you cant get the pcb

Aikido Cathode Follower PCB

The circuit and design is explained on tubecad. Tube Tidbits & Tube-Based Current-Output Amplifiers I cant find the exact page right now but you can search.

Your friend will need to have some experience with valve radios I guess ...

Edit: It just occurred to me if you are interested in the Aikido pcbs for preamp or power, we could club our orders together, and I can ship via borderlinx or direct ... I wont mind building some of the stuff he has to offer ... for the fun of it ...
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Thanks gobble ,
I am trying to learn a few basic things.DIY ing an amp seems way beyond my capabilities. speaker seems slightly easier althouh I havnt even figured out what is an open baffle.
Thanks gobble ,
I am trying to learn a few basic things.DIY ing an amp seems way beyond my capabilities. speaker seems slightly easier althouh I havnt even figured out what is an open baffle.

Wha?!! Every teenage boy knows it .. and you are still struggling? I am openly baffled!!!

FYI A woman with a backless choli is a two-way open-baffle :licklips: Tweeeyooooweet! ... :beer: Drool! :licklips: Look no further !! :ohyeah:

Don't tell me you missed out on all the teenage fun?!!! :eek: ;)

PS: I thought you said you had a friend who knew electronics and could DIY for you ...

Cheers :cheers:
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Wha?!! Every teenage boy knows it .. and you are still struggling? I am openly baffled!!!

FYI A woman with a backless choli is a two-way open-baffle :licklips: Tweeeyooooweet! ... :beer: Drool! :licklips: Look no further !! :ohyeah:

Don't tell me you missed out on all the teenage fun?!!! :eek: ;)

PS: I thought you said you had a friend who knew electronics and could DIY for you ...

Cheers :cheers:

But SHE had a rather highpitched squeal.
to get u back to the original topic of going for a Valve Amp for ur (and m ine too) kind of music, have u taken any decision regarding the same????
am following this thread coz i have same kind of musical preferences and am also looking for an upgrade to a VALVE AMP, PREAMP for my VINYL SOURCE....

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