Lumin users - question


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
I use a Lumin U1 mini for my streaming services. It works just fine and sounds brilliant.
A minor niggle is the load time for the app after the i-pad or phone goes to sleep. Once the ipad wakes up, the lumin app loads up but it takes almost 30 secs to actually be responsive to any input. Anyone else face this issue? I can set the ipad to not sleep to circumvent this issue though.
For additional clarity, this happens only if the i-pad / i-phone has slept for a while. For example, after a full album is done. So I guess, more the sleep time, more chances of this happening. Especially irritating if need to pause a song to attend a call or something. I need to mute the amp. And then unmute and restart the song. CD playback was so much easier :cool:
I use a Lumin U1 mini for my streaming services. It works just fine and sounds brilliant.
A minor niggle is the load time for the app after the i-pad or phone goes to sleep. Once the ipad wakes up, the lumin app loads up but it takes almost 30 secs to actually be responsive to any input. Anyone else face this issue? I can set the ipad to not sleep to circumvent this issue though.
I use a D2 and with my android app, there is bit of a lag while the app. boots up after sleep, but nothing as long as you have described. So it could be an apple issue.
It happens to me with the Lindeman app (on the network DAC)
But it returns to the last screen in a couple of seconds.
I looked for the app refresh settings but the app itself does not show up in the settings menu on the iPad. So it could be an Apple issue. I don’t have an android device to check.
disable auto-lock workaround.
If you want to disable auto-lock only when a particular app is running than the app has to disable this and it has to be a setting in the app. If the lumin app developer have not done this, then there is no way to do this. Basically the app has to turn on this setting in swift. Check this with the lumin app forum (I'm sure lumin may be having a forum to discuss issues with Lumin).

UIApplication.shared.isIdleTimerDisabled = true

I use a Lumin U1 mini for my streaming services. It works just fine and sounds brilliant.
A minor niggle is the load time for the app after the i-pad or phone goes to sleep. Once the ipad wakes up, the lumin app loads up but it takes almost 30 secs to actually be responsive to any input. Anyone else face this issue? I can set the ipad to not sleep to circumvent this issue though.
I have the app running on my android tab, and never experienced any time lag in response. But one irritant I have is that the library iam browsing vanishes, though the currently paused track is still displayed at the top.

Overall, the app itself is primitive and pathetic. Lumin certainly need to redesign from the ground up. I had a bluesound node in 2014, and their app even then, was way better than lumin. I have a hunch that a complete redesign of the user app is soon in offing. As their app is getting bashed properly on all forums. And it deserves it 🤣🤣
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