Lyrita Horn Speakers

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Ignoring all the other comments after Ranjeets post. I thought it was an Honest Post of what he feels and what he expects from a System. And Viren with his maturity and experience in his hobby gets it and has responded.

Frm all previous posts i think we all do understand the kind of sound that Ranjeet/Malvai/Rajiv and viren like and hence where they are coming from and that does explain both sides

As Jaibir mentioned before. if all our preferences were the same, then everyone would be making only one speaker :)
The average age here should be at least 40 years I guess, but the hen-pecking reminds me of the school-days. I am a bachelor and intend staying so, but do inform this old soul something .. do you guys resort to the same modus on your family front and friend circle too? Daresay, a very few would be retaining friends for the keeps, if THIS is the state of affairs in the virtual world.

Is it the reason why many older, senior FMs have stopped posting here? Maybe, they would have tried reasoning, but given up after repeated attempts or quietly moved on in face of the bullying resorted to by some quarters. No one's expected to prove his point of view here. At most, inform of some point of view and not thrust it ... mod or no-mod.
Mr. Simon,
One wonders where you were when Rajiv and Co were apparently targeting Malvai and others in that now famous Altec thread. Why this sudden urgency of "support"? Were you blissfully unaware at that time? Just a little curious, pal.

Yes Mister JaatBhai,

Oh you again , yet another one legged duck swimming in circle !!

Show me one post where I took sides ?

It was my bad luck today, that I landed here on top of an acrimonious post loaded with personal attacks , and was astronished to see that two of the moderators had thanked the post, instead of clipping those lines.

Sir,May I rest the case , convincingly ?
Wouldn't it be nice, if all of us went back to our beloved systems, put our most favorite and calming track and just enjoy the music?
Yes Mister JaatBhai,

Oh you again , yet another one legged duck swimming in circle !!

Show me one post where I took sides ?

It was my bad luck today, that I landed here on top of an acrimonious post loaded with personal attacks , and was astronished to see that two of the moderators had thanked the post, instead of clipping those lines.

Sir,May I rest the case , convincingly ?

No you may not.

You continue to ignore the reason why the toe moderators thanked an honest mans post.

You may however ride your moralistic high horse away from this thread do that the thread may move in to its purpose of discussing the glorious speaker creations of Mr. Bakshi.
+1. Request moderators to act ASAP. These posts are sticking out like a sore thumb and show the forum in bad light.

Captain, guess this situation needs intervention and judgement of the Supermod as Moderators themselves are involved. I know both Manav and Kanwar personally and they are my friends. We are mere mortal and in this case, one thing led to the other and things have turned ugly. IMO, Prem was right in seeing through the issue and that there were two camps and nothing wrong with that as long as we have a constructive discussion that benefits everyone.

I believe that a Moderator is supposed to be a role model and should not post suggesting a comparison between a system made by him commerically and another commercial system in the same segment. He should know that he stands to gain commerical benefits by doing so which I believe is against Forum rules.


Bro, i am awaiting your views on the Manav's system, i hope in this weekend you will get the time to do so. Would also like to know about your views on comparison of different systems using Altecs, for example THIS ONE which you have already heard.

Can someone try and convince me that ^ was not a planned attack on Virenji's products by another competitor?

I have also asked (refer to my post#171) why certain informative posts on above thread were deleted and by whom. One such deleted posts was by Sidewinder where he suggested that Altec Cones should not be treated. I had just seen the post and was typing my response as I also believe that the two mods were unecessary and would reduce the value of the Altec 604s. When I saw Sidewinder's post missing, I decided not to waste my time as someone was deleting posts that could be unfavourable to of his business.

As an Altec lover, I hate to see a good pair of Altec 604 be treated but that's just me. The drivers belong to Manav and Kanwar is a professional in the audio space and definitely knows more than me. Here is what I wanted to type with regards to the two modifications:

Coating a cone for prevention of moisture is good for PA speakers (Kanwar's area of speciality and I appreciate that) but Manav's speakers were not gonna be exposed to elements. Manav's speakers are not placed in a balcony and NCR is far far away from the nearest sea.

The other modification was mounting the driver such that vibrations are reduced, which again I believe is not required as Altec LFs are not like modern day LFs. Altec cones excurt very little (almost negligible) and vibration is a non-issue here.

I am no expert and happy to stand corrected. But I would have expected that a constructive discussion would have helped improve knowledge of mine and others. Posts being deleted by a moderator (just because he can) is unacceptable!

Why am I posting on this thread? It is not because I am in one camp or the other, but so far I have not seen any deletions on this thread. As an audio enthusiast, I hope my time and effort in typing a long post does not go waste by some trigger-happy moderator.
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