Lyrita Horn Speakers

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Hello Ranjeetrain,


I have moved away from audiophile hi-fi sound as far as I possibly can. I seek the musically involving sound that speaks to the heart. That type of sound does not "wow" you on quick listening, it does not call attention to its (if, disparate) parts, the music is wholesome. That is the way I hear it when I listen to live music.

To reproduce it, always, compromises are involved. But, that emotional connect to the music has to be there, otherwise its pointless. So, the vocal range is it; the frequency extremes are bonus. The Lyrita Grande has a midbass horn - a full bass horn would not fit into most homes. So, the bass extension is not there. But, what is, is full of detail and texture. I have found that lacking in all the solid-state amps that I have heard. (By the way, I have heard the Accuphase sound long before you got yours- I still have the Accuphase E-206. I just don't listen to it anymore). Probably, that lack of low end is what you perceived as lack of drive - it has nothing to do with the bass driver, or it lacking "current".

That you found a major difference in music reproduction between LP and CD playback, is just a reflection on the current "state of the art". My LP system is nothing exotic - the Garrard 301 on a solid-wood plinth, a custom 12" wood unipivot tonearm, an old Supex MC cartridge, an all tube phono stage. It just reproduces music with more realism, life, and dynamics than digital sources.

Bear in mind that different people have different listening preferences. As an example, I dont really care about bass extension beyond a point and actually dislike treble which is too extended. That's why different people like different speakers and there are so many speaker manufacturers in the world. If everyone liked the same thing, there would only be one speaker manufacturer and one speaker at each price point.
Based on Ranjeetrain and Jai1611 feedback, its quite clear that if great mids where most of the music lies is what floats your boat, then Virens Altec is the way to go. The compromise would be in bass below 50hz and the highs above 13-14 Khz.

I have never heard Virens Altecs though i have been regularly discussing the possibilities. So i really do not have a view on his Altecs

However on the other hand I have owned Virens modded Lyrita 2A3 amp now for more than a year. I can confidently say its one of the best amps i have ever owned. And i have owned a whole lot of them. From Dehavilland to Levinson to Parasound JC1.

I'm quite looking forward to completing my Altecs, though since they are not new, I may refrain from daily updates on breaking in. In any case as far as I am concerned, my builds are purely for my listening pleasure, and don't solicit other opinions, nor do I state that mine is better. I agree with you-to each his own!

I'm hoping to audition Viren's system on my next trip-the last time I had hoped to go across, but he was travelling and not available.

I am completely with you. I have always regarded music as a hobby and i normally like to enjoy my music alone. To me what others think of my system is useful to the extent that it helps fine tune my system. What matters ultimately is does it give me pleasure
The compromise would be in bass below 50hz and the highs above 13-14 Khz.

Obviously people who are unable or prefer not to listen above 10khz and below 50hz and concentrate mainly on vocals would go for such a system. Again each to his own.
Jattboy, its also got a lot to do with the size of your room. A 30hz note needs to travel a certain distance. If those notes dont have space to breathe, its going to mess up the sound. So its not just about having a system which plays from 20 hz to 20 khz. I would rather have a system with limited extension that plays well at my place than have a system that goes low but sounds muddy in my room.
Seriously guys,

My mom said "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

Why cannot we let things be instead of turning everything into a pi**ing competition about who has the better setup or the better ears or more experience/exposure?

End of the day its only music... not life!
Lyrita Horn Speakers look like the taj mahal of speakers

never seen any speakers like these before whao!:clapping:

they should sell at a very high premium cost abroad just like we pay for international brands :D:D
Lyrita Horn Speakers look like the taj mahal of speakers

never seen any speakers like these before whao!:clapping:

they should sell at a very high premium cost abroad just like we pay for international brands :D:D

These Tajmahals need the rich audiophiles with loss in hearing or a preference for vocals.

It's not as if the system doesn't reproduce any lows or highs - within the room there's good response down to 40 Hz.

And, there are plenty of positives in Ranjeetrain's impressions:
With large drivers comes a natural sense of ease and flow to music, which was present in abundance.

I think he did enjoy listening to music when he was here.


Are you suggesting that the other FM is not writing the truth, and by extension everyone who has commented positively on Lyrita systems and other implementations of Altec and other vintage drivers ?


don't put words in my mouth Rajiv.
congrats! mr viren

would like to see a short video upload of these babies playing


Another senior FM has, and his views are here.

Wondering if both heard the same speakers?

Hi Rajiv,

(1) The sound of a speaker has nothing to do with seniority of an FM. *Anyone* can go and hear the speakers taking an appointment with Viren, and see fr himself which review sounds like a better description of the speakers. The person need not be senior, just needs to have heard several speakers of varying sound signature to be able to look for varying and be able to describe the sound without having to build relations.

(2) Everyone need not look for the same qualities in the music. If you can't understand why different people would view the performance of a certain component in different way, you have a lot to learn.



I am wondering if you read the post carefully and entirely. The review is not left halfway. I have explained what were my dissatisfaction. If you still can't see where in next post I'll quote myself.


After eight systems in six years I wonder if you even trust your ears.


Hi Rajiv,

If you can live with the same system all your life, does it give you the right to reject/criticize the choices others made in their life?

If that's the case, please do see an ENT specialist, and also a psychiatrist. Because your ears aren't good enough to hear what you are missing, as well as social skills are zero. Nobody, has the right to question others about the choices they made in life, regardless of how experienced they are in certain field. As of now, a lot of people respect you (including me), but if you keep talking like that please don't expect others to be too kind to you.
Guys honestly...the last thing you wanna see is people whose experience and opinions are highly respected and sought after go loggerheads like a bunch of wannabe's...

Don't we use axioms like 'Trust your ears', 'To each his own', 'Whatever floats your boat', 'Take reviews with a pinch of salt' and so on and so forth while advising others on audio? How about applying it here? Ranjeet spoke his mind about what his impression was...let's leave it at that. If you do not agree with him, please respond with your opinion rather than question his credibility.

For others, it's just one man's opinion. If you do not know him or Viren or have heard the product, you would do good to refrain from trolling with pointless statements. Why don't you go listen to the product and then see which side of the fence you'd like to be on.

I have known Viren long enough to know he has a definite philosophy to his builds and he sticks to them loyally. I had heard the a year or so back. I found them to be emotionally involving but felt there was some time alignment issues which Viren said he has worked through. I've been on the speaker upgrade trail for almost 2 years now. In this period, I heard quite a few well known speakers. All of them, I repeat, All of them great on certain departments and fell short of expectation in others. And that's exactly the way it will be, isn't it? So if you think they range at which these guys perform is limiting for your choice of music, then it obviously is not the speaker for you...but does that mean they are not good speakers???

I have not meet Ranjeet but have followed his posts here for a long time. I would think twice before questioning his experience to evaluate systems and articulate his opinion.

Similarly, I have not met many of the other fellows who have posted on this thread but have followed their post long enough to respect them and their opinion.

So if there are differences of opinions, I would look forward for an erudite debate that leaves everybody a wiser person...not trolling and flaming that leaves a bad taste in the mouth...
Hello Ranjeetrain,


Hi Viren,

It was a pleasure. And nice to be chatting with you again.

To keep things in order, I'll quote and respond.

I have moved away from audiophile hi-fi sound as far as I possibly can.
Viren, it's a choice you have made. Nothing wrong with it.

I seek the musically involving sound that speaks to the heart.
Everyone seeks that. At least I know I do.

That type of sound does not "wow" you on quick listening, it does not call attention to its (if, disparate) parts, the music is wholesome.
Disagree. Music reproduction can be truthful, yet it can wow. I can take you to hear systems where music flows in all glory, it sounds truthful to the original recording, still being able to draw you into music.

That is the way I hear it when I listen to live music.
You are coming from the pretext that - reproduced music is meant to be the way live music is heard. This pretext itself is incorrect, because recorded music is NOT meant to be heard the way live music is. Live music has ambiance, feel, distortion, noises, adrenalin rush. No recorded music can reproduce it (unless it is a recording made at a live venue). So, this entire "sounds like live music" is a misnomer. Because it isn't. Recorded and live music are very different, and that's why reproduced music will never give the live music feel, no matter which equipment, including your creations.

To reproduce it, always, compromises are involved. But, that emotional connect to the music has to be there, otherwise its pointless.
Completely agreed.

So, the vocal range is it; the frequency extremes are bonus.
In your books, for your taste. Need not be the same for everyone else. Please don't try to make it the standard for everyone else. Everyone has the right to like/dislike different aspects of listening to music.

The Lyrita Grande has a midbass horn - a full bass horn would not fit into most homes. So, the bass extension is not there. But, what is, is full of detail and texture.
It's not about the presence of low-frequencies. It's about how they sounded. *Most* speakers from mass market manufacturer costing 1.5 lacs have cleaner bass, and they have better definition.

I have found that lacking in all the solid-state amps that I have heard. (By the way, I have heard the Accuphase sound long before you got yours- I still have the Accuphase E-206. I just don't listen to it anymore). Probably, that lack of low end is what you perceived as lack of drive - it has nothing to do with the bass driver, or it lacking "current".

Many tangents there. But since you touched upon the topic:

Viren, it's your imagination that SS amps don't have texture in bass region. SS amps are more linear at both ends, and they offer better definition. There may be reasons to prefer tube amps, but lack of definition in low end is surely not one of them.

Glad to know you have Accuphase and don't like it. But you shouldn't mention it here. Rajiv will be quick to point out you didn't trust your ear earlier. The Accuphase you have is an entry level amp. May be it sounds good, may be it doesn't. But at the end of the day, it is your preference. World wide, there would be thousands times more Accuphase E-206 owners than Lyrita 2A3 and Lyrita GM 70. I suspect that is indication of something.

Viren, if the availability of current was not an issue, why did the Horn Grande sounded muddy with 2A3 and better with GM 70?

That you found a major difference in music reproduction between LP and CD playback, is just a reflection on the current "state of the art". My LP system is nothing exotic - the Garrard 301 on a solid-wood plinth, a custom 12" wood unipivot tonearm, an old Supex MC cartridge, an all tube phono stage. It just reproduces music with more realism, life, and dynamics than digital sources.
I disagree. But since this tangent is not related to Horn Grande's performance I won't comment on it. But we can talk about it separately.


It's not as if the system doesn't reproduce any lows or highs - within the room there's good response down to 40 Hz.

I do carry a set of test tracks to gauge frequency extension of a system on every audition I go. I didn't play them on Horn Grande because I wanted to listen to the speakers the way you intended.

And, there are plenty of positives in Ranjeetrain's impressions:
Of course, there are. But they are invisible to people who read selectively.

I think he did enjoy listening to music when he was here.
Of course, I did, when I put myself in your shoes. When I tried to look at the way you look at the speakers, when I tried to look for the attributes that matter to you, they seemed enjoyable. Unfortunately, a speaker need not be reviewed from the perspective of how it sounds to it's creator, (if that were the case, every speaker will have a rave review), rather how it sounds to an average potential buyer.


I respect everyone who does anything great for this hobby. You are among the few creators. You do have my respect. Regardless how a specific component sounds to me.
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Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.