Magma's Serious Acoustic "bathroom" build


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2008
Hi All

inspired by so many members here (vinay,santy alok,and more recently hydra)

i recently took a decision to build a serious listening room
Walls , acoustics, insulation, diffusers, absorbers the whole shabang

Most of us here concur that the speakers and electronics are 50% and the room is another 50%

well diff guys have diff %'s but you get my drift

but many do seem to agree that proper room treatment many a times costs more than your setup
(and by proper i mean professionally done by a consultant who knows what hes doing rather than a cut paste job of recron , panels , glass wool and foams)
especially if you are gonna "create" the room - ( i.e build the walls etc )

i just took a dive in "creating" such a room

there is much debate about what to use where
many of us including me have have baked knowledge or "readup" knowledge

very few have hands on experience

since i was spending money and frankly know very little about correct room acoustics
i didnt wanna do the trail and error

and so i have asked one of anutones very good consultants and one of the best "ears" and tech guys i know Mr Khushroo Jilla to help me out

Anutone as many say, do have materials at slightly higher costs
however the reason behind going to them is their in depth knowledge of where to use what and what will work where
(At least their higher end consultants know exactly what they are doing)

having an accutone driver doesnt mean you can create a tidal

two rooms are to be done
One is my vacation home

the other is my office

the office will be done first

well since i need part of the office
it will be split in 2 halves

and hence the listening room is now a "bathroom"
meaning it is probably one of the smallest rooms ( measuring only 9 feet by 10 feet with only an 8 feet ceiling )

we will probably be breaking many known traditional room acoustic guidelines here
But Jilla is confident he will get this to work and so is anutone
(we got off a collective 3 hr meeting today to draw up the basic plans)

i will try and post as we go
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the fisrt step is to create the correct room size and shape
by erecting walls

before that we tackle the flooring

the flooring materials are not yet finalised so i will post about it later

but the walls will have 7 layers a mix of some anutone products ( i will give details later)
with an air gap in between
2 walls will be created
the other two existing ones will be used

two walls will be concave in shape
diffusers and absorbers
what and where they will be will be discussed only after the walls are created and the flooring is done

P.S Part of the walls are already acoustic absorbers

howevr we need to keep the room live
yet not let low frequencies overload

due to the size of the room howevr we are aware that the room will never be able to do 20 cycles and will be suited to bookshelves only
However our aim is to make it the best bookshelf room we can
here is the unused office as it exists now

12 foot by 22 foot

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here are the usual suspects that another independent consultant suggested

however they were not very well accepted by Jilla and anotone
except for the composite wool - though thats just silly expensive


have you kept any budget for this ?

if so, please share it as it will be informative.

also - since the dimension is known 12 ft by 22 ft.. do you plan to :-

a. place the speakers along the longer wall ?
b. look at sealed design or maybe actives ? please let us know which speaker / electronics you have in mind.

I ask this as i am under the impression that the room is to be treated for the speaker you plan to buy and not the other way round. :confused:

Hope you find the questions valid.

good luck !!


have you kept any budget for this ?

if so, please share it as it will be informative.

also - since the dimension is known 12 ft by 22 ft.. do you plan to :-

a. place the speakers along the longer wall ?
b. look at sealed design or maybe actives ? please let us know which speaker / electronics you have in mind.

I ask this as i am under the impression that the room is to be treated for the speaker you plan to buy and not the other way round. :confused:

Hope you find the questions valid.

good luck !!


no budget
No specific speaker ( obviously NOT - im not gonna spend money only for 1 speaker )
listening room size will be 8 feet by 10 feet - miniscule - and that is actually the challenge - how to get most bookshelves sound good even up against the wall

we will be testing a Dynaudio contour,Amphion PMC and probably an Usher and a Focal - basically whatevr my dealers can lend me

As i said only half the office will be the listening room
thats why im calling it a "bathroom"

will be and HTPC running an ESI juli
feeding an Audiozone / Buffalo 3 DAC
Power amp - well hopefully and F5 turbo and later a gryphon ( once that deal happens hopefully )
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Very interesting thread! Hope to learn from your 'bathroom' build :lol:

Have the 'commercial interests' being informed about ???? Do so lest some FM's question your motives of the thread. Speaking from experience & do not want your thread to get 'littered' as well.

What is the purpose of this listening room (office area involved, hence asking) ???

Best Wishes
Have the 'commercial interests' being informed about ???? Do so lest some FM's question your motives of the thread. Speaking from experience & do not want your thread to get 'littered' as well.

Best Wishes

^^^i didnt understand :confused:
umm.... FM question motives...... ?
no i really didn't follow - you really need to PM me since i would really like to understand whats going on ?

the thread was put up so that others can take the benefit of 2 highly learned consultants
how they think
where they setup diffusers
where they say to use abosorbers
their take

since as far as i know most of us dont have a clue to room acoustics

if there are some hard feelings i will most gladly take this thread down

If my cataloguing of this journey is gonna be looked onto in some wierd twisted way that i dont understand
i really cant be bothered of making the effort to post info / pics

im happy to live in my own world

the room is for my "private" purpose ...and my display area
my office cum listening environment

also its me learning first hand
Phone called received, explained what has happened recently, everything cleared :)

Yes, your thread will most definitely be helpful for all of us.

Post away
Magma - Great Idea & Plan.
I wish you all the Best !
I am sure you will make a good / great room.
There are lots of people that will suggest & guide you.
Many Speaker Makers / DIYers etc. Can chip in.
The main thing is you have the space & are willing to be open minded & accept new ideas etc.
All the Best with your room Build.
p.s. Just use clio or some other software to sweep the room before you start - so you know what the issues are & where you need to focus for change etc.
You do not want to put a band aid on your arm when your foot is sprained ; sorry for the 'obtuse' example - but I hope it makes some sense - what I am trying to get across;
inspired by so many members here (vinay,santy alok,and more recently hydra)

But how can my Rs. 800 DIY panels inspire someone for a serious build like this!? :lol:
I agree that nobody would disagree on how important a role the room acoustics plays.
Good luck on your journey and hope there will be lot of learning from this thread.
you wont belive it
but im doing this partly only to learn

what room acoustics can really do
what part it plays
how should it really be done

one pays for tuition to go to college and learn the theory
im paying to learn first hand practically
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one pays for tuition to go to college and learn the theory
im paying to learn first hand practically

And this is the best way of going about it, IMHO. Great going, Ali!

This is one of my favourite areas in our crazy hobby (and one I know very little about) so I'll be glued to this thread. Please keep posting updates!

BTW, I've not really treated my room. I've just put in a couple of removable panels here and there. No solid commitment (fixed panels or treatment) has been made yet, heh, heh.
Bravo! Though I consider you a little "mad" for doing something like this. No offense meant at all by my aforementioned statement because quite a few people consider me "mad". At times, my family too :D
you wont belive it
but im doing this partly only to learn ... ... ...

I believe it. I'm sure many others do too. And I'm sure that many of us would love to do this, but lack the space, cash or both.

A lot of us also think we'd never be able to afford a professional consultant to do the work. Please keep us up to date on the ongoing cost, so we can know if this is true or not.

Watching with interest...
i saw the thread title, and i thought you were setting up a hifi system in your bathroom, and was thinking,

"these crazy things audiophiles do" :D

good luck with this... will be watching this thread...
Good thread. The room is everything.

If there is no set budget, may I offer that you ask Keith Yates for assistance. It does not get better.

A lot of what the room does in the bass and lower mid range can be calculated to a very good degree using calculators, it is by no means absolutely precise but does offer guidance although I am sure there are more sophisticated proprietary calculators that are not available to the public that will be quite accurate. Positioning from the back/side walls can also be calculated in regards to SBIR. You may want to use a baffle wall for mounting the speakers like in studios for best performance if space permits as this eliminates a lot of issues with regards to the back wall. I would second what someone offered about measuring the room before hand to know what you are starting with although when you construct walls to alter dimensions that will change a lot of what is going on with sound. As for live vs dead, some people prefer live and some dead. Having been in both types of rooms they certainly offer differing characteristics. I am sure I don't need to tell you that trying to effectively contain the bass is a very difficult proposition but seeing as you are going to use "home audio" BS speakers then it is not a problem due to their very limited SPL levels and typically far higher LF roll off point.

All the best, please do post details as it would certainly be interesting to follow along.

If it is not too much trouble please post the number for the Anutone consultant.
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