Having decided to dump my Martin Logans. I just heard the Magnepan 1.7 planar speakers. They are amazing....most of the international magazines seem to be raving about them, as quoted by the famous magazine The Absolute Sound-
"Not just The Absolute Sound's Affordable Loudspeaker of the Year, the 1.7 is the affordable loudspeaker of the decade". certainly worth a listen to what $2000 + can buy you. The Logans seem a rip off (due to their local performance)compared to the Magnepan 1.7 for half the price. If you care about hi end sound go and hear them. Try this blog....
Magneplanar 1.7: First Listen | AVguide
"Not just The Absolute Sound's Affordable Loudspeaker of the Year, the 1.7 is the affordable loudspeaker of the decade". certainly worth a listen to what $2000 + can buy you. The Logans seem a rip off (due to their local performance)compared to the Magnepan 1.7 for half the price. If you care about hi end sound go and hear them. Try this blog....
Magneplanar 1.7: First Listen | AVguide