I spent some time on the cable mess behind and around the rack and I've managed to sort it out reasonably. It still needs some improvement, but for that, I think I'll wait till I get a new rack and a good power distribution box.
It has now been more than a week since I set up the Lyrita DHT Pre. I've put in about 35-40 hours on it now, and I thought I'd write a bit about what I think about it.
Overall, I'm very happy with the DHT Pre. It has taken my enjoyment of music up a huge step. The last time that I had such an improvement was when I introduced the Rega DAC into the setup.
The improvements it has made mostly has to do with three things:
1) The music sounds very open. There's a lot more detail and air, there's a special ease to the way the music flows, and the room feels bigger in terms of width and height. (I'll be contradicting this somewhat in a bit, but I still feel this). To use what's perhaps a clichd phrase, in the context of NADs, a veil has been lifted, and how!
2) The PSB Image B6 + NAD combination typically has a sound that more bass-heavy than necessary, or natural. I'd managed to tame it somewhat, by keeping the speakers as far away from the wall behind them as I could in my room. But once the Lyrita DHT Pre was introduced into the chain, the bass-heaviness has disappeared. Particularly, the midbass region has now been toned down into what I'd think is a more natural level, without any loss of impact. (In fact I feel there's quite a bit more visceral impact now, particularly in drum sections.) And in terms of the lower bass, it's just there, without making itself known overtly, or drawing specific attention to it. I love this!
3) The kind of improvement the Rega DAC had made earlier, in terms of pace and rhythm, seems to have been taken up a notch, once the DHT Pre was brought in. I don't know if it's just the honeymoon thing, but I seem to feel a lot more drawn into the music than before. And the uh, "foot-tappingness" quotient seems to have gone up a LOT!
I did mention in my earlier post that I felt that there were a couple of things that have taken a step back. Perhaps the second thing is a non-issue, as I don't quite feel it now:
1) There is a very very slight hum from the speakers (when the power amp/NAD is on, and there's nothing playing) that can be heard only when I'm standing with my ear right next to them. I guess this cannot be avoided with tubes in the amplification chain. I initially thought it had to do with the rat's nest of wires behind the rack, but it was not so. (I put the pre-power cable jumpers back into the NAD to test). This is nothing that's bad, really, and probably something that needs to be lived with, to enjoy tubes.
2) On the day I set up the DHT Pre and listened to it for the first time, I felt that the soundstage had narrowed down slightly from before. I do know this is in direct contradiction to what I said above, about how the room feels bigger. The room does feel bigger, as though the music is playing in a far bigger space -- width wise & height wise. But to me, the instruments did feel a little less spaced out (or closer together than before), at least during the initial couple of days. Now, this does not feel as apparent, or this problem has ceased to exist: Either I'm getting used to it, or the Pre and the tubes are breaking in and fixing this themselves.
Summary: A great addition to the kit, that's letting me enjoy music much better than before.
A side note: This is somewhat crazy and goes against convention. Since the DHT Pre came in, I find that the same music sounds significantly better from the CDP now, than from the Music PC. Before, it used to vary between the two, and I wasn't quite sure which was "better". Now, The difference between them seems far more, in the sense that music from the CDP (as a transport) is far more involving, than music from the Music PC (as a transport). I know this is a very subjective statement, but I do feel this.
things will always change one way or another when you change something in the chain
that is synergy